new member
I just found this forum last night, and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! I was sure that I was crazy, or lazy, or just plain nuts. Thank you. I would also like to state that I hate my PT. She has pushed me until I had to start taking steroids. I know it is suppose to hurt, but when your toes go numb it is a sign of problems. I know she is just trying to help me, but DANG!! I am a little better today. At least I am having a little better experience sleeping. I take a pain pill before I go to bed, and I wake up about 4 or 5 am in pain and take one more. That gets me through the night. I have some flexaril for a different condition and tried taking that with tylenol, but it doesn't help. Sorry to be rambling, but I am REALLY happy to find some outside support. Again, Thanks.