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4 week pain

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junior member
Jun 9, 2008
United States
hi, I am becoming very frustrated again because all of a sudden it seems like my pain is coming back. I am exactly four weeks post op and it hurts mostly around the incision and also sometimes in the groin area. I am wondering if I'm over doing it. I quit using the crutch and am constantly on the go. I also noticed that right around the incision it is numb. Is this normal? My LLD is also not seeming to change at all. I just need someone to reply and tell me things will get better. Is it still too soon after my surgery to be back to normal? I desperately want to start working out again.
Bridget from Kansas
As a point of reference, I am at 14 weeks, and remember at 4 weeks I was just getting around with a cane, and had plenty of the type of pain and numbness you describe. The incision was ...and still is the most sensitive area. It will always act up first if I over do or sit too long etc.

My OS said that all the soft tissues were still healing as well as the bone at 4 weeks...plenty of subtle and transitory pain. If anything serious had happened to the would not be subtle.

best wishes for your recovery.
Hey Bnew,

I Am 50 years old and 4 Months Today Post Op For The Left Thr. I Still Itch Around The Incision And Hurt From Time To Time In The Groin Area. As Newwheels Said, You Just Had Major Surgery And It Is Going To Take A While To Heal. There Is Arnicare Gel For The Incision To Help Make It Feel Better. You Can Get That At Your Local Health Food Store. Read Some Of The Threads On The Recovery Side About The Incision.

Some People Pop Right Back And Some Are Like Me, My Muscle Was So Weak To Begin With That It Has Taken Me A Long Time To Recover. I Started Pool/gym Therapy At 9 Weeks And Should Have Really Started At 6 Weeks.
I do have to say, you quit the crutch and how about the cane? As long as I limped, I had my cane and at least for 6 to 8 weeks. My PT even got on to me for not using it. Once again, depends on how fast you recover.

Keep Reading The Different Threads And You Will Also Get Some Advice From Josephine Our Resident Expert On These Questions.

Hang In There. I Know How You Feel and it will get better...Just give it some time...patty
Thank you so much for your replies! It really does help me to be able to discuss this with people who have been there. My husband definitely doesn't understand. I feel like I'm just always complaining to him about my aches and pains.
Families rarely do understand! All they know is mom has had her op and better get back into the kitchen tout de suite!!

Here on BoneSmart, however, you'll ALWAYS find an understanding ear!
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