4 months post tkr

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new member
May 13, 2009
I'm 4 months post TKR. Knee feels good walking but still get pain at night. I've always been a restless sleeper and I think my tossing and turning is the biggest problem.
I'm OK going up stairs but still fairly stiff and nervous going down the stairs (also have patellar problem with the other knee and it sometimes gives way going down stairs).
I would be thankful for anyone willing to share their 4 month TKR experiences.
Welcome to BoneSmart.

I am almost 4 months. My knee is still sensitive. I cannot lay with pressure on that knee. Pain...not really..I liken it to a balloon inside my knee pressing outward.

I have made many person accomplishments. Stairs is not one..walking without a cane is not one (I have another knee that still has to be replaced). I went to the grocery store without using a motor cart. I cleaned three rooms this past weekend without having knee problems.

I am sure that everyone progress at their own pace. Sounds like you are doing well except at night. I know that I do take sleeping medication periodically to guarentee that I am rested...but that is a decision that must be made with you and your primary care physician. Some folk here...like Tylenol PM...others suggest warm tea or milk before bed. I am sure that you will get many suggestions.

Good luck as you continue to progress!
Hi and Welcome I am actually exactly 4 mths with a TRK.....I do have stiffness in the morning...Do well with stairs. Well now I have torn they calf muscle in my op knee so thats a lil different...The scar is still sensitive as well. ..Over all I think the replacement has done well. Muscle was my fault...lol....I do still get pain mostly at night or after a long day but a lil advil and ice helps. I do still ice. I hope you do as well. I hope your other leg gets better or are you needing surgery on that one as well. I hope you cont to post and I would like to keep with your posts as you are 4 mths as well...Good Luck to you, post anytime...
I am 4 months out. I have a little stiffness mostly at the bottom of knee or near the ITband. I don't need to take pain meds for it nor do I ice. I do not use a cane have not since about 7 weeks.

My rom is good and I have never pushed with my PT.

My hubby and I went on a trip that was a 12 hr drive when I was about 3 months. I even drove some of that time. No problem.

I shopped for 4 1/2 hours at the Plaza in Santa Fe. It was great, since I have not done that in a long time. I had no pain no problems.

I am doing really good. Feel good and I am able to do most anything I want.
Hi Sir and welcome to Bonesmart. I also am 4 months with my RTKR. Had a bit of a rough time, but am finally seeing improvement in my ROM. At 3 months I had a manipulation and am gaining daily with a lot of hard work. I am back in physical therapy 3 times a week and do an aquatic aerobics class 3-4 days a week (depending on pt time). The days I don't get finished with pt in time to do the class, I spend an hour in the pool water walking, stretching and exercising. This has offered the most improvement for me.

I have been walking without a cane for about 3-4 weeks. Pool improved my gait. Still have a bit of a limp when I first start out if I have been sitting long, but within a moment or two am fine. Am able to do stairs within reason going up. Somedays one at a time coming down, others regular, depending on my activity level for that day. Within the last few weeks, I have stopped all prescription drugs and am only taking Aleve or ibuprophen as needed. On occassion I take Tylenol pm to help me settle down and go to sleep before 1 am. I tend to sleep for about 5 hours then wake up, even with tylenol pm. Although when I take it, I feel really groggy and need more sleep. That's why I need to be asleep before 1 am, so I can catch a few more :zzz: before getting up for the day. Lack of sleep not due to pain unless I've overdone it that day. Pain usually only shows up when I've been on my feet for a long period of time and haven't been able to rest enough or ice and elevate.

I have begun to increase my activities and am about 75% of what I used to do. I do all the shopping for my family and most of the errands and driving. Sometimes I take the riding cart in the store, because my left knee is very bad. Still need to break and ice and elevate to help with swelling.

I have struggled with tightness in the IT band where it connects both top at hip and bottom at side of knee. Pt and specific exercises are helping me stretch it out. Also have some soft tissue swelling that my therapist is trying to work out. Will begin massage therapy tomorrow to see if I can break up more of the scar tissue, soft tissue swelling and general tightness.

Since my LTKR is now scheduled for 4 weeks from today, I am anxious to be in the best possible shape before my next surgery to have better results.

Sounds like you are pretty normal for this time period. I am feeling a little more like myself again and now the next one in 4 weeks. :sigh: Oh well, at least I know by Christmas I should be feeling much better and able to enjoy the celebration of my Savior's birth!
I also had my RTKR four months ago, I am doing pretty good, walking every morning about 1 mi., riding my stationary bike and still doing some quad exercises and also balance exercises at home. This last week had some swelling and soreness, but found out because I used/. the hot tub for too long. My knee didn't do good with the heat., so I had to go back to iceing it alot, but today it feels great. I am also scheduled to have Left Knee replaced in three weeks, because it is bone on bone and is really quite painfull. So I'm looking forward to having it done and beon the way to having a pain free life. Hope you are doing fine also.
I had mine four and a half months ago. Strangely enough, I wrote a blog about it last night. broken link removed: https://blogs.myspace.com/psexypsychic

I don't take pain meds in the daytime anymore. I take Vicodin at night- but that's for arthritis/bursitis issues in other body parts. I can do stairs with both legs- going up. Coming down, it takes longer, so it depends on how fast I need to get downstairs. My ROM is between 100 and 110. I still get some swelling at times- in the leg, not just the knee. The part of the swelling I dislike the most is when my ankle swells up. I've got an 'itis issue in my ankle and swelling exacerbates it.

I don't walk with a cane for the most part. If I go into a large store (like our grocery store or a mall), I take it with me because sometimes, I need it by the time we're done. I have two matching canes (the veteran's hospital's solution to having an injury in one knee, then the other knee going bad), so I leave one in my vehicle so it is always there.

My scar is still sensitive. It gets itchy from time to time- a deep down itch that no rubbing or scratching (through jeans) can help. I use lotion several times a day and some days, I have to not wear jeans to "give it a break". I also get these annoying, slightly jarring, "jolts" through my scar. And I can definitely sense a weather change!

I'm going to try walking for exercise again next week. I tried in July and failed miserably.
I think you may need a pain killer at night and a mild sleep inducer. That night-time discomfort always seems to be the last thing to go.
I forgot to mention one thing- I'm having to force myself to stand on both feet, equally. For so many years, I've stood with most of my weight on one leg. Standing equally on both feet is wonderful and I don't get as tired as I used to. :thmb:
Hi, Sir, and welcome to BoneSmart.

You sound like you're doing just fine for only 4 months out. That's still really early in recovery and you will notice more improvement as the months go by. It can take a year or more sometimes to feel completely "normal."
At 4 months I still had pain when I did certain thing.
And my knees would swell up.
So I think you are right on track and doing well

And Froggie I am not to sure about getting a Tattoo
I think I would hold off on that for awhile. "Just sayin"
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