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21 days and in pain

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junior member
Dec 31, 2008

I am 21 days into recovery today. My pain is constant, although it isn't severe. It is however, waring me down. I managed to get two fairly well sleeps since I am home. Last night was horrible. My legs usually cause me a problem but someone suggested a heating pad and that most definitely helps my legs but for some reason I was still up at two o'clock. My problem with the pain medication is it is not strong enough and my GP doesn't want tp prescribe narcotics. He has me nervous about them now so I am willing to stay on tylenol 3's and advil. Lack of sleep does not make me a very happy person. I am not sure if I should scream or cry. I need dental work as I chipped a tooth. That is stressing me out. I hate dentists. I hear what all these kind people are saying about it takes time etc. and I truly believe every one of them. Why can't I accept that for myself.? I guess I am impatient. It was nice the first few days to have people look after you, now I am tired of it. I have started to do light vacumming, dusting, washing etc.
I go at my own speed so that is okay. This really sounds ridiculous, but I have two granddaughters that live with us 13 and 11 and they have been fantastic. I have two younger ones 5 and 3 and I almost feel guilty that I can't do the things I was doing. I think I am just having a melt down today.
I have physio again today and I look forward to seeing the people in my class.

Thanks for listening, I hope I made sense. I feel like my thoughts are all over the place today.

Re: 28 days post-op and frustrated


Your GP is out of line not prescribing narcotics for this type of surgery. I would call the OS if you can't get the GP to come around. Without good pain control you won't be getting anywhere very fast. There is no need for this. A short time course of a strong narcotic won't make you addicted.

Deb, I have moved your post out of btilelli's thread as it would have derailed it some. This way you get your own answers like Simon's answer. With which I fully concur, btw.
Definately need to be on stronger meds and remember to pre medicate with antibiotics if you are having dental work done. Dentist should prescribe this for you if you tell him you have had a knee replacement.
My Dr. let me have several different meds to experiment with. When I found the right one for me he perscribed what I needed. The only stipulation was he would not perscribe any narcotics after I was released to go back to work. BI-TKR 7 weeks and back to work.
Jacques.....others on the forum have had problems with depression caused by constant pain (discomfort as you call it). It DOES wear on a person. Please don't hesitate to contact your surgeon as soon as possible and tell them what is going on. As others have said, inadequate pain control makes everything else more difficult and recovery slower. Also, I think if your pain was managed, you might not be so tense about "needing" to get back to normal. You are still so new to recovery.....sorry, but this is major surgery and coming back takes a while. I think you are doing fine from what you write in your posts!!!
All those doctors who think a TKR patient doesn't need narcotic pain meds needs to have his/her knee done without benefit of any analgesic. Bet most would change their minds right quick like!
All those doctors who think a TKR patient doesn't need narcotic pain meds needs to have his/her knee done without benefit of any analgesic. Bet most would change their minds right quick like!

Right on, Linda!!!
So sorry you are in a bit of a rut! Please don't feel that you will become dependent,,,,all OS's should definitely be more proactive! There are some wonderful pain relievers out there and you should be able to take advantage of them! Just getting a good night's sleep makes all the difference in the world! You're only 3 weeks out! Don't waste your precious energy beating up on yourself! Give yourself time,,,,there's no need to be so upset! Tomorrow will be better!
I reread my post. I sound kind of pathetic if you ask me. I am not usually like that.
Like I mentioned, my pain is not severe, just constant. I went to physiotherapy today and my ROM went from 90 to 98 since Mon, so I must be doing somethig right.
I sat back and assessed my situation. I have different discomfort than before.
I am being taught to go downstairs the correct way. Although slow, I can do it.
That's a bonus. I think my biggest problem is lack of sleep. I am going to look into something for that and see what happens. Thanks for listening. It is a great site.

I find I change day to day with emotions, capabilities everything. I put a sign on my fridge, STAY FOCUSED AND POSITIVE.

You definitely have the right attitude, Deb. And you know your body better than ANYONE! Getting good rest is critical, so I hope your conversation with the doc goes well. Assertiveness pays off!
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