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35 hours after MIS TKR

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new member
Mar 25, 2009
United States
I had my surgery at 7:30 am on Monday. I 'walked' across the room 2 hours after surgery. This morning I walked for 10 minutes and then for another 10 minutes this afternoon. My wound is leaking a bit so I've only been in the passive resistance machine for 30 minutes. It feels great! THe PA will be by shortly and glue the sucker closed. I had Percocet every four hours since leaving the OR and had Duladin through by drip three times. I never let the pain grow ; just took the Percocet on the hour every 4 hours. I am likely to be discharged Wed afternoon. At the risk of jinxing the entire procedure, I would have to say that it was easier than I thought it would be. My PT resource says I can likely be on my spinning bike by Saturday ! (albeit slow and easy).

My goal is to ride for two hours on the Pinella the four week point. I don't see any reason why I can't achieve this.

I had a great surgeon (over a 1000 MIS knee replacements) and a great support team including my wife.

By the way, I am 54 and very fit. I rode my spinning bike 3x per week for six weeks prior to surgery.

You can do this!
Was your surgery quad sparing? I would think it would be if you could walk immediately afterward.

It's now about 4 days from your surgery, how are you feeling? I had pretty bad pain from bone cut for about 10 days after surgery, but it didn't start until about day 3 or 4.

I also had the quad sparing TKR and walked out of the hospital to my car less than 24 hours after surgery. But I still had to go through that 10 days of pain.

Good luck,

Hi SS glad you had so much success with your surgery. I hope you continue down that road.....Congradulations....Keep up the good work...
I'm ..... ummm ......... impressed! very impressed!
Its now 10 days since the surgery. I have been using a cane since Tuesday.
I am down to 4 Perocet per day (from 6). I go from 10 pm to 6am w/o pain med. I do take Lunesta with my Percocet and place an ice bag on my elevated leg right before nodding off. I had a post-operative hematoma (35cc) aspirated in the office on Tuesday and my ROM seemed to immediately improve.

I still haven't tried my spinning bike (nor has the PT given me the greenlight);
don't know that I go complete a single rotation yet. The two week mark is Monday. I come off of the blood thinner and the long TED stockings.
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