THR 2nd hip replacement 7 months after 1st

6 weeks and all is well. No more cane! My 12th PT session is next week but that's the last one my insurance covers. Therapist is requesting more so will see. Last replacement (Iin Jan)I did 17 PT sessions. This round was not near as intense excercises and I feel I need more to be full functioning. I am not real good at at home self directed excersise.
I never went to any PT and don't seem to be lacking any functions. You were there for the first go round, do you think you need intense exercises?
Great news that all is well!
I am not real good at at home self directed excersise
Don't lose sight of this -

It is not necessary to exercise your injured hip to promote healing. The controlled trauma sustained through THR will heal on its own. Often though, we're impatient and want to move the process along. In doing so we run the risk of struggling with pain and setbacks stalling the healing process. The best therapy for recovery is walking, but not to excess. Start slowly increasing time and distance incrementally in an effort not to overdo it. Give yourself the TLC you deserve and reap the benefits of a successful recovery.

Have a wonderful week! :walking:
I do think I would need more PT. Whole my 1st hip was done in Jan, my current therapist was surprised at my lack of range of motion I had on my 1st hip, so he began working on it in addition to 2nd hip.

Don't think insurance is going to approve anymore. Wondering about going to massage or stretching places on my own.
@Matt9740 Just remember that this is a year-long recovery and that your left hip isn't even two months old and your right hip is only 8 months old. Range of motion comes back slowly for most of us, but it does come back.
The key is to keep moving -- it doesn't even need to be PT. Walking is great for regaining ROM.
Take it easy on yourself, I do some stretching at home on floor for my back & hips. I felt very "tight" in hip area for many months up until a year & I continued to improve into year 2.
All I did for PT was walking. And now up to 6 miles every other day.
8 weeks and xrays at surgeons visit were more restrictions! Can sleep on side and cross my legs. Still a little stiff but well on way to full recovery.
Great news, @Matt9740! It's always a relief when the surgeon lifts the restrictions, isn't it? Just remember to ease back into any activities slowly so you don't end up on the ODIC (overdid it club) bench.
A belated Happy Two Month Anniversary, Matt!
I hope you've had a good week so far. Great news on your eight week check up and on the progress you shared in your last post.
Wishing you an enjoyable end to this week! :SUNsmile:
11 weeks since left hip replacement and almost back to normal. Still doing PT 18 sessions complete probably 2 more left. Therapist also working on my right hip which was replaced in January. Right leg is very strong but not flexible while left leg is weaker but more flexible. Lower back is sore and may be hampering my full recovery. Going to get back to piliaties so hopefully that will help. Optimistic will be back to "normal" in a few more weeks. I am very happy with outcome.
Lower back is sore and may be hampering my full recovery.
Many of us have back issues after a THR -- and you've had two of them! It just takes some time for all the soft tissues to adjust to the body's new alignment. You'll get there. You are doing really well.
12 weeks ..was able to play tennis so all is going well. New issue with sleeping...I can only fall asleep on my side with pillow between legs and I flip sides several times per night. But starting last week I wake up with a sharp pain in my inner thigh/ ground area. It goes away and when I am up rest of day no such pain. Anyone experience this?
I had groin pain off & on during recovery. Ice & rest is my way of handling pain that had disappeared then reappeared.
When I fell & fractured my hip the pain was all centralized in my groin area.
Guess I should have known something was wrong then & there but I didn't!
I wake up with a sharp pain in my inner thigh/ ground area. It goes away and when I am up rest of day no such pain
Did this problem occur after you started playing tennis again? Very often new types of movement -- like running -- can cause us to have pain when we are at rest.

Remember that your body is still adjusting to the structural realignment created by surgery. Soft tissues can take months to adapt to the new ways our body moves. The fact that you've had both hips replaced this year means your body has been through 2 major realignments. Give it time.
Happy Three Month Anniversary!
I hope the Pilates helps your back issue. Thankfully the groin pain dissipates after you're up and moving.
You're doing great and that's wonderful, but please do remember that you're only three months into a recovery that lasts a full year for most and even longer for some. As your body continues to realign and adjust to the prosthetic, hopefully the discomfort in your groin and back will disappear.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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