6 week Update :P

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junior member
Apr 15, 2008
Canada Canada
Alright well it has been 6 weeks since i had my full left hip replacement. I was the youngest my surgeon has done, and he has completed over 10000 hip replacements. I am 20, 6'3", Male.

The hip is doing amazing, before the surgery i was not able to bend my leg over 45 Degree's, and no motion outwards. Now i can bend to 90 Degree's without a problem (I can do more, but im not allowed to go over 90 degree's untill the surgeon clears (Usually 3 months after surgery). I can finnally sit normally again, and i am getting stronger each day...Literally, every day is a improvment from the last. I have been to the driving range and have hit a couple buckets of balls here and there without any pain (Besides the pain in my arms after a hour of swinging :P). Like i said before in a previous thread i am not making this sound like it is a big deal, since all a hip replacement is...Is a convinient way to make ones life more livable.

I know i am young, and i know there are many people who have been through alot more then me in their elder age, yet i want to give some advice regardless.

Strength and hope are the greatest thing one can use in their long recovery, and i do not mean just a hip replacement. I have nearly died twice, due to medical reasons. I have lost university future in sports, due to medical reasons. I have been spoken with by many psychologists and councelors due to the fact the doctors thought id be contemplating "Bad thoughts" due to what i "Went through".

All of this is words...Meaningless words. The physical aspect of recoverying is a big issue when it comes to a major surgery, yet i have found my mental and emotional strength has gotten me through the worst times i have been through.

So what i am trying to say is,
Keep strong, in anything that you endure...Far from a hip replacement. Love life for what it is, not what it has become. There will be good days, their will be bad days. Pain is a word, life is the reality.

I never gave up on life, but i did give up on my leg...Now as days past, and new days come i find that i failed myself in the beginning when i gave up on what had happened to me. Now i am redeeming myself in many ways, and i hope i can inspire at least one person to realize how precious such a simple thing can be.

Again, i appologize for such a long story, most people probably wont even read it...But i enjoy to type...And i believe that something that means alot to someone should be explained in detail.
YoungGuy, You have a great perspective on life and dealing with what comes your way! You seem to be much more mature then many your age but I think major things like this really changes a persons' attitude. I was hit by a drunk driver when I was 26 and nearly killed. I'm 47 now and going through multiple joint replacements as a result of that accident. Your comments are a true inspiration to all of us elderly. Okay, I'm kidding now, but I could be your mother. My kids are your age...... Hang in there and keep that positive outlook! Karen
Young Guy, As I said in my earlier blogs, you are an inspiration. I have a 21, 19, 17 and 16 year old. Three older boys and one daughter. She has no chance when it comes to dating....LOL...Anyway, I wish they knew what it was like to have overcome all that you have had to. My oldest is on a golf scholarship and did not play that well this last year. If he only knew what REALITY was all about then things would be different but at that age most do not. They have not had to face real life situtations like you have. They did however see what it was like to see mom at 50 on a walker and incapacitated. Not able to do laundry, cook dinner, etc...And dad having to take over...That did set them back for only a short time though...You keep on that road to recovery and you have made my day once again...Patty
I appreciate the replies, it is great everyone does take their time to read.
[Bonesmart.org] 6 week Update :P
Awesome post, young fella-me-lad! Awesome! Could have read a LOT more of what you have to say on this subject.
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