3 weeks post-op TKR

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Nov 30, 2008
Montrose CO, United States
United States United States
Tommorow it wil be three weeks since my TKR, I think I'm doing pretty well but I have a couple of things that concern me. Every night in bed I am continually waking up soaking wet with sweat, is this common? what causes it? My knee feels good I don't need much pain med anymore but my range of motion is still not as good as it should be (about 80) Is this normal for three weeks?

About the felxion, I would imagine so. As for the sweats, that's most likely the pain meds you are on. What are you taking?
Hey Mike I had a lot of hot sweats due to my Percocet's I think. Lots of disturbed nights too unfortunately, but it is all part of this long recovery period. If you are up and pacing get online and see if anyone else is here, it was a life saver for me. Also doing some exercises, icing and elevation helped me calm down and get back to sleep. It will get better I promise, just be patient. You are only 3 weeks out!!

If you are uncomfortable at night I found a body pillow worked wonders for that. I draped my new knee along it.

Regards the ROM some do better than others. I was only at about 93 until I had a manipulation 7 months out, still only have 110 at a year. Everyone heals at different rates. Some people are fine at 3-6 months. A friend of my mums was back dancing at 3 months, she is in her 70's, I am 54.

So don't worry, it all takes time. Good luck...Sue
Sue, thank you. I know I'm only 3 weeks out and I need to be patient I'm just getting so tired of not sleeping and sitting around I want to get back to my normal life again. I am so glad I found this forum it has helped me so much. It has also helped so much to have my dear wife Sandy here to take care of me I don't know how I could possibly have gotten through this without her see is such a blessing to me.

Hey Mike. Three weeks have gone by fast. I used to sleep a few hours and then wake up and take an ibuprophen and watch tv for a few minutes while munching on some grapes. Then I would ultimately get back to sleep for another few hours and then repeat the cycle. It will improve as time goes on. So nice that Sandy has been such a help to you. My wife Cathy (ex nurse) was also a great help to me. I guess it is "once a nurse, always a nurse". Right nurses???
Cheers, Ross
Hi...at three weeks I was only at 79...and today at 8 weeks and two days I am at 103.
So you see all of us are at different amounts...
I had no problems at night sleeping as I was and still am on morphine..twice a day..5mg. Not strong but it helps as I take one before going to sleep. I tried going a few nights without it and boy my legs did some walking. The Dr. felt I am best to get my sleep at night.
So hang in there and soon you will be at 8 weeks and you can help someone else...Carol
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