6 months Recovery -Josephine was right!

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Dec 12, 2008
United States -New Jersey
This week will mark my 6 months since my RTHR on 3/17/09.

I just have to share with everyone. I worried SOOO much that I didn't instantly feel better and healed. IT TAKES TIME! I was so concerned about leg length discrepancy and inner thigh and groin pain.

I just have to report back that after 6 months of recovery, everything feels GREAT! Josephine, you were right all along. You always told me that it's still early to get concerned and I needed to give it time (along with my therapy). You were right!

This month has been amazing. Everything kind of just fell in place and I feel great. This is the first month (at 6 months post op) were I can really do anything and not be in pain. I love it!

For all those worriers like me, hang in there....it gets better!

Josephine -can you delete this please? I meant to post on the Hip Recovery board and posted on the Knee by accident. I guess my excitement took over ;)
Hi, Melissa!!! So great to hear from you!!! And I'm REALLY happy that you are doing so well and feeling good.

Since you've been on the forum last, we've had a couple of folks in your age bracket who were wanting to know if others in their 20's had hip replacements. Maybe some of them will see your post and know that good days are ahead!

I'll take care of moving this thread on over to the hip recovery forum....no problem!

Oops....just noticed you already started a new thread....I'll get it cleaned up....
Melissa I am so glad you are doing so well. You are a great model for all the new scared and especially the young new scared future hippies out there.
Wonderful! and I especially like it when I'm proved right!

See my head growing?!! :hehe:
Hey Melissa Im so happy for you !!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up Im so proud of ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You did it, and did a great job............thanks for posting...........)
Happy 6-month anniversary Melissa! The time went by so fast, didn't it?
Hey M!!!! Sooo happy that ypu've reclaimed your active life!!! You have a whole wonderful, active life ahead of you!!! And the best part is that now you will really appreciate it! A real win-win!!!! Keep up the terrific re-cup and give my best to Emma!!! ((;0)
That is truly great news Melissa, and I am so happy for you .... it also gives me (5 weeks post op) encouragement and a concerted effort to be more patient and optimistic.
thats great news youngm like oldmarine said it give all of waiting and recently had surgery hope thanks so much it really does help xxxx
Isn't it the most wonderful thing M? To finally get your life back without that darn pain! I danced last Friday for the first time in almost a year. What bliss!
Tom -great news for you too!! Isn't it great?! Glad to share my stories with you. At 1, 2, 3, and even 4 months out I was still getting nervous that I wasn't completely healed. It really is amazing what TIME does! :)
Congrats on the 6 month anniversary, Melissa!!:thmb: I know when I hit my 6 months last month, it really was like I'd turned a corner and everything was falling into place!:D
Congratulations Melissa!! I'll post my 6 month when you post your 1 year! You'll probably have forgotten that you even had this surgery at that point yuo'll feel so good! Thanks for the inspiration!
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