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4-5 Weeks more pain in hip area

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new member
Apr 22, 2009
Hello everybody,

I've had my full THR of left hip on February 25th, 2009... and If have been doing pretty well til about 2-3 weeks after the surgery when I noticed that I had some more pain my upper thigh area, coming from the bone. This pain I feel for example when side stepping or turning motion. I don't feel when I am walking for example. Occasionally I will also feel a light, very light shooting pain near the hip area when I'm lying down on bed. (mind you, that this pain does not compare to what I felt before surgery) Is the normal after 3-4 weeks after a uncemented THR. I've already read on the forum that just could be hip getting used to prostetic, and its settling in..which are good things. I'm just scared that have more complications or that hip as actually loose or something. I have a appoiment with my surgeon for check up in about 2 weeks.. but I'm wondering if you've had similar experiences.

I'm pretty young for this all (26), last year in february I broke my left hip with a cycling accident. I got surgery for that, and they fixated the hip with 3 large screws... In theory, this should of fixed it, but because the was a fair amount of time between accident and the surgery, and because the ball joint, was exactly seperated from the femur bone, chances were high that arteries would not grow back and that the head would die. It did, got more pain in january, noticed that my left leg was getting shorter than other.. More pain in the muscles... till that i couldn't walk anymore without crutches... so.. there was really no other option for, even though I was really young than a THR.

I hope this makes a bit of sense... if you got questions, please let me know..

Thank you,

Welcome Seb! Is it possible that what you are feeling is discomfort in your groin? I had that about 3 to 4 weeks which is part of the healing process! Your new joint may just be getting used to its new home! :)
Welcome, Sebastiaan....Josephine, our forum nurse will check in here very soon and offer additional information for you. Don't worry about being so young. We have several members on the forum who are in their 20's, so you're NOT alone!!
Welcome Sebastian,
You are still in the healing stages . Lots of aches and pains are normal. I had some really bad pain at about 4 weeks after surgery. My surgery was last June and it all resolved and it is pain free. I would say at about 3 to 3 1/2 months everything was pretty pain free.
Welcome Sebastiaan! I'm 27 and just had RTHR on 3/17/09. I had AVN in the joint for 6 years and progressively got worse. I'm at 5 weeks now and have some odd pain when I overdue it. I would say it's still setting in for you. Like Judy said above, I was told to give it a good 3-6 months to be pain free.

Melissa :)
Welcome Sebastiaan! I had RTHR 2/4/09, so I'm 11 weeks out today, and I'm still getting some thigh and groin pain sometimes. I really think it is just the new hip settling, plus I've been bike riding the last couple of weeks which could be causing it, too. But I'm not worried about it at this point. You might want to talk to your OS or his nurse about it to ease your mind.

Welcome Sebastiaan! I had RTHR 2/4/09, so I'm 11 weeks out today, and I'm still getting some thigh and groin pain sometimes. I really think it is just the new hip settling, plus I've been bike riding the last couple of weeks which could be causing it, too. But I'm not worried about it at this point. You might want to talk to your OS or his nurse about it to ease your mind.


Not trying to derail the thread but when did you start riding your bike?
Almost 2 weeks ago, Scott. We live in a rural subdivision, so I'm only riding around here about 3-4 miles a day, some hills, some flat. It feels sooooo good! Absolutely no pain at all when I'm riding.
Almost 2 weeks ago, Scott. We live in a rural subdivision, so I'm only riding around here about 3-4 miles a day, some hills, some flat. It feels sooooo good! Absolutely no pain at all when I'm riding.

That is great news! I'm in a similar type area and can ride in safe spots with little to no traffic. Just happy to hear you're at it relatively quick and feeling good. Thanks for the post. Believe it or not you made my evening!
That is great news! I'm in a similar type area and can ride in safe spots with little to no traffic. Just happy to hear you're at it relatively quick and feeling good. Thanks for the post. Believe it or not you made my evening!

Glad I could do it, Scott! Now if I could just get rid of that rash for you!! :)
Wow, thanks for your support / advice... it's not always as easy having a THR @ my age, when I was in the hospital and I got my first physical therapy, I was placed in group of people who were all twice or more likely 3 times my age. And then they tell you that you have to act like your 80 years old in the coming 2 months, so that you don't dislodge your hip.. no fun...

It's good to hear that the pain I occasionally feel is nothing more than the healing process and nothing I really need to worry about, unless it keeps on getting worse and worse.. ect. Another example would be this morning when I was putting on my shoes on my bed.. lying on back and then pulling your foot on your operated leg towards your body, so you can tie your shoes. I also felt a very sharp pain then.. seemed like it was coming from the bone, just below THR hip... I guess thats normal 2. Btw, I've mentioned I was operated in February, that should be March, otherwise It can't be 4-5 weeks ago. I still need to wait 2 months before I can go biking again... but, I'll get there... Thank you, everyone once again for your support and advice, its nice to know that there are others, especially who also around my age with a thr..
Hello, Sebastian. Well, you have been through the wars and no mistake! And the time you spend in your restrictions will soon be over and much, much better than having a dislocation, let me tell you!

About these pains you're getting - I agree with everyone else, they're probably just 'growing pains' as the bone starts growing into the matrix of the implants. However, if it doesn't settle within about 2-3 months, you should see your surgeon. Oh wait - you said you are seeing him soon anyway. Well tell him, of course, but I'm sure he say something very similar.

One other point - are you taking your pain pills regularly? All these aches and pains are to be expected and that's why you have the pills! Don't think you're being a man by
trying to tough it out. Not clever!

Other than that, you seem to be doing very well. Keep up the good work!
I've been off the pain killers for about a week now.. I was using some aracetemol and occasionally, when needed I have prescription of tramadol, a slightly stronger pain killer.. I kind quit using this stuff because the months before the operation I was using so may meds and painkillers, which can't be no good for your liver. Today though, the pain isn't as bad as yesterday, maybe I did a bit too much.. yesterday... Anyway, if it does return.. or get's a bit worse.. I'll take the meds.. lol. I was trying to duke it out... I still have one of those one of those compressions stockings for another 2 weeks at least, and I need to take shots everyday which prevent blood clotting... no fun..
Well, TEDS and shots are a different thing. But know that even mild pain can inhibit your exercises and progress. Even a mild discomfort can do that. Don't duke it out. Take the pain meds anyway. I take Tramadol - it's a synthetic morphine and very effective. 100 mgs 4 hrly doesn't even make me sleepy either. I take that plus 2 paracetamol 4 hrly.

BTW, a 'prescribed dose' is one which is a safe level and unlikely to cause such damage so
taking these as prescribed is not going to harm your kidneys or liver. Abuse of them - meaning taking more than is recommended and/or more frequently - will. Read the leaflet you get with them.
And's just a thought I had when you mentioned trying to tie shoe laces. Did you know they make elastic ones? You put them in your shoes and tie them and then you can just slip your shoes on without tying and untying all the time.
I had my THR 9 weeks ago and similar to Sebastian, started to get groin and thigh pain at 4+weeks. My physio said I had been overdoing it and to cut back a little. I did this but the pain persisted, plus lumbar spine pain. They did query leg length discrepancy, but I`m not convinced of this. I saw the Registrar at the hospital last week and he has advised I continue use of crutches when outdoors or longer walks, and more physio. I am also having spine x rays. He thought I could have bursitis, or maybe even infection!! Again I don`t think so re infection.
I had a uncemented ceramic on ceramic, and did read about thigh pain as the bone grows into matrix. I have to go back in 3 weeks so I will see how it goes til then.
I am keen to go swimming but not sure if I could manage the steps. My leg was quite weak preop.
Welcome to the forum, Metalnikki. So glad you decided to join us!

Sorry to hear you are having some pain, but it is quite possible you were just doing a little too much too soon. You are doing the right thing to cut back a little and keep having things checked out if the pain does not subside. Please let us know how things go for you.
I think your assessment is pretty good, Nikki. Which hospital do you go to?
Hi Josephine
I had my surgery at Wrightington. My local hospital wouldn`t touch me due to complications caused by dysplasia. I have just seen my gp who has referred me for physio and xrays of spine and both hips. I am feeling a bit down today with it all, it feels never ending. Sorry to moan!
Oh, well you listen here, friend - this forum is here for people to moan and vent. Otherwise where would we go when we need to let it all out? Only to other hippies and kneesies who will understand, eh?

We had another lady went to Wrightington for her knee. She did really well as I recall. And of course you know that Wrightington was the first dedicated hip unit in the UK, don't you? A lot of pioneering work was done there in the 50s and 60s by Prof John Charnley. IOW, it's a 5 star place!
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