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4 days til surgery, I miss my NSAIDS!

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Sep 11, 2009
United States
I am off of the anti-inflammatories for pre-op purposes and I am crippled! Holy smokes, this has encouraged me that I am doing the right thing by having surgery.
I do not take any narcotic pain meds, in spite of being bone on bone in both knees. I was taking Mobic for anti-inflammatory once per day, and then Ibuprofen as needed throughout the day. I would sell my mother for some Ibuprofen right now. :rant:
I took some acetaminophen, and it helps some, but ouch, I am in pain.
I have some Toradol, but it really disturbs my sleep. I have outrageous and violent nightmares when I take it, so I try not to. I wake up more tired than when I went to bed.

When I went to my general doctor for my surgery release, he was asking me a list of questions on the form. Do you smoke, drink, do street drugs, etc. I told him no, but if my knees didn't get better I was going to start all of them at once!!

Also, a big cold front is on the way and my joints are just seizing up.

I am sure I will live, but I am a supreme groucho right now. Waa-waa poor me.

How is everyone else tonight??
Loads of love and sympathy to you both, Kimberley, not long now til your surgery, hold in there, remember soon all that pain will be gone for good.:thmb:
Tom, I am so sorry you are having a down night, you are always so supportive to everyone, big hugs and kisses coming your way and I hope you feel better soon. XX
Hey Kimberly I know i remember i missed mine to will be in my will be just fine you'll see ........Just do as they tell ya and I hope you have a speedy recovery........we will all be her for ya..................hang in there i
Thank you for your kind replies. Almost as soon as I hit "post" I thought, quit your bellyachin', there are many more out there worse than you.
And look who responded, three folks who are suffering a million more times than me!

THANKS, Dawnie, Tom and Kim, and Steve by PM, for encouraging me. You saved my husband from having to hear me whine (some more)!!

I hope everyone is resting or flexing pain free today. I am going to limp into the preschool now with my three year old and have everyone wonder why a darling little boy's mama walks like she is 200 years old! Then I am going to treat myself to my last pedicure for a long time. One with lots of hot towels and massaging to relieve these aching bones!

Have a happy day, Kimberly
Try some ice. Kimberly? That might help a bit.
Have a great day Kimberly, enjoy your massage.
I have to stop my M&M's (mobic & motrins) next Friday, but by that time you will have 2 new news and good painkillers!!!!!
Wow, I could have written your post (except it's only bone on bone in one knee). I'm off NSAIDS, too - surgery in 10 days. Cold front on the way (I'm in TN) and going nuts! Wonder if a margarita would work!!! Ha, ya know it's 5 o'clock somewhere! :wink:
4 more days, you can make it ... just think how great we are going to feel when it's all over and done with. I've been making a mental list of what I am going to do that I've not been able to do .... can't wait
Just wait until after the surgery 4 to 6 months when you don't take any meds not even an aspirin. I took nsaids for years and did not realize all of the side effects now that I am off of all meds I didn't know I could feel so good without drugs.

Good luck!
Hi Kimberely, sorry you are having discomfort. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know you will have a stellar recovery!!
Kimberly....sooo sorry to hear you are hurting, but you picked the right place to vent. We all understand. Heck, most of us have experienced exactly what you are talking about! It's one of those times you just have to grit it out and it will be over soon. Then the good days begin!! Come whine here anytime. We'll be here for you!!
I am sorry you have to go through this. When I had to stop taking my NSAID, I didn't notice that much difference--that's when I knew the NSAID wasn't doing much for me. I am now working with a different one. We will see.
Hey Kimberly I hope you got some sleep long now......Sorry your in pain this will all be gone soon the pain you have from your replacement. will go will be fine.......we are always here for you.........hugs.....)keeping you in my prayers.........
Kimberly good luck on monday. I will be thinking of you,especially now that I can not wait to get into the OR.
Prayers your way from socal. You will be just fine:pray:
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I am distracted by my aches, so I can't get too nervous. Tomorrow I get to take my 3 year old to my oldest son's house. It is about 4 hours away. My oldest son is 26 and they have a 4 and a 6 year old. That house will be rocking with three littles in it. My daughter-in-law is a stay at home mom, and she is so nice to offer to keep him for a whole week! My littlest one will have a great time with the other kiddos, and my husband will be able to just focus on me for a week!! Hail Princess Kimberly! NOT!

So, getting him packed and ready has been a good distraction today, I will travel in the car tomorrow all day delivering little man, and then I will only have a few hours left before surgery.

I was going to be third on the OR schedule, but they have moved me up to first, so I should be done by lunchtime on Monday. I can't wait to get this show on the road!!

Thank you again for your thoughts, it means the world to me and I strongly believe in the power of prayer.
Prayers and warm fuzzy thoughts being sent your way on Monday!
I remember being off the NSAIDS the week before each of my surgeries. I was a stark, raving maniac. And, that's putting it politely. Have a scotch or a couple glasses of wine, it takes the edge off.
Hi Kimberly, Tommorows the big day!! I wish you the best of luck!
are you all set? remember, if your nervous or anxious just log on!
there is always somebody on line to talk to! Before you go and
especialy after. Take care and post when you feel up to Iy
Best wishes! Tom:D
Hey Kimberely you will he fine and your son will have a blast bit nothing beats mommy he will be happy to See you when your able........but thats good he will be well taken care of...........Now as you recover you can get on here and keep your mind off things.........remember we are always here for you......BEST of luck to you.........You will be happy you did this.......Post when you can just let us know how you are doing......we will all be thinking of's a big hug..........take care and will talk soon.................)
Hi Kimberely, thinking of you. You have everything going for you..great doctor and surgeon, loving and caring husband, supportive family...and most of all, your great shines thru to all of us. I know you are in good hands and will do great..can't wait to hear from you on the other side of OR.

You are also in my prayers.
Love an hugs, Shirli/Marquesa
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