3 1/2months post op questions

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new member
Feb 19, 2009
United States
Hi everyone,
I was hoping I could get some info. I am 3 1/2 moths post op from a TRHR.
and I have been doing well. PT 2-3 times per week. I thought that I was walking normally and 2 friends pointed out that i was still limping. I don't know how to modify my walk if I do not know if I am limping.

My upper right leg still feels swollen and I have limited motion and span. If my leg twists to the right the slightest bit it is extremely painful.

I am able to walk for hours at a time...ride my bike do the treadmill.I can stand for hours while working. I still do not have full strength in being able to lift my leg straight up while lying down.

Any advise or suggestions?
Where should I be at
Thanx so much
Are you still seeing a PT? If not, can you get a session or two with one as it sounds like you could use some gait training. I take it you limped before the op? In which case it's often difficult to break a well-worn habit without help.
I am 5 months post op and as late as last Friday someone who was in back of me said "stop limping" and I didn't even know that I was. I sometimes think it's mind over matter and you truly have to retrain your brain. Don't forget the mantra that I learned on this forum, "heal toe heal toe". I often say it out loud when I'm walking down the hall.
Just the thread I needed. I am at 7 wks out and was walking without a limp with the cane then about 2 weeks ago I started walking without the cane in the house with no limp most of the time. Now I have a bad limp even with the cane and I try the hill toe everytime I get up to walk. No pain in my knee just feels stiff but it always has. Taking advil every 6 hrs or so even though I don't have pain. My PT will be here tomorrow hope she can help. and I still ice all the time.
I am 5 months post op and as late as last Friday someone who was in back of me said "stop limping" and I didn't even know that I was. I sometimes think it's mind over matter and you truly have to retrain your brain. Don't forget the mantra that I learned on this forum, "heal toe heal toe". I often say it out loud when I'm walking down the hall.

Besides saying "heal toe heal toe" I add in "bend the knee". I tend to stiff leg when I walk although I am working hard on BENDING the knee. LOL
Besides saying "heal toe heal toe" I add in "bend the knee". I tend to stiff leg when I walk although I am working hard on BENDING the knee. LOL
webbie my mom always got on to me ' heel toe heel toe bend your knees dont shuffle. " aaaah that wonderful mantra plays in my head today. lol
Heal toe! Or Heel toe? Whichever way, I hope your PT helps straighten you out! :)
Not sure this will help but it did for me...

I stopped limping just about a week or so after I began balancing exercises, i.e., balancing on only my operated side for extended periods of time. At first the leg shivered and wobbled, then eventually "re-learned" how it was suppose to compensate for the shifting demands.
Haha that is funny walking around the house heel toe heel toe. Someone said it before its a wonder they dont fall down. Its true I do it to..........Kim
PT was here this morning. I was able to walk just fine today. She said the weather we were having could have had something to do with my problem

She also said when walking to remember to push off with the toe. When pushing off with the toe you had to bend your knee. As I was walking I was thinking about how I was
walking and sure enough when I pushed off with my toe my knee bend. So it is heel -toe push for me.

Just have to remember the weather can do a number on your knee. She said after a year it should be better.
Yes is sure can !!!!!!!!!!! Thats funny we were just talking about the heel toe thing....works great.....Sure hope the weather clears up soon for ya...the cold is not good...........
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