am 41 yr old, had a TKR in feb of 08, now facing a revision on jan of 09.
Was told knee was 5 degrees out of flexation, and the insert is 4 to 6 CM to small, along with arthritis forming on the patella and needs resurfacing.
Have been enduring a lot of pain, instability, with a lot of loud CLUNKING border line of knee dislocating.
Had several tests done from blood work to bone scans, arteriogram.... all were neg except the bone scan that showed mild to moderate edema.
Has any one encountered this? Any suggestions on the cause, and has anyone had improvement after revision?
Should I seek legal advice?
Was told knee was 5 degrees out of flexation, and the insert is 4 to 6 CM to small, along with arthritis forming on the patella and needs resurfacing.
Have been enduring a lot of pain, instability, with a lot of loud CLUNKING border line of knee dislocating.
Had several tests done from blood work to bone scans, arteriogram.... all were neg except the bone scan that showed mild to moderate edema.
Has any one encountered this? Any suggestions on the cause, and has anyone had improvement after revision?
Should I seek legal advice?