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Jul 23, 2008
Oxford, Florida
I just found this forum last night, and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! I was sure that I was crazy, or lazy, or just plain nuts. Thank you. I would also like to state that I hate my PT. She has pushed me until I had to start taking steroids. I know it is suppose to hurt, but when your toes go numb it is a sign of problems. I know she is just trying to help me, but DANG!! I am a little better today. At least I am having a little better experience sleeping. I take a pain pill before I go to bed, and I wake up about 4 or 5 am in pain and take one more. That gets me through the night. I have some flexaril for a different condition and tried taking that with tylenol, but it doesn't help. Sorry to be rambling, but I am REALLY happy to find some outside support. Again, Thanks.
Welcome -
The people here are awesome! I hated the PT I had when I was in the hospital. Even the nurses said some choice words about her. I am much happier with my PT now. We have suffered through 3 seesions together and I think I am making progress, sometimes I wonder though. Yikes - I feel like I will never get the bend back - but he said we will - so I am sure we will. I had decent flexion b4 this so I should get that back. I used to have crumby extention -but I have already hit 0 there.

Hang in there!

This forum has been a GREAT thing for me, too!! There is always someone that can relate to whatever I might be experiencing. It is always so comforting to know that I am not the only one in the boat. Many others have been there and are willing to help whenever!!!

I really got attached to my in-home PT. I like my outpatient PT also, so I guess I've been pretty fortunate there! I've heard some real horror stories!

Good luck and keep coming back,
I just found this forum last night, and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! I was sure that I was crazy, or lazy, or just plain nuts. .

Welcome to the Forum. I was thinking the same thing when I found this site about 6 months ago. I don't think I would have pulled through and remained sane without all these wonderful guys. Keep posting often, especially when you can't sllep. there is often someone here or if not, read some of the old threads. Some of the threads from Patti, Doug an Gatiger are really funny and will make you smile or laugh.

Good luck....Sue
Sue, how's the knee? I was thinking of you yesterday while I was with a bunch of teenagers at the Wakulla Springs.
We had another alligator pass the swim area. You could tell the tourists. They not only got out of the water, they darned near went inside the lodge.
And as usual, a couple of locals wanted to shoot it and cook it. Right, state property, protected species, much jail time.
One of the tourist had a British accent which made me think of you.
Just posted a new thread Doug, got to 100 degree ROM this morning!!!!
Hey, I don't have an accent I speak the Queen's English!!! You all have the accents....LOL... Sue
Well my southern accent can massacre the English language. Don't forget I'm a grit eater.
As for the gator, when I was in the police academy in 1975 we had a game warden lecture us on what to do when we get a call for a gator in the city.
They are in the ponds, lakes and swim up the drainage areas.
The instructor told us to just call the game officers and they would take care of it. He told us don't approach them, just watch them.
I raised my hand and asked how fast they could run...With a straight face the officer said," they can run 30mph, but they can only run in a straight line". He told us to zig zag in we were chased by a gator. Uh huh. One of the recruits raised his hand and said, "Sir, if one runs at me, I can only run 29mph and so I will shoot his *** if he even looks like he wants to run". The instructor never did regain control of that class.
Oh Doug, you really should write that book of all the stories you have in your memory. Write it all down before you forget!!
My wife has said the same thing. I know one other former officer who did write a book about his experiences.
In my situation in the last 2 weeks, I have been walking in a zig-zag pattern. It also applies in the pool. I always feel bad for whoever is sharing a lane with me!! I seem to bounce from the side of the pool to the lane thingy.

Therefore, I think I would be safe in florida.
Oh, do the gators also swim in a straight line.?
It is about time for me to visit the family in florida
I am taking the advise of one of the forum members, and torturing myself on the days that I do not have therapy. That way, I won't feel like killing my therapist on the days she tortures me. Tried something new for sleeping last night. I took 1 percocet and 1/2 a flexaril. I am a night owl, so I went to bed about 1:30. Woke up at 4:00 to ride myself of the last soda I drank and went back to bed. I would normally have had to take another percocet about 4:30 or 5:00, but I did not last night. Woke up about 6:15 uncomfortable, but found a comfy position and went back to sleep. I think I have hit the right combo. If I can get away with 1 pain pill a day (with Advil and Aspirin between), I won't feel so bad about taking them when I go to therapy. Hope this method helps permanently. Maybe someone else has a better idea.
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