junior member
Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to let everyone know how helpful this site has been to me. I beleive it is the best forum I have come accross for knee Issues. I read all forty some pages of posts and now I have decided to join. I am 39 yrs old and am now 4 weeks out from a Right TKR. My knee was messed up over 20 years ago and has been going down hill ever since. About 15 years ago I went through a medial and lateral meniscal transplant plus an acl allograft. I have had a total of seven operations on the right knee, all of them cut on a long s shaped scar. At four weeks out my range of motion is from 5 degrees to 102 degrees. I seem to be having all the similar complaints and symptoms that most of you have and am just getting into a mild depression. I take my pain meds regularly and have done my PT and excercises religiously. I guess my biggest complaints are the incredible tightness and muscle cramps that I have in my right calf. My other complaint is the difficulty in increasing my range of motion. I just feel that getting 3 or 4 more degrees a week is too slow and Ill never get to 120+. I am very greatfull that I dont come here with a horror story to share, and I am also very greatfull for all the people that have posted and that have already answered most of my many many questions. Thank you all and maybe someday I can help someone as you all have helped me.
I just wanted to let everyone know how helpful this site has been to me. I beleive it is the best forum I have come accross for knee Issues. I read all forty some pages of posts and now I have decided to join. I am 39 yrs old and am now 4 weeks out from a Right TKR. My knee was messed up over 20 years ago and has been going down hill ever since. About 15 years ago I went through a medial and lateral meniscal transplant plus an acl allograft. I have had a total of seven operations on the right knee, all of them cut on a long s shaped scar. At four weeks out my range of motion is from 5 degrees to 102 degrees. I seem to be having all the similar complaints and symptoms that most of you have and am just getting into a mild depression. I take my pain meds regularly and have done my PT and excercises religiously. I guess my biggest complaints are the incredible tightness and muscle cramps that I have in my right calf. My other complaint is the difficulty in increasing my range of motion. I just feel that getting 3 or 4 more degrees a week is too slow and Ill never get to 120+. I am very greatfull that I dont come here with a horror story to share, and I am also very greatfull for all the people that have posted and that have already answered most of my many many questions. Thank you all and maybe someday I can help someone as you all have helped me.