I am so glad I found this message board and the posts have been helpful/informative.
I had a minimally invasive THR 11/28/06. All went well (relatively). Some set backs occurred since...before Christmas, I experienced excruciating back pain during one exercise that the physical therapist was having me do (leg lift). I do have a spine condition (lumbar spinal stenosis) but long story short -I now have an annular tear which has caused episodic pain and decreased mobility in my lower back.
Still, I had many good days and I had improvement in the hip each day. But then in mid-January, I slipped and fell down the stairs - landed right on the hip. Until that time I had virtually no pain and had walked a mile earlier that week. After the fall, my leg/hip felt weaker and I was in a lot of pain...almost as much as I had been right after the surgery.
A couple days after the fall, I followed up with the surgeon for this and fortunately there was no damage to the joint. Most of the pain and weakness has since gone away, but I still feel as though I'm still not as well off as I was before the fall, which is almost 2 months now!
I've been doing most of the exercises that the PT gave me (at home and outpatient) and have been working out at a fitness center (upper body as well as recumbant bike [15 minutes] and treadmill [15 too]) for the past 3 weeks, 2-3x's a week.
I walked a mile last Saturday...I walked steadily but still it took me 15-20 minutes longer on this walk than before the surgery. And I had leg pain afterwards.
In fact, after every walk or workout, I have leg pain (upper thigh) immediately after and the next day...sometimes even a couple more days. And I don't feel as though I'm gaining more strength in this leg/hip!
Saw my surgeon this week and he said this has nothing to do with the hip and also, he said I should be farther along than I am. Before the fall, the surgeon, PT's and nurses all thought I was progressing quickly and far better than most patients [I'm 44].
I feel very discouraged and I would greatly appreciate any advice! I honestly don't feel I can do much more than I'm doing currently - I do exercises nearly every day and also walk up and down stairs (carefully) at home several times a day.
Should I go back to physical therapy maybe? Maybe I'm doing too much? What do you think?
I am so glad I found this message board and the posts have been helpful/informative.
I had a minimally invasive THR 11/28/06. All went well (relatively). Some set backs occurred since...before Christmas, I experienced excruciating back pain during one exercise that the physical therapist was having me do (leg lift). I do have a spine condition (lumbar spinal stenosis) but long story short -I now have an annular tear which has caused episodic pain and decreased mobility in my lower back.
Still, I had many good days and I had improvement in the hip each day. But then in mid-January, I slipped and fell down the stairs - landed right on the hip. Until that time I had virtually no pain and had walked a mile earlier that week. After the fall, my leg/hip felt weaker and I was in a lot of pain...almost as much as I had been right after the surgery.
A couple days after the fall, I followed up with the surgeon for this and fortunately there was no damage to the joint. Most of the pain and weakness has since gone away, but I still feel as though I'm still not as well off as I was before the fall, which is almost 2 months now!
I've been doing most of the exercises that the PT gave me (at home and outpatient) and have been working out at a fitness center (upper body as well as recumbant bike [15 minutes] and treadmill [15 too]) for the past 3 weeks, 2-3x's a week.
I walked a mile last Saturday...I walked steadily but still it took me 15-20 minutes longer on this walk than before the surgery. And I had leg pain afterwards.
In fact, after every walk or workout, I have leg pain (upper thigh) immediately after and the next day...sometimes even a couple more days. And I don't feel as though I'm gaining more strength in this leg/hip!
Saw my surgeon this week and he said this has nothing to do with the hip and also, he said I should be farther along than I am. Before the fall, the surgeon, PT's and nurses all thought I was progressing quickly and far better than most patients [I'm 44].
I feel very discouraged and I would greatly appreciate any advice! I honestly don't feel I can do much more than I'm doing currently - I do exercises nearly every day and also walk up and down stairs (carefully) at home several times a day.
Should I go back to physical therapy maybe? Maybe I'm doing too much? What do you think?