6 Weeks Post Op.

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junior member
Feb 21, 2008
Saluti Tutti, (Hello to All),
I am at the 6 week mark of post op. I am still using two crutches, and being encouraged to go slow and easy by the physical therapists at the rehab center I go to daily, as it is part of the recuperation and medical system here in Italia.
I dont know if this is normal for time length, but I though I would at least be walking with one crutch instead of two. I exercise and walk everyday, I use protien supplements to help the muscles grow in my left leg. I recently found out the Dr. who did my prosthesis for my hip did not use any cement because I am 45 years old and wanted the prosthesis to work with natural eliments from the body. I fell very good, I walk now more than I have walked in over 5 years and it is wonderful.
The therapy I due consists of about 50 minutes of specific exercising and massage for the leg with the prosthesis, 50 minutes of upper body stretching and exercise and 3 times a week in the pool for walking, stretching, exercising the legs and a little upper body strengthening. At home I walk for about 30 minutes into the town. I have some exercises I do on the bed leg lifts and stretching as well as upper body toning and stretching, these I do daily. I feel good, I have had only some tightness in the muscles, but the therapist gives a good massage and it helps.
On the 29th of May I travel home to the US for a vacation and had hoped that I would be walking freely without crutches by then. I dont know what to expect I am using patience and trying to follow the suggestions given hear, however the Italian way is a little different, or am I wrong?
The Dr. who performed the operation for my hip gave me the largest prosthesis telling me it would allow me to move freely, but I have been told that I can never cross the prosthetic leg over the other leg as it will be dangerous and that bicycling is not something I should think of doing alot because I could be knocked down and then I would have big problems, this scarred me alot to hear these two things. I was understanding that the larger prosthesis was used to give me the chance to move freely since I am younger.
I am uncertain, if anyone has thoughts please share them.
Thank you.
Hi Paul
It sounds like you are working very hard and imagine your muscles will improve very quickly, your exercise regime doesn't sound that slow to me. I am 18 weeks post op and still use one crutch, but I have had multiple revision surgery, due to birth defects, so it was to be expected. I exercise daily 3/4 times for about 15/20 minutes and have Hydro once a week plus try to walk as much as possible - weather permitting.

6 weeks seems to be a point where most people are able to reduce their walking aids, BUT everyone is different and we all recover at a different rate. I do hope yo are off your crutches before you travel, but would that be a problem?; if you are able to get around without pain it has got to be better then pre-op. I've travelled abroad with both mine in the past and on one occasion had to take a wheelchair; I still enjoyed my holiday, wished I was more mobile of course but I made it what I could.

I too have been told never to cross the centre line! particularily in the early stages but my OS recommends NEVER. I also must try not to break the 90 degree rule, it can be hard sometimes but equipment from my OT has helped, sock aid/long shoe horn etc. There can always be the chance of dislocation but adopting these simple rules reduce the chances dramatically.

As for cycling I think it is more the worry of coming off, but any fall or impact is as dangerous, you have to remember the prosthesis has been done to improve your quality of life, respect it.

Hope you are off your crutches soon

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