3 Month Post-op Visit

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Jun 4, 2009
United States
First I want to thank each of you for all your concern and helping to educate me on this new knee. I thought I had researched it before hand, but only what the surgery entailed, nothing really about recovery. Thanks for educating me. Helped me to ask informed questions and make wise choices today.

My OS did x-rays of both knees today. He was very pleased with the films on the RTKR. Said it was near perfect, just what he likes to see.

As I suspected, he wasn't happy about my ROM. He knew I had worked hard, but I have been stuck for over a month now. Had hoped PT would increase it, to no avail. He did tell me that some people heal too fast and can't keep ahead of the pt. This made me feel a little better.

I will be having a sonogram on Friday am to see what we are dealing with and a MUA with possible scope on Monday am. Return to pt on Wed. He did approve the new facility that will not only save us money, but allow my husdand and daughters to work out with me. Plus water therapy. A definite bonus!

Then he told us, he only does 1-2 MUAs a year. Red flags went off in my brain. :pnc: I then asked, to the chargrin of my husband, "Does that mean you are inexperienced in MUAs or they are uncommon?" He laughed and said, "I do hundreds of these (TKRs) each year and only have to do a few MUAs. They are uncommon." He also said he may have to do a scope, depending on what the sonogram shows. Again only a 10% chance. I would feel better, but so far I have been in the less than 1/4% of the batch. Prayerfully he won't have to cut again.

Now to the left knee. What a MESS it is!! The painful catching is due to several things. First I tore the meniscus 2 months ago, I also have severe OA and lastly I have multiple bone spurs (6 or more) around the knee. Including on the knee cap which is tilted in and catching the other bones and spurs. The inside on the knee is colapsed, bone on bone. Worse than the right one was. Explains all the pain I'm having. Has gotten worse since my surgery due to all the pressure I put on it.

I asked about doing both the MUA and LTKR at same time. NO CAN DO! He wants me mobile, and able to stand on the right leg for recovery. Says we will see after the MUA. Probably July or early August. (4-6 weeks)

The sooner, the better. I want to get on with life, live pain free and be mobile again.

He did give me a shot or cortizone in the left knee. Immediate relief, although I know it is temporary. Hopefully it will tide me over until my LTKR. Helps my limp to not be so severe.

Thanks again everyone, you are the BEST!
And you WILL, Rose!!!! Think positive! And everything WILL work out WELL!! Slow and Steady, Girl!!!......Oh! So easy for ME to say, I know!!! :)
You did have a mixed review. But I just know all will be well in the end. You are a wonderful person and as they say "good comes to those that wait" and your good is on the way. Your knees being fixed and working! They will you know.

Lots and lots of prayers for you.

Bless you.
Aw Rose you know what If you have a MAU you will be happier. Its like all the sudden you can bend without struggling...It really is worth it. I think I told you I went for 68 then right before the MAU, I was 35 went to 90 after. Amazing....And wont have to cut, sore for a few days and thats it...... Well If you have to have the other knee done atleast that will be it and your done.....Please keep us posted. You have been such a help to me that I owe ya alot...Hang in there kiddo........(.were is that spell ck..).lol just kidding...I try to type so fast the weirdiest things are being typed...
Thanks Kim and others. They will only have to cut if scope is necessary. I want a light GA for this MUA procedure, so I can get out of there asap. A spinal will require me to be there too long. :cry:

He thought I would be upset about the MUA. I really was expecting it though and felt much better because of your experience and encouragement.

Rick (husband) told me of a guy at work that was awake with a spinal and all the horror! Bent the knee to his nose and hyper extended it. OUCH!!! Just knock me out!

See no evil...hear no evil...speak no evil. :skp:
today is the first day since my total knee on June 3 that I have felt like doing anything around the house. Even ventured down the cellar stairs to do laundry. Usually around 8:30 pm is when the hip,under knee, and knee start aching. so it's ice packs to sleep with.
Rose..although you got kind of a mixed report...you are a super super woman. You have progressed so well.
Been told that before, but I know my weaknesses. They are many and not without limitations, but by the grace of God, there go I. I am not super woman!

That's just it, I have learned to trust the Lord completely in all things. He is faithful above all, even when my situation is confusing. He has a purpose in all this. Hopefully it is to show His Glory to others! That is my utimate goal.

Forgot to mention the sonogram is to confirm there are no blood clots before messing with the leg. Glad he wants to do this. You know that peace of mind thing.

Not really worried though. The peace of God that passes all understanding is with me. Proverbs 3:5-6

Several friends have already offered to keep the small children. Isn't that wonderful. The Lord has already prepared for my concerns before they came up. I told Rick he could work Monday, since he doesn't go in until 4pm. I should be resting fine by then. He will need his time off for the LTKR in a month or so.

My teens are supposed be helping with a missions project at the local campground. They want to stay home with me. Ohhh, I just had a thought. I could send the children to friends house and the other one could stay with me until they get home.

What do you all think?? Is this a good plan? Not real sure what to expect.

Preach it girl. On my desk at work I have a card of a haggart homemaker==laundry, telephones, kids etc--hair sticking straight up!

Card says....what part of rest in HIM don't you understand. I have to remind myself of that frequently.
I will be praying that you glide right through this. And a MUA is all that is needed.
Thought my days at the barn were over for a while, but not so. Today I couldn't sleep and Rick hadn't so I ended up taking Rachel to feed. We arrived before 8 am to her chargrin. She likes to sleep in...not today though.

I grained the horses while she hayed them. We work together as a team and get it done in less than an hour.

Since I felt so good, thought why waste a trip out. Need a few items from the grocery, so stopped there. Since my shot yesterday, I decided I feel great so take the cart, not the riding trolley as I have been doing on occassion due to pain and swelling in both knees.

By the time I was checking out, the left knee was clicking and catching again. So much for the cortizone lasting till LTKR.

Had to drive home, since Sara my driver was left at home in bed.

Arrived home and put up groceries, then went to rest, ice, and elevate. As I was doing this, I remembered today was the last day we have membership at the pool. Couldn't let it pass without a full afternoon at the pool. So I get the brillant idea to take all the children plus a single mom with her children to the pool.

Thought it would be good for the knees. That's how I justified it. So I prepared lunch, feed everyone and got them ready since the teens were gone and would be meeting us there.

Hard to get 7 little ones with 11 swim suits, floaties, towels, bathroom supplies for showering afterwards, sunscreen, snacks for after swim, etc together. This alone takes about 1 hour.

Anyway, made it to the pool around 2. Got almost everyone lotioned down (somehow forgot myself :doh:), signed in and into the pool by 2:20. Not bad if you count all the little ones I had to put suncreen and floaties on. Swam, walked the pool and was the official swim coach and jump to person for the next 2 + hours. Yes, you guessed it! It was in the upper 90's today so the water felt wonderful. Since I forgot to put sunscreen on myself, I'm burnt except for the white hand print on my left arm where the children held on to me. Don't you just love those prints of love they leave on us?

Don't know if it was the long day I had today or all the activity, but I can't seem to settle down to sleep. My RTKR knee is sending electric shocks down the leg and making it tremble. I've had my nightly vitamins including the 1200 mg Calcium with Magnesium to help and a pain pill which I haven't been taking. So far, no relief. The knee keeps getting these electric shocks and making the leg tremble with pain.

Any ideas????? Could certainly use a tranquilizer about now. Have another early morning. Have to be out the door by 8:30 am to have daughter to work for the next two days and pre-op for MUA on Thursday.

I had planned to head to the new facility tomorrow at 2 pm to meet a friend and work out. Now I'm not so sure I'll make it. Sure hope the pain pill starts to take the edge off this new sensation that is causing havic in the right leg.

Better take it easier tomorrow. I now remember my PT telling me not to piggyback activities. Why do we think we can cram one more thing into our day when we start to feel better? I know that's a rhetorical question without a real answer other than I think I'm invinsible. Guess my leg is just reminding me of that.

Oh by the way, remember that single mom I mentioned? I forgot the part about us keeping her 2 year old and 7 month old until 10 tonight, so she could have some much needed time off. What was I thinking??? No wonder I'm hurting so much.

Sorry for the long post, just needed to vent. Why do I inflict pain on myself. I know better!
Well can I tell you a secret ( YOU DID TO MUCH ) lol. Yes you did. Thats alot to do in a few hours. My pain medicine would take about 45 min to work. I guess it still hasnt started has it? I just care, you have to take it a lil easier, you have another procedure to go thru. You will feel better after the MAU thought. Hope the pill kicks in soon.
He did tell me that some people heal too fast

Just to expand on that somewhat throw-away comment of his, here's my standard 'lecture' on the subject ....

Let me first put your mind at rest - this is quite probably nothing to do with not having done enough PT or been 'good enough' in what you did.

All the structures in the body, muscles, tendons, ligaments, even gut and lungs, need to be able to glide over one another smoothly to let our bodies work. To do this, the body produces a special viscous fluid that acts like the oil in your car engine and lubricates everything with great efficiency.

Now when the surgeon opens up any part of our body, the internal stuff gets exposed to the air which is, by comparison to the inside of the body, cool and dry. The natural reaction is that fluids evaporate and tissues cool. This makes the organs and structures dry so when the wound is closed, part of the healing process is for the body to go into overdrive, producing extra fluid to replace what is lost. This is one reason why you need IV fluids during and after an operation.

Now as a general rule, 95% of people manage to make up this fluid loss and normality is restored quite quickly. But in the other 5%, for a variety of reasons some known, most unknown, their bodies are deficient in making up this loss and lacking the necessary lubrication, the ligaments and muscles lose their 'glide-ability' and begin to stick or adhere to one another. This is why they are often refered to as 'adhesions'.

NB: Some people (and surgeons!) often refer to this as scar tissue which is a bit of a misnomer. Scar tissue is abnormal or fibrous tissue that's grown in a place as a result of trauma like an incision. Adhesions are just normal tissues stuck together. Difference is that scar tissue won't split or seperate easily whilst adhesions will except it's a bit like trying to pull velcro apart by pulling on the opposite ends of the
each tape - not easy!

Anyway, if this occurs and the function of the joint is affected, the answer is to work the joint with some force, thereby freeing the structures from their locked-in state. Much as you would if you got a sticky or rusty lock and put some oil in it, you'd work it back and forth to free it up. That's all a manipulation is.
Rose! You are amazing! It takes a village and then some! G-d keep giving you strength, Girl! You are a wonderful inspiration!!! :)
I read your post and what comes to my mind???? "I am woman hear me roar" My Lord
I got tired just reading your post!!! Wow is all I can say!! I though I was a over doer,
Hon you have me beat hands down!!! LOL Please try a little time for yourself before you MUA please. Now go and hug all them little ones for me!!!
Hi Rose (motherofmany),

From time to time, when icing my knee of just being off it, my knee begins to shake. I like your description of electricity passing through it. My perspective is that it is energy being released and my tendency is to just let it quiver as long as it has energy to quiver. My thinking is that it is better for us to give expression to what our bodies are saying rather than suppressing it and having it come out in some, more damaging, way.
I'm happy for you that you are again moving forward toward a wonderful recovery. Your OS is listening to your concerns and weighing them carefully and I'm sure he/she will take excellent care of you for the MUA and the next (last) TKR. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well!
Thanks everyone for letting me vent. I know I overdo too often. Just gets frustrating sitting around waiting to heal. Children don't understand this long process and want to be able to do more than see the inside of these four walls. They do get stir crazy at times and need to expend that extra energy, so I being the main caretaker comply.

It really has nothing to do with I am woman, hear me roar. Just being a mom who cares about their needs and want them to be happy and healthy. Usually means I forgot about myself though.

By the way Jo, thanks for that lecture. I have seen it before on here, but it's great to be able to apply it to my situation. Would this be the reason I feel dehydrated and always carry a quart of water where ever I go?? Not sure if that relates, just wondering.

Also my x-rays on the left knee show severe deteriation over the last 3-4 months with the 6-7 bone spurs all around the knee and cap. Since the meniscus tear at 4 weeks post-op, the interior bones have collapsed, if you will, on one another. It's interesting to see the seperation process of the 2 lower leg bones went from approx 1/8" to approx 1/2" or more. Wish I could post it here for you all to see. But the photo of my print out won't do it justice. Too much black, white and gray.

All that said, I am ready to get this over with once and for all and live life unencumbered with pain and limitations from my knees.
Re: Should I hold on NSAIDs until after MUA?

Thought I would post this here as well since it's my thread. I have gotten mixed reviews on this, so looking for some input from others who had MUAs.

I take a 550mg of Naproxem Sodium (RX strength) each morning for swelling and pain associated with bone spurs on left knee and both heals.

Should I discontinue it until after the MUA on Monday since it is technically a blood thinner? My OS said it should be fine but said not to take any blood thinner since there is a 10% chance for a scope to be done.

I go to preop tomorrow, so they will probably tell me for sure. Just don't want to do anything to derail this procedure or cause future problems.

Thanks for the input.
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