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4th hip replacement

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Apr 20, 2009
Hi, My story! Is….
I’m 39 had my first hip replacement when I was 23. That last me 11 years (having 2 pregnancies finished that one off). I’ve since had a revision in 2004 that never took. I got the same surgeon to re do it last year. Which seemed fine to start with. I was relatively pain free. But then it dislocated in Oct 08 (well doing the dangerous job of shaving my legs). It was unbelievably painful, to top it I was home alone. Thankfully my ex-husband came around with the kids as I didn’t answer the phone, but not after lying on the bathroom floor for 4.5 hours. I then had another ride in an ambulance this last January 09 as I slipped a disc in my back. Then my hip dislocated again 3 weeks ago. This time well putting on my sock, going to a Pilates class. So thankfully, I was not alone. But it is just the worst most painful, experience.

I’m going to have to have my hip done again for the 4th time.

Is there anyone else who has had 4 revisions and with what success.

Also I would like to hear if anyone has had to have their hip re done, due to dislocations and if they know what caused it.

Thanks, Indigo
Indigo sounds like you have a rough time, I wish better times to come. I can't help with the hip I am A knee but Jo and Jamie will be on soon they will surely help. Hang in there you are in my prayers...You are not alone here, they are all terrific people on here you will see, always someone to talk to who understands what you are going thru , It really helps....Good Luck and feel better and keep posting........Kim
Welcome to BoneSmart, indigo. I hope we can address your situation and give you some encouragement and advice.

I truly hope you're not having the same surgeon do this revision, Indigo. Sounds like he's not exactly top of the tree in hip replacement, imo. Hips shouldn't dislocate and mostly when they do it's because the implants, particularly the cup, haven't been put in at the correct angle. There are hip surgeons who specialise in revisions and therefore have a lot of experience getting the best out of a messed up job. I suggest you phone around and find one but please don't go back to the other chap.
Hi Indigo - and welcome! I had a LTHR October last year and have not had revisions of any sort so I can't help with that side of things. But I strongly agree with Jo! If I were you I would be seeking a second opinion from another OS!

Whereabouts in Australia are you? If by chance you are in Brisbane I can highly recommend MY OS - he's wonderful!

He may be wonderful, Peta - but is he 'wonderful' at revisions? It's a whole other speciality.
Indigo, please listen to Josephine. She is so right and you need a REVISION SPECIALIST --- especially after this many problems. Pick your surgeon carefully!!! Interview....ask lots of questions....use the guide we have here on the forum.....but be SURE he or she has LOTS of experience with problem cases like yours. It must seem strange to you that you could dislocate your hip while doing something so mundane as shaving your legs or putting on socks, but to me that completely supports what Jo said that there may have been a problem with placement of the new joint components. Please keep in touch with us. BoneSmart has a caring group of members who are more than willing to help and support you.
I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. I had my right hip replaced last June. It has been wonderful with no problems so the only advice I can give it to listen to JO.
Welcome, Indigo! Absolutely listen to Josehine! Something must be wrong if you have been going through such a tough time! It may be inconvenient, but its definitely for your own benefit and sanity! Keep us posted! Good luck! :)
Thanks you all for your kind words.

Don't worry I've already found a NEW OS. I did see the old one on Mon. I think he was only too happy to pass (his mess) over to someone else. I've asked around and 2 OS names keep coming up. So I went and saw the younger of the 2 OS. Not sure if that is the right way to go. I was only thinking younger as I will need to have an OS for many years to come.
Indigo, your thought process about the younger surgeon is a good one in my opinion. Just make sure you are most comfortable with him (talk to the other guy too) and that it really is an "either/or" decision between two relatively equally qualified surgeons. Right now the MOST important thing is to get your hip properly repaired!!
Thanks you all for your kind words.

Don't worry I've already found a NEW OS. I did see the old one on Mon. I think he was only too happy to pass (his mess) over to someone else. I've asked around and 2 OS names keep coming up. So I went and saw the younger of the 2 OS. Not sure if that is the right way to go. I was only thinking younger as I will need to have an OS for many years to come.

That is excellent thinking, indigo.
Hi all, I'm off to see my new OS tomorrow. Other than asking him if he "can fix it", is there any other questions I should be asking?

Also, no one has replied to my question on the number of hips. Is there anyone else who has had 4 revisions?

I doubt there is anyone, indigo, as I said before. There's no-one on here right now, that I do know. Did you look at the post I gave you the link to? There are very important questions in there for you to ask. And important information for you to read. Don't go to that appointment without reading it.

Click on this title to go to it >>> How to choose a surgeon and a prosthesis
Thanks Josephine, I had looked at your link before, but had forgotten about it. It was good to look (take notes) for tomorrow. It is all very scary! and hard to know if I've got the right OS this time. Anyway we'll see what he has to say and then make a decision.
Well, all the best. I hope he turns out to be a real humdinger for you!
hi indigo. again i agree with jo. my mom was on 4th revision. she went to the os i'm using now and he sent her to mayo clinic rochester minnisota. now hers didnt dislocate she started to stress fracture above her knee from it being loose. i am using this os because he said no to her and sent her to someone bigger. i think your os should do the same i would respect someone more because they can see beyond their own ego. . you may need the team approach instead of an individual os. i will keep you in my prayers.
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