6 days post surgery and cannot bear weight yet.

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Good luck Neil, I sure do feel your pain and wish you the best! So many knowledgeable people on here to help and offer advice!
Today hubby is supposed to be transferred to a more advanced rehab. The one he has been in since Sat. was more or less a holding place until a bed could open up. I do not trust that the hospital is involved with this transfer in any way although they seemed as if they were handling it. I am learning fast that things are rarely as they seem they should be when dealing with these people.
We are taking baby steps here. My first goal was to make sure my husband got some pain control. We made that one okay. Today is working on his transfer...we shall see where we stand as soon as someone gets in the office this morning I will be calling. Once in there, we will see what the therapists make of this. Even if he can't do what he should be able to do at this point, he needs to keep those muscles going where and where he can. Once he is in the new facility, I can start researching Ortho surgeons across the river from me. I am lucky that I do have a major city (Louisville, Kentucky) only a few miles away. I do not know if anyone of those surgeons would be able to come visit him in a rehab. If not, I may be able to transport him to their office myself. That's about as far ahead as I can plan right now, other than I will also keep our primary doc in the loop. I want as many people aware of this as possible. I am glad my husband is getting some meds to help with the pain...I do worry about him becoming dependent on them at some point and we are hoping we get some real answers and some help to get to the source of his pain. I want to also add...one more symptom he is complaining of...pain through his tailbone area. I know it is normal to ache back there when you are sitting in a wheel chair 8 or 9 hours with brief times of standing and trying to walk a few steps, then flat on your back in bed at night, but it seems the Oxycontin would control that pain too and it still breaks through. Is that symptomatic of a nerve also? And I don't know if I ever mentioned that he was supposed to have a spinal epidural at surgery, it was attempted three times but they never got the needle in....I am wondering if this could have something to do with it. His pain appears to be coming from two different things. Actual pain in the joint or groin which is hard to determine...and the shooting pain and pins and needles in his leg. Valium has proved to relieve that shooting pain. The joint or groin area pain still breaks through with the Oxy in certain positions like when my husband sits down in his wheel chair. That may be the cup as some suggest...a good question for a revision surgeon.
You are definitely on the right track....taking one step at a time and being watchful over EVERYTHING. You might check with the rehab facility about options for transportation to a specialist. Sometimes they have a special van or transportation can be arranged with an ambulance service (insurance or Medicare might cover this - but you probably should check that out first). I'll see what I can find in the Louisville area as far as revision specialists.

Thanks so much for the update. I say a prayer for you both every day!!
I am also saying prayers for both of you.
I have been on oxy for over a year now. I started taking it when recovering from my hip replacement. Then my back issues got bad again. I had surgery in jan and will again in 23 days. Dont' worry about your hubby becomiing dependant or addicted. I built up a little bit of a tolerance, but have even been able to back off some.

I'd hate to add more to your load, but if there are spinal issues, you should have him seen by a spine specialist.
I have had epidural/nerve block injections in my lower back and neck. The last ones I got have worked so well.
It is amazing to me when I am taking oxy that I can have pain anywhere, but it does happen.
After my jan surgery my primary care sent me to a pain speciialist. Now that was awesome. I continured with the oxy, he added morphine (oxy contin) which I took twice a day. That took away lots of the nerve pain and did not make me feel any different., I only know the difference when I don't take it.

Good luck with today's move. I pray it goes smooth and the meds follow him
I want to also add...one more symptom he is complaining of...pain through his tailbone area. I know it is normal to ache back there when you are sitting in a wheel chair 8 or 9 hours with brief times of standing and trying to walk a few steps, then flat on your back in bed at night, but it seems the Oxycontin would control that pain too and it still breaks through. Is that symptomatic of a nerve also? And I don't know if I ever mentioned that he was supposed to have a spinal epidural at surgery, it was attempted three times but they never got the needle in....I am wondering if this could have something to do with it. His pain appears to be coming from two different things. Actual pain in the joint or groin which is hard to determine...and the shooting pain and pins and needles in his leg. Valium has proved to relieve that shooting pain. The joint or groin area pain still breaks through with the Oxy in certain positions like when my husband sits down in his wheel chair. That may be the cup as some suggest...a good question for a revision surgeon.

If it's very central, this sounds like it could be coccydinia - pain from the coccyx or tail bone. It's not uncommon when somebody is sitting a lot. However, if it's more to one side, then it's probably sciatia - another common condition. Often THRs get sciatica as a result of the surgery but it can arise as a separate issue as well. I suggest that after getting him checked out by the doctor, you take him to see a chiropractor.
Thanks everyone. Today he seemed better than I have seen him in days. Of course the Oxycontin is helping with the pain. He was able to walk to the sitting area. Small steps and no pressure on the operated side. When sitting in the lift chair they have in the sitting area he had pain getting in to position but not the level 10 pain. Again this could be from the meds, or because of resting his leg more over the past several days, or a combo of both...who knows. All I do know is he looked better and sounded less in pain and that makes me happy. He will probably get transferred to the larger rehab tomorrow if our insurance will approve it. With that done...second step will be complete. Next step is to see how they evaluate him and how he progresses from here. My friend is a nurse and she is going to try to stop in to look at him tomorrow too. I have been looking for a tiny sign of something good and today made me feel better. Maybe things are looking up. I will give you all an update on how tomorrow goes. All the thoughts and prayers are so appreciated!
I'm so happy to hear good news. Any success, no matter how small, is precious! I know this is a relief for you and I hope the good things continue.
I visited my hubby today and he seemed a little better. Steroids were added to his list of medications, and his pain meds was cut from Oxycontin 20 mg to Oxycodone 5mg and continue on the Valium. Today it seemed to be enough. He still has pain, but not the level 10 pain. He did about 10 minutes of PT (non weight bearing) just some movements of his leg in different positions. It took awhile to get loosened up and he couldn't do a lot...but he did what he could and it was good to see some sign of improvement. I just hope it keeps going from here. He has decided to stay in the smaller rehab facility. I toured the larger one today as we were planning to have him transferred there. It was very nice and much bigger, but he is moving at a slow pace and slow seems best right now. He is settled in and after we reassessed it all...we decided it did not make sense for him to move. I will keep you all posted on his progress. Also another Ortho doc came to visit him today. Not sure who called this doc in, but he spent time talking and listening with my husband. Nice to have an ear to voice his experience to.
Yes, it is. And know we are always here for you too, phenry. I'm pleased to hear he's making some progress. Often slow is better than rushing at it and getting other complications.
Good evening. Hubby will be coming home on Tuesday. The pain is much better, but his leg and foot is still very swollen. He tries to keep it elevated some during the day, but so far the swelling persists. It was three weeks ago on Wed that he had surgery. He will have outpatient therapy when he gets home. I hope his progress continues and it gets easier to move his leg. He says it still weighs a hundred pounds and there are movement like lifting it up that he still can't do. I am hoping time and therapy will help him regain the strength. I appreciate you all and I will continue to give updates.
This is really good news. It sounds to me like things will continue to improve. It takes a long time for the lymph system to relieve the body of swelling, so don't be impatient. Just keep up the icing and elevating along with anti-inflammant medications and it will go away eventually.

He's moving in the right direction now and updates will be very much appreciated. You were a wonderful advocate for your husband....a very important thing sometimes! (((HUGS))))) to you!!! And to hubby who has been working so hard to get to this point!
Thanks to everyone for such helpful advice and information! Hubby got to come home for a few hours today. Tomorrow they will let me bring him home again for the day as long as I have him back by evening. Monday will be more therapy then he will be released Tuesday. He has more to go to get where he needs to be, but we are taking things one day at a time. The pain has all but gone away, swelling is still just as bad and he can't lift his leg yet, but that he can keep working at on an out patient basis. Things really do seem to be improving!
That's fantastic, phenry. You tell him to take it easy - that swelling will go away eventually and then he'll find it easier to lift his legt. All will come in time.
I know you are excited with this progress. I'm so happy to hear this great news. Give hubby and extra hug for us!
So thrilled to read of your progress. I have been keeping track of your ordeal but have left the replies to those more in the know. Just want to add my encouragement as now you will have your hands full what with poor hubby and the grandbabies all under one roof. Any progress is good progress and what a difference a week makes. Keep up the good work.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
It all sounds wonderful. I hope you are able to get enough rest, you really have your hands full now.
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