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2nd TKR scheduled for Feb 9

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junior member
Sep 19, 2008
Lubbock, Texas
I visited with my surgeon yesterday. It was my final visit with him prior to surgery on Monday. I'm not sure why he does this, but he continues to downplay the amount of pain I'm having. He acts, and has stated, that he hopes we don't make this thing any worse. While I also hope he doesn't make it any worse, I'm finding it hard to understand his position. It seems to change each time I see him.

He is the one that told me that there was increased uptake on the bone scan meaning that the grown-in tibia portion of the knee probably didn't grow in properly and was moving. He is the one that told me that the solution was to cement another knee in there. This course of action was all backed up by another knee surgeon as the right thing. The increased uptake was so pronounced that the tech doing the bone scan commented about it. Now, 3 days before surgery he says we're going ahead based on what I say. He sounded like he was trying to change his mind. It sure took me back somewhat.

However, we are going to go ahead and cement a new knee in there on Feb. 9

I'll probably be in the hospital for 4 to 5 days after that. I'll be back then.

TC....based on what you've written, I can certainly understand your aprehension regarding the things your surgeon has said. You did the right thing by getting a second opinion that confirmed the revision was the proper thing to do. And I'm assuming you have faith and confidence in your surgeon's abilities. They have to do a certain degree of "test talk" to make sure they are not pushing you into surgery that you don't want. Maybe that's what was going on. Very soon you'll be on the other side and working toward that recovery and pain-free life you want.
I don't agree with your DR. down playing your current pain or the post surgery pain. Each person has different pain thresholds. What is painful to you may only be a sleight discomfort to me. The knee joint itself is one of the most painful joints to have problems with. The upside is that the post op pain will eventually end and you will be able to resume a normal life.

TC....based on what you've written, I can certainly understand your aprehension regarding the things your surgeon has said. You did the right thing by getting a second opinion that confirmed the revision was the proper thing to do. And I'm assuming you have faith and confidence in your surgeon's abilities. They have to do a certain degree of "test talk" to make sure they are not pushing you into surgery that you don't want. Maybe that's what was going on. Very soon you'll be on the other side and working toward that recovery and pain-free life you want.

I did vacillate a bit since we first got the bone scan in Sept. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just a slow healer, but I was assured by several doctors as well as other folks that there was very little chance of more healing being as we were already more than 12 months post surgery. We are now 18 months and nothing has changed regarding the pain level in my knee. I think you may be right about this "test talk" thing. This is what it sounded like.

Anyhow, Monday afternoon is it. I'm not being talked out of this. I'm sure it is the right thing to do.

I don't agree with your DR. down playing your current pain or the post surgery pain. Each person has different pain thresholds. What is painful to you may only be a sleight discomfort to me. The knee joint itself is one of the most painful joints to have problems with. The upside is that the post op pain will eventually end and you will be able to resume a normal life. Max

As normal as possible is the goal. Throughout my life I have always had an extremely high threshold for pain. I believe the amount of pain in this knee would have put most others in a wheelchair long ago, but I refuse to go there for reasons beyond my knee. I was in PT for 5 months trying to get this thing to stop hurting.

Perhaps this high pain threshold is why the doctor seems to be questioning the necessity for this even after recommending it to me back in Sept. He sees me walking into his office, seemingly pain free. He is unaware that I'm barely able to walk and when I do it can only be 10 of 15 meters.

Oh well, it will soon be merely academic.
Yep, TC...soon you will happily be on the other side! In the meantime try to keep busy with other things the next few days. Monday will be here before you know it. (((HUGS)))) and my best wishes and prayers to you.

I am sure you have made the right decision.
I am like you with always having the high pain threshold and appearing in great shape.
I had this recent back surgery which really wiped me out and gave me the worst pain of my life. My doc was totally shocked by it all as was I. Yesterday was a little less than 4 weeks post, I went to see him for results of a brain MRI. I try to suck it up even though things are still very painful. We had the medication discussion and he really wants me to cut back. I think I appeared too pain free. I want to take 2 percocet at a time and he wants me to take 1. Maybe next time I will hobble in !!!

Good Luck monday, it is the right decision. I will be thinking of you
Hey, appointment with your surgeon, maybe you should wear those jammies!!! LOL
Tip for the future, folks -

doctors (and most human beings!) have this 25% handicap when you tell them things:
~ 25% of what you said they don't hear
~ 25% of what they heard they don't absorb
~ 25% of
what they did absorb they actively dismiss

Answer: always exaggerate and make sure they get somewhere near the truth!
Well, I've been out of surgery for 2 days now and I feel pretty good. The pain is substantially less than what it was the first time. I got to take a couple of steps today. The pain level was amazingly low. I'm starting to feel pretty good about this 2nd surgery now.

A couple more days in the hospital and then home. Woowoo.
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