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7 days post op,

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junior member
Jul 19, 2009
United States
Hey hippies whats up? Been having the normal rough time with recovery except for one thing. Until today I have been getting my energy, and appetite back, but woke up today and it was like I was day one post-op. I just had to cuss myselfout so I would get out of bed and come ask abou tthis. Anyone else experienced similar? Another thing is tempperature moderation. I can't get to one temp. I'm sweating, really sleepy warm, or shivering.:pzld:
All those temp variations sound like the meds, Your body's been ravaged with the surgery.....but your pain is gone!! Give yourself more TIME!!! ((:0)
I did the same thing covers off covers on. Your still so early but you are making progress. Dont look back, look forward. Im glad your doing so well. The temp thing will get better......Hang in there.........:)
So glad to hear from you! I have thought of you often this past week and wondered how the "other side" was for you! How long were you in the hospital? What about PT? Do people come to you for that until you are able to get out?
I thought it was too much of a coincidence that I was hitting menopause at the same time as having thr.....I'm ONLY 43! The point is I kept on having HOT flushes.....needing a fan blowing directly on me, and then I'd be fine.....seemed to happen at night mostly....I think from lying on hospital plastic mattresses.....eventually it calmed down and the hot flushes have least for another 10 years I'd guess!

I hope all is cooling down for you and not getting too cool
Great to hear from you again, if only to see that little fella resting on your shoulder:lvros:
There are lots of ups and downs as you recupe, but it does get better. The old bod has taken a big hit (literally) and what with all the drugs and stuff it is not used to, it does hit back:hissy:
There are days when you feel on top of the world, and days when you want to rip off everyone's head:rant:.
Hang in there; the new hip and new life ahead make all this worthwhile:thmb:
Keep us posted.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Sorry it's taken me awhile to reply just havent been close to my comp much. Tonerika the other side is nice. I have normal after surgery pain, but the old ever present pain that I had become o used to is gone. I was in the hospital for 5 days, and have been having PT come to my house 3 times a week since I got home. I hope everyone is well, and I'll talk to ya later.
You sound like you're doing great! I had the temp thing also. I was always cold even when it was 95 out. I couldn't have any air conditioning during the day and then at night I was sweating. It worked itself out and all is good. Keep up the good work!
I had one night in the hospital when I couldn't stop sweating. The nurses changed my bedding 4 times. Lucky for me they didn't have too many patients in the hospital that night as it was a bank holiday weekend.
All souonds normal. I woudl get totally soaked in the hospital. My energy took a few months to come back and stay. You have lots of recovery to do yet, but it should turn the corner and just mostly get better every day. the first 2 weeks were the roughest for me. Then it was just holding myself back so I did not overdo it.
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