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4 Weeks After Knee Replacement

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junior member
Dec 30, 2007
United States
Hi, new here, I had total knee replacement 4 weks ago and knee is doing well but I have no energy and just taking a shower and getting dressed, and I have to sit down a bit, I am 60 years old and was in so much pain before surgery I did nothing for a year, could I just be out of shape and need to get going to build myself up. I had a hard surgery as blood pressure shot up during surgery and was told they worked on me all night to get things right again and morphine made me sick, I guess I just want to know if anyone else has this experience with no energy. Lyn
Only 4 weeks and you're worried about having no energy! My dear woman, you sound to me like you're doing just great!

Remember this - you have had major surgery. You have had a major anaesthetic. All that takes time to get over. And I don't mean days I mean weeks! Months even. The body just doesn't heal that quickly (nothing to do with age - you're a young'n yet!) so it takes all your energy reserves to repair the surgery and thus you are left with little to carry out what you have been accustomed to calling a normal life! Plus you had that episode where you did not exactly have an uneventful recovery. 4 weeks is nothing! Even if you said at 4 months I'd still be saying it was nothing. Have patience. Be guided by your body and rest when you feel the need, be active when you can. All will be yours in time!

Oh and by the way - welcome to the forum and Happy New Year. I am sure it will be - eventually!
Thank you for your response it made me feel so much better. I knew my knee was doing pretty good as I don't need a cane and I can go up and down my 13 steps, one at a time of course but I was concerned about my feeling no energy. thank you again, Lyn
Hang in there...I am seven weeks our of a bilateral, an I am not using anything now. PT makes my legs painful and stiff, but I am making progress! You will be fine.

i am sure that you will get your energy back a little bit at a time. Remember, you didn't get this way overnight, and it will take time for your body to recover--both physiologically as wellaspsychologically.

Tim C.
Thanks, Lyn, for your posting. I am at 4 weeks PO and feeling drained. My brain has all sorts of great ideas for things to do, but my body says NO! I was hoping to return to work (I can work from home on the computer) at 4 weeks, now I'm thinking more like 6 weeks. And you are right about a shower and dressing - I feel like I need a nap afterwards!

Hang in there. You are not alone!
I'm a 55 usually fairly active person who had a PKR on one leg completed seven weeks ago. Everthing you write Lyn sounds familiar. I still get exhausted after working through the morning routine of PT, shower, dressing and breakfast. Find that I am needing far more sleep and rest than I usually do. There have been lots of "one step forward three steps back" episodes. More and more though I am having spurts of more energy.
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