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6 weeks and fairly sad

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Aug 9, 2009
United States United States
I think back to what a hard 6 weeks it has been. And then am sad tonight that my PT, whom I have worked with for I guess 3 weeks, jumped on me about my stating I took Percosets a few weeks ago before PT.

One day, he originally had pushed my legs back under the table to get a higher ROM, which I understand. I made a very audible noise and was in very much pain. The next day, I made sure I took my prescribed, only, meds to the max. I had told him after I scored high on my ROM I had done so. He had even asked at previous times if I had taken anything for pain.

And 2 or so weeks pass, which brings us to today. He was working with another patient, I was doing squats. All of a sudden he became somewhat vocal about my not being cooperative, brought up the percosets....I was shocked. I was still doing squats, he was with his patient.

In fact I have been crying for about 5 hours. I wasn't even iced down after. I was passed off to a new PT. Apparently original PT/Manager said I wasn't walking correctly.Well I knew that. I think I have been shown, twice? as to how to correct my gait... I was reminded though often.

I just am able to drive now, and it's funny how this happened now husband is not with me up there. And yesterday, I arrived at the wrong time. My appt. card was correct though. But whomever changed my time didn't inform me I suppose. I have no idea.

There are other places to go for sure. Sadly this is my Dr's place. And I have so much emotion and time built up into getting this far and it makes me pretty sad. I don't have any idea what I did wrong. I'm afraid to go back up there or stand up for myself. Yes I have to take my pain meds in my defense. I have been taken down to hydrocodone(my past Monday appt) which is fine...Dr. and I agree on all drugs being written and lowered. PT declared he didn't want me on anything, so he said today. Well, I can't do that. I know from here, people have to have pain relief.

Sorry to rant on. Just at a loss here. Maybe I can just quit and do it from home. I'm ready for the bike, pool, and treadmill, so that would take me mostly away from their PT. I mainly need more ROM and gait back, which latter wasn't worked on that much.

I am so sorry you are going thru this with your therapist. This so stinks. You have a right to rant and rave!!!

If it were me, I would call the office manager and explain to the best your ability ( I would crying). I would explain that you have 8 weeks vested in your PT, explain the problems you are having with the therapist (I believe it would be called harrasing or bullying). I would definitely tell her about the public comment about the drugs you were/are taking (that is a HIPAA violation--tell her that!!!--that is illegal and carries a huge fine if pursued). Then explain that you are taking the perscribed medication by your OS and that therapist has overstepped his bounds!!!!! Make it clear that you do NOT want to work with him again, nor do you want any further such comments.

Hope this helps, but you have definite privacy privedges as perscribed by the HIPAA. Likewise the therapist does NOT have an MD after his name and cannot countermand the orders of your MD. I am finished ranting and you.
Well now let me rant. Do not take that bull from the PT. You pay him. What Barb said is oh so right and you need to do what she said.

You have to call his superior and you need another PT.

First he should not be pushing that hard. It is not necessary. I never had aggressive PT and I have great rom.

I would tell the PT in no uncertain terms he went over the line. Your doctor has the MD after his name. The PT does not and he is totally off his rocker, since every surgeon I have used or from the folks on here, you are told to take the pain meds prior to PT.

OK I need to stop ranting too, but it makes me fighting mad to see what he has done to you.

He needs to be fired. I would probably threaten a suit on them if they did not fire him.

Good luck take what ever meds you need to take to go back and talk to the supervisor and let him/she have over what this so called PT did.
Im sorry mine and my dr told me to take my meds 1 hr before pt should take your med i couldnt have done alot without .....your pt has a supervisor i would tell them that so was inappropriate......I ranted cried they all understood and just helped.......I hope you feel better please you did nothing wrong remember that........Tell then you want another pt that is awful............Hang in there Im pulling for ya............)
Pat and Barb are right on. If you're not comfortable going in and speaking up, enlist your hubby to accompany you and do the talking. This breech of professionalism MUST be addressed. Otherwise this jerk will continue to bully patients. Furthermore, I would make an appointment and explain it all to your doctor. He needs to know what he is sending his patients into. And by the way, you should let the supervisor at the PT facility KNOW that you're going to talk to your doctor about their behavior. It's inexcusable.

Now, back to you.....please don't give up on PT. Especially if you have gait problems, it can be beneficial to have someone work with you for a while. Have your doctor place an order with another outpatient facility. I'm thinking it would be uncomfortable for you to have to continue at this place even with a new and better therapist.

I can't say this strongly enough....YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!! The errors are all on the side of this very poor and uncaring therapist. I can only hope that one day he has knee surgery and gets a taste of what recovery is all about.

God bless you, hon!!! Sending you MEGA Kansas ((((HUGS))))....
Oh Cotton,

Surely your PT has never had any surgery of this nature done, otherwise he would understand the need for pain medication. It is understood that we are to take our pain medicine to manage the pain and be able to have a successful therapy session. It makes me wonder what his issue is. That was totally unprofessional and as Barb says a violation of your privacy. I would refuse to work with him again and either call or write a letter to his supervisor and your OS about his comments and attitude. It is not up to him, how to manage pain, but up to your OS and you. Without the pain meds, you would not be able to do what he is asking you to do.

Also why is he working with two patients at once? You are paying for your individual time with your PT. That really upset me with my old PT that was associated with my OS office. They had one big room and everyone worked in it together. No privacy....lots of humiliation when they would push me beyond my limit and would make me cry in front of everyone there. Especially those machines that they put you on to get the added stretch that is pure torture. They would set the timer for 5 minutes and leave me there for everyone to gauk at. I would get so frustrated with it. Finally I demanded a change after my MUA. I chose the gym and love my new PT. Where I am now, I get one on one attention in the privacy of a room without the stares and pity. The pool and hot tub are an added bonus. :wink:

I definitely recommend the pool to improve your gait. This was what helped me to walk without a limp, straight and tall. Walking in the water strengthens your muscles without all the pressure and pain. I went back to water aerobics at 4 weeks with the approval of my OS. I just have to do it on days other than pt days. At five weeks I just don't have the stamina to do both piggyback, although I have done it 3 times. It just wipes me out.

Don't let that jerk get you down! You have done nothing wrong. It is he that owes you an apology. Shame on him!
Hi my friends. Your sincere emails have all meant so much. I thank you so much. I will type back when I have more thoughts. I'm lying down in the bed with laptop trying to get a migraine to go away. I need a percoset LOL.... Thanks again. I will check back in when I figure out what to do. Tomorrow, nothing was planned PT wise. : ) Tale care all!!
Hi Cotton, I'm so sorry for your trouble. What is the Matter with that clown! He
doesn't belong in a Theraputic enviornment! Apparently he doesn't get the fact
that Ultimately, your the Boss on the speed of your recovery. Definately have
your husband speak up to his supervisor. You are there for therapy, not abuse,
thats just disgusting the way you were treated. It's WRITTEN complaint time,
I wish you only the best. Tom
Hi Cotton I hope you are feeling better. You just need to talk and write to his supervisor and move on . I had problems with a therapist and was sent to another place . There I met the greatest therapist of all. I am so happy with Steve and everyone that works there.
I'm in a sad mode about my surgery being postponed so you need to move on to happy.
He was so very wrong. You are in pain and he hurt your feelings and it makes everything so much worse. Ditch the whole place. You will always feel uncomfortable there and you deserve to feel wonderful during PT. They should shower you with encouragement.

HIPPA violations are no small thing. He had absolutely no right to discuss you with anyone else. Not to mention the fact that you being on medications should not be up for discussion with him. I think he should know what you are on as a healthcare provider, in case it effected your therapy, but he should not be making any recommendations. He is not qualified in any way.

When I was in pool therapy once, a little boy came in that appeared to be the same age as my 3 yr old. I asked my PT why he was there. She gently reminded me that she was not able to tell me because of HIPPA. I was not offended, but admired her response. It was the right one.

I am sorry you are sad, but Physical therapists are a dime a dozen, go find a great one!
Call your doctor and let him know the PT told you not to take the pain meds. Bet he would have something to say
OMG, I am so pleased I live in the UK, what absolute bullies you have to endure. I am really sorry Cotton to hear what has happened, as Jo has said we get virtually NO PT here yet still manage to get the required ROM in time.
I hope you get the satisfaction you deserve, and next time he hurts you, wallop him with your stick. XX
That jerk violated every tenet of confidentiality and privacy that his profession requires of him. Violation of such can result in suspension at least and dismissal. You could easily take his licence for that.

Don't be influenced by him. You know your needs and you know your abilities. Find a different place to go.
Cotton that guy is an (_i_) plain and simple! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with taking pain meds befor PT which causes pain, DUH!
I'd write a nice complaint letter to his boss, your doctor!
Please have a better, calmer day today.
I am so very sorry this PT has an ego problem. I would call your Doctor and tell whoever will listen about your experience. You mentioned he is the PT Manager, does this make him the "boss" within that office of PT's. If so, I would find a different PT agency to work with you.
No one has mentioned your gait issue in responses. I am wondering if you are having trouble putting your heel down first and then rolling off your toe. I have a suggestion which may help. Sit in a chair and put a 5-6 inch rubber ball under your foot and roll it from heel to toe bringing the ball back under the seat you are sitting in and then roll it out again. When you walk not only in PT but all the time, think about the heel toe roll off. It will become second nature, once you get used to doing it again. I would also see what the doctors office has to say about the PT's behavior towards you, and address your issues with the PT as well.

Frankly, you need to be proactive for yourself. You will be surprised at how you will be treated with "kid gloves" (gently) in the future. I requested a nurse not to come back into my room at all during my hospital stay as she was terrible nasty and rude to me. I was paying for her to care for me not be nasty, so I banned her from my room. It cause quite a ruckus. Apparently I was not the first patient to do so with this particular nurse. I met with the head of nursing at the hospital that evening to discuss my experience and did not have to deal with her again. My other nurses were wonderful. I also had to be proactive for myself in the rehabilitation hospital (6 days). I was on room mobility, but could not get out of bed because someone cleaned the room while I was sleeping and moved my shoes! BTKR and no shoes to get into! I called the hospital I was in, and asked for the nursing station on my floor. I told them what room I was in and I needed my shoes as I had to use the bathroom. Someone came right down..... Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Stand up for yourself in more ways than one! Good luck!
Thanks Judy, and everyone. No scheduled PT today. Need to discuss my options, all that have been addressed here, with my family and decide what to do.

Basically, it seems like I may do better with one-on-one again, which I was doing, but since my insurance would/will not pay for it (it had to be run or they wouldn't take me any longer and he was great). Another option is to join the gym my husband is a member of for pool/bike/treadmill....but still need to find someone to help me with my gait.

Meanwhile, unless I cancel Monday appt. soon, spouse will go with me. I will not go up there by myself. Just don't want to get charged for a non-showup. I guess I need to get to the Dr. somehow.

But thanks again....slept pretty good as I was exhausted.

Wow! Of course you are still taking pain meds. I am at three months now and still take one or the other of my pain meds (Dilaudid or Tylenol 3) on the average of once a day--sometimes twice. It depends on the day. I think I actually didn't use any one day. That is one day since my surgery on July 13th. I know from experience that at this point I will only think about it when I need it. Therefore, I try to think about it after suppertime because if I wait until I'm laying there in discomfort, I will lose a lot of sleep.

Your therapist is a jerk. I have never been put on machine to stretch. My therapist does this by hand (when she does it at all) so she can quickly react to my pain level. I have never been hurt at PT. I'll grant you, sometimes things hurt, but I can tell that it is a "good" hurt. I know that most of you know what I mean by that. This time I had a hardness above my knee that I knew was limiting the bend. She really worked on it one day and I got an extra 5 degrees out of it immediately, and I kept it and gained five more over the next week. Sometimes she asks me about my pain meds, but just to judge how much I am improving. Most of us really know our own bodies if we just stop to pay attention and are rigorous (in our minds, anyway) about avoiding excuses.

When it comes to walking, the simplest thing I did to help myself was to think "heel to toe--heel to toe" and make sure to completely shift my weight from leg to leg. Also, look ahead, not at the floor.
What on earth was he thinking? Are you sure he wasn't joking in a weird way? When I was in PT, it was one large room with several people working at once and once in a while my therapist would go check on another patient while I was doing the exercise, but he or someone always came to assign me a new exercise as soon as I finished one.

There were a couple of men groaning in pain once, but normally, it was just exercises to people's abilities. The whole atmosphere was friendly, lots of chat and joking. A couple times even the patients were chatting with each other. They gave me new things to do that I never would have thought of at home. It was great.

You need to find another PT. This one is wrong on so many levels, plus he broke the law (HIPPA) by commenting on you taking meds when he was working with another patient. You are in a vulnerable place and need only kind people around you - life is too short for this - find another pt!
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