3 Week Since Surgery, Time To Be Smarter?

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new member
Feb 23, 2009
United States
All is well 3 weeks after LHR. My home PT said on her last visit I have progressed well beyond her expectations on what I am able to accomplish walking etc. No difficulties sleeping, my wife Sue is telling me how incredible I am at this point in recovery, but quit trying to be so self sufficient, you just had major surgery.

Of course, we are business owners and I need to keep a meeting scheduled a month ago to maintain our source of income, the client would not understand if something as minor as this surgery should hold me down.

This morning we arrive at our meeting location and Sue drops me off at the front door of the school we are working with since there is no close parking due to renovations they are completing, she would join me after parking. I navigate quite easily to leave the car, and turn to step up the curb and it seems the curb is a little higher than a normal curb and guess what, I trip and almost fall on the sidewalk, which of course would have been a disaster after all we go through just to get to this point.

I am now nursing some very sore muscles that were not sore this morning, so I probably just set back my recovery at least a week. Thank God, it could have been much worse and I can't seem to come to grips with how dumb I was to try to go through with this meeting, lucky that the outcome was not what it could have been, I am still shuddering every time I think about it.

Can anyone shed some light on how they were able to keep from trying to accelerate their recovery beyond what any reasonable person should be trying to do short of being tied to your bed? Somebody please tell me their secret; what did you do to not overdue everything even if you thought you could?

I discovered this forum over the weekend and have been amazed at all of the interaction and support this group shares and how much it has helped me already.

Welcome, Jim!! So glad you are okay after your near fall!!

I think all of us (I'm a "kneesal") have pushed ourselves too hard at some point in recovery, so don't beat yourself up too badly over trying to attend the meeting. But......it probably is too soon for you to attempt something like that and it sounds like you realize that now. I believe you will find people much more accepting of your recovery limitations than you think. Just be honest and tell them you had a total hip replacement recently. These days, you may find the person you're talking to has had a knee or hip done too! Be creative and try to find ways to re-enter the work environment slowly....meetings at your house, teleconferencing or a phone meeting, allowing a good employee to "cover" for you if that's possible - giving them a chance to shine.....there are sometimes ways to make things work out without you having to put yourself in jeopardy before you are ready to get out there.

Good luck and be sure and post any time you have a situation that you would like some ideas on. People here are ready to help and they can be so creative in their ideas!!
Hi Jim! And Welcome to Bonesmart! Okay,,,,,,let's get something straight,,,,,you just had MAjOR surgery, so before you go beating yourself over something else,,,,,You should understand the assault your body has just gone through!
You are also VERY lucky that you didn't dislocate your new hip in your fall! Now THAT really would have been a horrible, not to mention painful experience!
You are also very fortunate that you are even able to sleep,,,,which has been. So elusive to most of us so early in our recoveries!
I don't think there is any "secret" to quicker recovery! You need to.continue doing your pt a few times a day,,,,& walking a little more than the day before.
You also don't mention if you are using a cane or walker? Your wife sounds like she's your best advocate! I'm sure you're nursing not only some bruised muscles, but a bruised ego as well!
This kind of surgery takes TIME,,,,,you should take it easy, let your body go through the natural healing process & don't rush your recovery! That's the way you can have setbacks! Keep up the good work! ;). Lucky you!
Welcome and nice to meet you. I had my right hip replaced in June. I had all the time in the world to recover as I was told not to return in Sept. (A special ed teacher)

The summer before I had had a cervical fusion surgery. A few scopes added in there. Last month I had some extensive back surgery.

Back to the hip, I was feeling excellent at 3 weeks and overdid it and paid with some pretty bad pain.
I have to say the only thing that has taught me not to jump ahead is (the third major surgery (please don't try that method) in a short time, I finally get it . It is major surgery, your body has lots of healing to do. I see a number of specialty doctors and do get my lab, test results. 6 weeks after this surgery I have so many lab values that are not normal. Many I am told are do to major surgery. So I see more of what the body has to do. Blood values, thyroid, liver and on and on besides the actual hip joint.

Also my physical therapist keeps reminding me of all that has to heal.

It is not a lot of help, but I was there in your shoes. Listen to your wife!!

Wow, what a quick response thank you it is sinking in that this is MAJOR SURGERY; these are many words of wisdom. There needs to be a reality show about all of the experiences hippies go through, the emotions, passion and pain would definitely be above average viewing ratings and it is all true.

Of course I am just using a cane Judies the walker was ditched almost immediately being the Superman I am.

Just cancelled a meeting scheduled for next week, that is progress.

Glad you cancelled that meeting. Just come here anytime you feel the urge to overdo!!!
Of course when I had my hip scope and microfracture , I showed up at a school meeting to get a second grader into resource. Our of surgery 2 days. Part of why I got fired (they did not know about that meeting) just did not like me putting in the extra effort , wanted me to just stick to what I was required to do!!!

Anyway relax
The secret, Jim, to not overdoing, is to listen to your wife! Wise woman you have there! :)
Absolutely, Jim! And YOU are a very wise man,,,,but listen to your WIFE!!!! Keep up the great work!!, :)
Welcome, Jim! You sound like a man very much used to being in control of things. Did you get that with your uniform?
[Bonesmart.org] 3 Week Since Surgery, Time To Be Smarter?
So the 'secret' is to understand and accept that for this period you are NOT in control and cannot order things to your will! Mother Nature is in control as the healing and recovery will take place in it's own time and anything you do to try and hurry it along will be counterproductive. But then, you already got that bit of the message, didn't you!
[Bonesmart.org] 3 Week Since Surgery, Time To Be Smarter?

I'm pleased you're finding the forum welcoming, informative and supportive. Those were the exact objectives outlined when it was started!
[Bonesmart.org] 3 Week Since Surgery, Time To Be Smarter?
Hi Josephine,

Actually we sell uniforms for business and school wear, thus UniformMan, but you nailed me, I am a control freak, but also a free spirit and now a hippie. This surgery terrified me that I would be losing much of the control of our business during recovery. Jamie has some terrific advice on how to handle this situation and these suggestions are the right way to go.

As my sore muscles are telling me this morning, using some common sense and taking your time, is the right approach and the MAJOR POINT I wanted to get across on the forum is for others to take advantage of my mistake and not push yourself.

The MAJOR PLUS has been receiving everybody's insight, how invaluable their comments have been. I hope to tune in over the next couple of months/years and provide any insight I can offer to others in need of feedback.

Thank you for the "secret", I will use it wisely!

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