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5 days post op and feel great

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junior member
Mar 20, 2008
United States
Hi everyone, I can't beleive how great I feel after my left TKR compared to when I had the right one done. I had the spinal instead of general anest. and I was not sick at all like with general and I hardly knew what was going on, just heard voices that seemed far off. I really have not had pain except pains in the back of my leg from the immobilizer and usuing the CPM machine. That is a wonderful machine, I got on it Thur. pm, started at 50 degrees and when I went home Sat pm it was up to 76 and this am it was as high as 80. There is no way I did that well with my first knee as I didn't have the CPM. I can put weight on it and getting arounf well. One major factor was I had continued with my leg exercises even after 2 years and that has kept my legs strong and in shape for this.
Mary, great to hear you are doing so well so soon after surgery. I am sure your recovery will continue to progress accordingly and we can look forward to many more inspiring posts. This kind of post is so important for those who are yet to have the surgery and are nervous and/or aprehensive. So keep posting and keep improving. Will keep you in my prayers. Way to go Mary, Rowdy
Indeed, Rowdy. And it's great to hear you're doing so well, Mary. Way to go!
I am 12 days post op from Right TNR. I had really geared myself up for a nightmare of pain. I am happy to say that all my fears where needless. I had an Epidural and awoke in the recovery room to a nurse telling me I was going to my room. I felt great but stayed very still waiting for the pain, etc to start. Six hours later I was still waiting for the pain and lifting my leg straight up in the air by myself with no help and no pain only discomfort. I started the CPM machine 17 hours after surgery at 85 and 20 hours after surgery I had to use a bed pan, they wouldn't let me out of bed and I still had the Epidural line. I bent both knees, planted both feet on the bed, and lifted my butt off the bed so they could slide the bed pan under me. The nurses started calling me the gymnast (which I'm not) On the 2nd post op morning the line was taken out and a nurse was taking my BP when I looked down at my legs to see that I had unconsciously bent both knees and was sitting in bed with them bent. The PT's came in and they let me get up. I swung both legs out of bed and stood up without any pain, walked further than they wanted me to with a walker. They told me I didn't qualify for in hospital PT and I was discharged on the 3rd Post Op morning. I used the CPM machine as often as I could right up to the minute I left and was at 115 and -1 when I went home. I have a CPM machine at home but stopped using it 2 days ago because it only goes to 120 and 0 with 30 second pauses at each range. I have been doing exercises from that great book someone recommended (Total Knee Replacement and Rehabilitation. I went to PT's office on the 6th post op day and haven't been back. I'm due back tomorrow after the doctor takes my stitches out. I am not on pain meds and have been walking all over my house with a cane and without. I even went out shopping with just a cane Saturday and yesterday. My knee swells and gets stiff so I elevate it with ice for 1/2 hour or so and my balance is about 90% of what it should be. Take heart all of you who are waiting for surgery, I know some people have a very difficult time after TKR but I am proof that not everyone does. Oh yes, I also prayed alot.
Mary Ellen
Well, that last one counts for a lot! Powerful medicine!

You sound like you had a great experience there, Mary. If mine goes half as well I shall be happy!
Hurrah, Mary Ellen: As I said to Mary posts that are inspiring, such as yours and Mary's are soooo very important, especially for those who are yet to have this surgery and have fears and misgivings, which is only natural. I am just thrilled you wrote and shared your good fortune with all of us and will keep you both in my prayers. One thing I want to say and, please, don't take this as bah-humbug, should you need pain medication at some point don't take it as a sign of weakness or a step backwards in your recovery. I, too, had a miraculous recovery but needed pain meds to see me through. I have other problems and have had a pain contract with my PCP for a number of years after first being evaluated at the pain clinic at the University Pain Clinic in my area. For me, pain meds have been a Godsend and have allowed me to live my life to the fullest whereas without them I would be able to do very little. Pain meds are not a crutch for the weak or an indication of failure, they are just one of the tools our doctors have that allow us to do the PT or in my case, allow me a full life and should not be thought to be anything else. So if you, at some future point in your recovery, find you need a little help with pain control just be thankful that we live in an age where doctors are able to do everything possible to make certain our recovery goes as smoothly as possible. Now, as I step down from my soap box let me close in saying that I will definitely be watching for more posts from you and Mary and will look forward to following your progress. You both are an inspiration to those who have yet to have the surgery as well as to those who are going through a bit tougher time. We all have different time frames for recovery, but what is most important, is we do get there and while we are on the journey we have each other and Jo to help us, inspire us, encourage and empathize and support one another. That is what makes this forum so important and so darn hard to stop coming to once we are healed. I am almost 8 months post op and this remains the first site I go to every morning after I check my email and I am fairly sure I am not alone. So, Jo, you must be doing something right, it takes a powerful force to gather as many people of the quality who come here each day. It is obvious that there is something VERY special about this site so Jo, once again I have to compliment you. As moderator you are the one who sets the tone and keeps it going, thank you. Now, if you could just figure out a way to get rid of me!!! Oh, well, I guess you will just have to suffer through. LOL. Love to all and keep those positive posts coming. They are so important. Rowdy (Do I ramble or what?)
I love your rambling, Rowdy! Don't you ever dare think of leaving us! Bless you for the compliments.
Thanks for the replies. Wow MaryEllen I thought getting to 76 degrees was great but I'd say you are an inspriation to others! I have not been pushing it too much as my knee has been getting kind of swelled and sore so back off just a touch and go up as I can tolerate it. I am glad I found this forum so I can compare with others!
Wow, Mary Ellen--you sound like the TKA poster child! Congrats. I am focused on Mary's 2nd tkr being easier than the first. Since I will need the other one done as well, I find that your experience makes me hopeful. I know that the next time I will be more insistent about pain meds and what works for me, and I will take a mild laxative much sooner. Stool softeners are helpful, but I'm just sayin' . . .
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