junior member
Good luck Neil, I sure do feel your pain and wish you the best! So many knowledgeable people on here to help and offer advice!
I want to also more symptom he is complaining of...pain through his tailbone area. I know it is normal to ache back there when you are sitting in a wheel chair 8 or 9 hours with brief times of standing and trying to walk a few steps, then flat on your back in bed at night, but it seems the Oxycontin would control that pain too and it still breaks through. Is that symptomatic of a nerve also? And I don't know if I ever mentioned that he was supposed to have a spinal epidural at surgery, it was attempted three times but they never got the needle in....I am wondering if this could have something to do with it. His pain appears to be coming from two different things. Actual pain in the joint or groin which is hard to determine...and the shooting pain and pins and needles in his leg. Valium has proved to relieve that shooting pain. The joint or groin area pain still breaks through with the Oxy in certain positions like when my husband sits down in his wheel chair. That may be the cup as some suggest...a good question for a revision surgeon.