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6 weeks now - when can I run?!

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junior member
Mar 8, 2009
United States United States
i am at 6 weeks now and having great recovery, other than a little stiffness in the joint. I plan to go back to exercising at Curves very soon. when can I run or can I ever? My doc. didnt say
Re: Three months post op - awesome recovery report

Don't think you're really supposed to run, Blue! But people HAVE run on their new bionics! It depends if you want to have a revision sooner! Glad you're doing so well! :)
Re: Three months post op - awesome recovery report

Creblue, you need to discuss the possibility of running with your doctor. Most don't recommend it with joint replacements because of the stress it puts on the joint. Your doc is going to be the best one to describe the pros and cons to you because he knows your particular case very well.
creblue - I used your post to start a thread of your own.

Running will
be okay - eventually - but not jogging which makes extra impact on the implants. If you picture your implants like a tile on the edge of a door step - the more you pound on it, the more likely it is to come loose. However, normal footsteps will not effect it too much. You have a brand new item in your body and it's now your responsibility to take care of it just as you would any other expensive and critical possession!
Whilst my dr said I could do anything I'm not a natural runner and I don't particularly enjoy it,....however I do like to know that I can.....if Nic goes on the road, is being pecked by a magpie or attacked by a drop bear.....or I'm about to miss the bus....
Short bursts would be ok, Rachel. It's the sustained running that causes problems.
Drop bear Rachel, LOL, do they have drop bears everywhere????????
Hey Cre sounds like you are doing so well. My Dr never did mention running but said no rock climbing etc....So I guess maybe on day down the road I would like to see. Im not a runner but that temptation is for a lil distance maybe but I dont plan on taking up running. Good Luck to you.....
I was an obsessive runner. My doc said please do not run. I asked him a few weeks ago at around 1 year post and he said he would never want me to run again.
Hi Credblue. I am ata bout 4 months and in the last 2 weeks I have actually been able to run in short distances and feel OK. But it has been slow going. But it also feels better than it did 2 months ago. MY OS said, I can run or play basketball, but both are high impact and will shorten the life of my implants. For that reason, they did not recommend it for me. So I opted for swimming.
Hi Credblue,

My surgeon said absolutely no running – it was the only thing he was very firm on. My sister’s surgeon said no running and no trampolining. Neither of us were runners before our new hips, so we promised not to start :)
God Bless you-----running! I was told the only things I can do is walk, bike, swim. If you can run and your Doctor allows well good for you! I'm 59.
The off-topic posts have been split from this thread and used to start a thread in the Social Room called "Wildlife experiences".
Hi Credblue, Glad you're having a good recovery. As Josephine says, don't mess it up by overdoing it. I was eventually able to run in short bursts but jogging is too much pounding. The stem down in the thigh can be torn loose breaking off all the new bone growth around the stem and forcing it further down your femur.
Hi Credblue, Glad you're having a good recovery. As Josephine says, don't mess it up by overdoing it. I was eventually able to run in short bursts but jogging is too much pounding. The stem down in the thigh can be torn loose breaking off all the new bone growth around the stem and forcing it further down your femur.

:shk::shk::shk: Not that I was a runner to begin with and I don't think I'll start now...yikes!
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