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6 Days Post OP

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Nov 30, 2008
Montrose CO, United States
United States United States
Just finishng up my 6th day post-op. Still have a treamendous amount of swelling and brusing. My OS does not use drainage tubes, I guess that this could be the cause of so much of the swelling. There was much more damage to the joint than was innitially thought. The OS said that when he opened me up there were several pieces of bone that were floating around some the size of the end of your thumb

Pain is still a major factor its not to bad until I stand and then it's like lighting a tourch.

As far as ROM is concerned I set my machine on -5 and have been as high as 100. Well this is my report as of day 6, I am so blessed to have my wife here to help me through this, without her I really don't know if I could have done it.

Hi Mike

Good luck on your recovery! 6 days is still very early. I am now 5 weeks and starting to feel good. As everyone says, it does get better

Looks like father xmas bought you a new knee after all :)

As for the pain, take the meds!!!
Hi Mike. I also had a lot of bruising and swelling. Keep it iced and elevated. It does improve. On Dec. 24 last year, I had to go to emergency since I could not stand on my right leg. The Doc had to drain excess blood from the knee. He kept me in the hospital until mid day Christmas day.
I hope you and Sandy have a wonderful Christmas. We are off to my son's place in a couple of hours.
Merry Christmas, Ross
All par for the course so far, Mike. Are you taking sufficient pain meds? Remember my pain management scale and make sure you take them soon enough and often enough.

[] 6 Days Post OP

As for the pain when you stand, can you be a little more specific? Where does it occur and what is the nature of the pain?
When I stand its like a rush of pain to the area that the work was done, after several minutes it will begin to subside. I do think that part of the problem is that I am getting behind on my meds. So far I have not had any in home therapy. My insurance company does not contract with any in-home therapists in my area, I have a list of exercises that I have been doing each day. Hopefully Monday we will be able to get things resolved.

Well, that sounds like normal post-op pain to me and indicative that you need to be more strict with your meds regime. See the chart and stick to it.
I didnt have in home therapy either. Probably not easily available where I am located and I wasnt going to an in house rehab. I got out on a Thursday AM from the hospital and was scheduled for my first PT apt Fri am. It was a bit tough getting up and out that am but we did it and from there out I was 3 days a week at the pt place. It was well worth it. SometimesI had to grub a ride from my neighbors since my hubby was workingout of town. But it was worth it.

Hang in!
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