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4 days to go...RTHR...Oct 16th

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junior member
Sep 23, 2009
United States
I thought I posted this thread earlier but I don't see it so i'll do it again. If it's a repeat, feel free to remove it.

The last of the countdown begins. I have my list written so I don't forget my "stuff" to take to the hospital. I have one more appointment to go to with hubby to find out when he goes for his radiation treatments. I have one more load of laundry to do Thursday afternoon. Seems like life revolves around one more...

My 21 year old daughter is coming to the hospital Friday night to spend the weekend with me. She will be my protector during the night time hours. Hubby and I are on several prayer lists but if any of you are so inclined and believe in them, please feel free to say a prayer also; I'd appreciate it. :wink:

I think I have everything covered for when I return home but if you would, list some items I might need so I can ensure I have them already. Thanks!

Can't wait to join you hippies,
hi turbo
we will all be thinking of you and also praying for 3 weeks post op its hard at first but its the best thing ive done if feel so good already
good luck
love tracie xxxx
Good luck to you Turbo! I am going in one day ahead of you. Maybe we can track our recovery process together on here. :D

I hear you about that "one more thing". It seems I spent the entire weekend doing things to prep for my surgery and I'm still not finished. I will probably be doing stuff up until the time I leave for the Hospital on Thursday morning.

See ya on the other side!! I'm getting nervous and excited at the same time.
Before each of my surgeries, knowing i would be in the hospital for at least 5 days, as long as everything went well. I always went to the hairdresser and got my hair french braided. I went out and bought a new bathrobe and pj's. and slippers. Dont forget underwear, i hated laying there without any on and as soon as i was able to, i put mine on.
Great comments so far...keep them coming! I "think" I've got it all covered---literally---but you never know. I've read so much the words are tatooed on the inside of my eyes and I may be murmuring them as I go under in the O.R. lol

I will keep watch on this thread as I'm afraid I'll forget something. What about my own pillow? Did anyone take theirs?
I second the underwear and pj' feels so much better to be in your own clothes. Also-I couldn't have survived without my ipod. It helped to have music just to block out the hospital around me. Also I had a roommate who snored VERY loud!:hehe:
Hi Turbo many prayers coming your way you can count on that will be when you can and let us know how you are doin.......good luck to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turbo, it sounds like you are so well prepared!!! Good luck to you and we'll be waiting for you on the other side.
I also brought a few puzzle books with me. Not so much for the few days after the surgery, but my doctor always tried to stick me in the rehab place, and god i hated it. Cuz i was at least 30 years younger than any of the other patients there. But my last THR revision, i put my foot down (my good leg) and told him i didnt need to learn how to use the crutches or learn to get in and out of cars, i had done it so many times before.

Another thing you might wanna bring iwth you , depending on whether you are gonna do the walker, or the crutches. I chose the crutches, cuz i have always used them and in my head only old people use walkers, and i wasnt gonna act old. Which now come to think of it, it's probably easier to walk with a walker than with crutches. But my thought was get a few tennis balls for under the walker, i think by watching others, that it made it less slippery.

i didnt mean to offend anyone using the walker, thats just my mentality, if i dont act old i wont get old lol.

Okay, now I really think I'm prepared. Jo, thanks for those links. I remembered reading from them earlier but couldn't find them again.

Seems like my prepared list is pajamas, panties, popsicles, pudding and puzzles. I know there's other things but those seem to be my biggies.

I have to call the hospital in a few hours to get my arrival time and then after that, today is about chilling out and relaxing with my dachshund and hubby.

See you on the other side! (We need an icon that shows a smile dancing with new hips and knees.)
You mean like this?
[] 4 days to go...RTHR...Oct 16th

'Course....I am a bit partial toward froggies....


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I had this one
[] 4 days to go...RTHR...Oct 16th


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Good Luck Turbo and hopefully this will all live up to you name luck tomorrow i wish you the best we will all be waiting to hear form you wishes...............)
Best of luck, Turbo! This time tomorrow you'll be all done and the healing can finally begin! Yay!!:thmb::thmb::thmb::thmb:
Love the icons. Now, do you have one with a nurse with meds? Seriouslsy, the pain has been tremendous, helped along by a night nurse who wouldn't give me the extra pain meds written the order for.

Finally got that situation resolved when my day nurse came back on duty and got everything written in big block letters, I guess. Now, it's nice not to hurt so dang much!!!

Time to gather my meds for the night and sleep for 30 minutes so am closing...C U tomorrow,

Turbo---somewhat in training for speed
[] 4 days to go...RTHR...Oct 16th

Glad you got your pain meds straightened out....don't think they have Candy Stripers anymore, but we'll pretend this is a nurse coming to your aid!


  • [] 4 days to go...RTHR...Oct 16th
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Welcome to the other side!! The first few days are the hardest...but just remember that it only gets better from there. My epidural catheter fell out and I was receiving no pain meds the morning after until we found the problem and got me on pills. So I can comfortably say that 1st night after on top of pain med problems is the worst you are going to feel during this whole experience-and you're already past that! It gets so much better from here on out! Best of luck to you!
Hey Turbo geez sorry but im glad they got that all under control............relax and take it easy.........i think the first 2 weeks were the hardest for me......but if you hurting yes tell them......good anytime.......)
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