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26 Degrees..That's it. I'm not leaving the house

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Dec 28, 2007
United States United States
I just saw the temperature..Colder than anticipated. 26 in late March..Tell me again about global warming??
Not going to work out...Maybe a mall walk.
Well, now my wife told me to get dressed and drive my son to school..
Yep, it's 30 here this morning. We're expecting snow this week! In March!! Glad we have global warming or we might be in real trouble. What's with this weather??'re the big SISTER I never had!!!

just kidding...girl, you know I love ya!

Rain and snow (maybe an inch) high in the mid-40's. Typical March ugly weather for Ohio. (Also very windy...wanted to ride my bike before PT tha afternoon...I guess I'll ride the one there.)

Tim C.
Our coldest month here in the UK is usally feb but this year march is definately out in front,damm cold!
Klinger, Feb is usually our coldest month in North Florida...All of of the trees are flowered out. This cold is going to knock the buds off. This makes my whole body hurt.

You know of course I will get you back..I used to love to camp out in the 30's. Now, I just seem so sensitive to the cold. Especially this new chunk of metal...Now I have to go plot my revenge..
quote "..I used to love to camp out in the 30's...."

Doug-- I had no idea you are old enough to have gone camping in the 1930s. You hide your age well! Must be that apricot scrub you use.... what brand was that? I have GOT to get myself some of that!
God, I hate to say what the temperature is here in sunny, Southern Arizona. I have the front door open and am bugging my husband to get the AC ready to turn on cuz it is going to be close to 90 here this afternoon. Wish I could send you all some of the rays. Rowdy.
O.K. Beach, you and Patti are teaming on me today. If I see a tube of that Apricot Scrub, I walk wide around it like Poison Ivy.

Rowdy, just enjoy it..enjoy it an just laugh at us...It is supposed to be 75 tomorrow so I will survive.
In fact, I'll go to the beach again just to spite ole smarty Beachcomber!!!!
Oh to be in Arizona!! We are having another snow storm at the moment, about 2 inches so far and very windy causing whiteouts !! Global warming is just a myth if you ask me, the scientists obviously live in Arizona!!!!!!!!!!
Wish I had a porch. My weather guy said 60's coming up and this is the week i am stuck inside, but then snow & ice this weekend. It evens out.
That's all right Doug, about the Fourth of July when we are about 120 degrees with no relief in sight we won't be so smug. There's two sides to every coin. At least this year I will have my surgery over with and, hopefully, be able to enjoy the pool. Last year I hurt so bad that the pool was just another form of torture. Not that it really was it was just where I was in my mind. Rowdy
Yep, and I'll be over here thinking, Oh no, another hurricane is forming.
And I'll be sitting on my porch in the never ending day (it's light enough to mow your lawn at 10 pm here) enjoying the cooling ocean breezes that come in around 6-7 pm each evening over the coastal mountains...
Now if salt was ever rubbed into a wound, I believe it was with that one...I've looked at Oregon several times now on Google Earth. It is really a beautiful state. Just too cold for me.
Maybe I'll be able to travel around some when Scotty,my son, gets into college. Personally I like to drive and meet people.
Sounds like you might want to make a college preview trip to the NW! OSU is a great school, so is Western Oregon U, etc. I love it here. Not too hot, not too cold (usually). Pretty temperate.
Skeet is absolutely right. And there is no place on the planet like Oregon in September /October. Truly. If you plan a visit--- make it in the fall. Little wind or fog at the beach, beautiful fall color with the evergreens mixed in for contrast, and clean, fresh air.
Y'all come!
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