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3 months - how long till I'm pain free?

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new member
Jan 19, 2009
United States
I am about to hit my 3 month mark after having my left hip replaced. Is there anyone who can let me know how long it has taken them to walk pain free? I am starting to worry that the pain will never go away. I still have another 3 weeks before my next appt with the Dr. So I won't be able to ask him until then. If there is anyone out there who may help me understand the recovery time, I would be forever thankful.
Hi there, jus10credible, and welcome to BoneSmart. I like the play on words - very inventive! I moved your post into a thread of it's own so you get your own replies. Added to a long thread the way it was, new members' questions sometimes result in them getting lost in the conversation!

Anyway - about your pain. It would help us a lot if you could describe the kind of pain you are experiencing. Some pains are okay and some are not, some we can say right out are temporary, so give us a description and we'll be more than happy to share our experience and advice.
Thank you for the warm welcome Josephine. Well as far as the pain. It's only when I put weight on my leg, as when I walk. I don't have pain while sitting for the most part. Now it depends on how I am sitting if I have pain or not. But I take that as the healing portion of the pain. I was just thinking that at 3 months I would be walking pain free. That is really the only time I have pain.
Ok, well, it's likely nothing to worry aboout. Odd aches and pains can persist for several months even up to a year! You should make sure you still keep taking your pain meds and maybe keep a note of each instance when the pain occurs, what you were doing at the time and what your pain score was on a 1-10 basis. If after another month you don't see it diminishing then you may need to go have a chat with your surgeon. Are you due to see him soon?
Welcome jus10credible! Sorry to hear you're still dealing with pain when bearing weight. I had my LTHR 4 months ago and have been completely pain-free for some time now - amazes me each and every day. You'll get there too, my friend. The only surgical remnant I have (besides the Frankenstein scar) is some swelling and slight tenderness in the upper thigh behind the incision, but most times I don't even notice it. I am a little surprised it's still swollen this far down the line, but I know they do a LOT of pushing, pulling and God-knows-what-else while they're in there.
For awhile, I was referring to it as my 3rd butt cheek! [] 3 months - how long till I'm pain free?

I've learned since coming here that everyone heals differently, even with the same procedure, same approach, etc. A lot depends on the shape your joint was in pre-operatively, the operative approach, the reason you needed the THR, etc. But to put your mind at ease, I wouldn't wait the 3 weeks until your checkup with your surgeon to ask your questions. They earn a LOT of money doing these procedures, and it's not too much to ask to have your questions answered as they arise. Don't worry about being a bother.

Stick around - you'll find this is an incredibly supportive community and it's a wealth of information that's tough to find elsewhere.
Thank you for the welcome. I am due to see my Dr next month on the 18th. I will be out of town until the 5th of Feb. I guess I can give him a call and leave a message for him. Your right, the amount of money they get, I am sure they can answer a question or two every now and then. I am looking forward to the day that I am pain free. As far as taking the pain meds, I haven't taken them since I've left the hospital. That's why I was looking forward to the healing. The pain has been very small. Now it's just when I walk that I have the pain. It's not a lot of pain, but I just hoped that it would be gone by now. I guess I need to be more patient. I look forward to gaining all the info from this site that I can.
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