4 weeks today aghhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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Jun 30, 2009
County Down
Ireland Ireland
4 weeks today, can't wait and can wait at the same time. The pain in my hip seems to be getting worse as every day passes which makes me more determined to see it through. The cold weather over here in N.Ireland tends to make the pain more intense (is that a fact or an old wives tale). Everyone getting hip replacements on this forum seem to be aged between 50-54 age range, there must be a built in trigger in the body which says "time to switch on the arthritis in that right hip.lol
Speak to you all soon.
LOL Hey Ronnie i agree with the weather i think the plays a big part........Im a knee and feel the dame hang in there hope you get id o that of that pain soon........like the pic by the way...................)
Hi Ronnie - I don't know whether it's an old wives tale or not, but my hip is definitely worse in the cold weather! (Not that we get a lot of that over here.......lol) In fact my husband and I travelled to the UK and Dublin before I had my LTHR in 2008 in the middle of your winter and I really struggled with the pain in the cold!

The next four weeks will fly past and you'll soon be on the "other side"! You won't be sorry - not a day goes past that I don't stop and marvel at not having any arthritis pain in my left hip anymore! Now I just need to get the right one replaced and there will be no stopping me! Keep yourself busy for the next few weeks and keep thinking about how good being pain-free is going to feel! :thmb:
Hi ronnie
I have had arthritis for a while.. since my teens, and i think dampness coupled with cold is the mitigating factor. I used to live in a more southern climate here, summers warm and humid, winters damp and cold, i suffered the worst in the winter. In my late teens we moved to northern ontario, summers moderate, winters DARN cold,(-10 to -25 c) but for the most part, dry.My discomfort in the winter was minimal.So perhaps its a combination of cold and damp, least in my unscientific experience it seems that way

Four weeks to pain free life, good for you. I just checked your weather from Met Eireann and your forecast is 7 to 10 C! That is my summer, Ronnie, and you’re complaining. Think positive, man. It must be a pain in the hip to have to wait for so long. That is one good thing in America, people in need of a surgery are under the knife rather swiftly. Mine was under a month, and I’d have had it done even faster, but was unable to prepare my life that fast. Keep the spirits up, Ronnie, after the Christmas you’re there.
Ronnie i too am in the waiting game. Unlike Teejay, i had about a 7 week wait for the first surgery date of Oct 1. Then that was cancelled the day be fore. Then a few weeks until i met the new surgeon , then a 7 week wait for surgery. It is finally near, Dec. 11th. I pray every day that it happens on that date!!

Do you have any pain meds to help you until surgery? If not , i would sure get some .
Hang in there.
I am 5 weeks and a day away. Its in the 30 F where I am and humid and its making both my hips hurt.. kind of scary when the other hip starts hurting.
Good luck with the surgery. I will see you on the other side soon for after surgery posts.
Cold and/or rain makes mine play up. Fortunately it is summer here although raining. We reached 100% humidity last night and my hip wasn't happy. By the way I'm 40 so there are a few youngees around.
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