2 weeks post PKR

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Osteo Arthritis, calling.

Ah, Farnborough area! Frimley theatres used to send a lot of their staff to my study days in Harlow in the 80s! "Harlow Orthopaedic Study Days". Happy days!

But, as for your situation, my heart goes out to you. What a dreadful state to be in. I do hope and pray it gets properly sorted before too much longer. You know, it's often so right that if anything is going top go wrong, it'll be a doctor or a nurse that it goes wrong for! I so wish there was something more than words I could offer.
cheers actually reading that has perked me up, I have decided I will be going back to work next week but strictly on light duties... I think mentally it will do me the world of good. To be fair most of the staff where I work are very supportive!!
Will see the GP tomorrow to sort out the burstitis, although its swollen I will manage with it doing office stuff next week and will attempt hydro tomorrow which may help my chest and leg!!!
To be honest this has all been a massive wake up call too as I have been losing weight and intend to carry on as I really don't want the other knee done for a long time. The support of this site has really helped me not to dump all my worries on my poor hubby who must get fed up with it!!
They don't get fed up so much as just don't understand!
I know he has been sweet but we have had an awful few years of luck, he fell on our wedding night a few months ago and broke his arm thats the start of our marriage!!!!
Anyhow, am starting back at work on on Monday, will be answering complaints etc all the paperwork side of it, as on half pay now...
Its made me think a lot though about my career etc being off and things have to change when I go back... Hydro was great yesterday, felt stiff at the start but got to about 100 degrees in the water, I'm hoping I will be allowed to ditch the crutch soon. Again thanks for the support really cheered me up, I will be recommending this site to my friend who is another young un who is getting her hip replaced at this precise moment!!
Gayle -- I tore my ACL skiing almost 30 years ago at a the dawn of sports medicine.
After a repair and 6 weeks in a cast, then frozen muscles --the exercise bike was invaluable. Many injuries, marathons, falls, sprains, strains, et al later -- the PT says the bike is still the best for both ROM and strengthening. Backwards as well as forward. I am 9 days out from TKR on my bad knee with staples in until 15th day and PT says on Sunday I can try the bike. Seat very high as you read earlier, and the tension set at the lowest - like almost no resistance. Just to work on ROM at first. Because you are ahead of me and your staples are out you may be able to do some resistence but take it very slow at first. That regime of gradually lowering the seat sounds like a really good one.
I too hope to get back on the bike as spring approaches (will it EVER come). But the last time I tried biking outdoors - not even mountain biking - just on flat ground - it was a rented bike which was a bit too big for me (I'm short). And I fell off the stupid thing twice!!! Felt like an idiot. Aren't you supposed to remember how to bike all your life? Fell on my bad leg side too but luckily didn't get hurt. so now I'm actually afraid to try a real bike again.
Maybe with the new knee and balancing exercises from PT my overall core strength will improve and I won't fall off? Sure hope so.
So don't be discouraged. You will progress at your own pace as long as you keep working at it..... The key is to find ways to keep working at it with your other problems. I will bet the asthma attack was not just because of your cold but also because of all the stress with your knee recovery. I know before I had the operation I was so stressed out I was making stupid mistakes at work. so try to consciously calm down and take it as it comes -- and goes....
On the other hand you get hydrotherapy which we don't get here in the US. I have a hot tub at my gym but it's got so much chlorine in it and people don't shower before they use it -- so I'm rather afraid to go in.
But as soon as my doc says I can --i WILL get flotation devices and walk - and later run - in the pool at the gym. That is really great because it's aerobic with about a third of your regular weight on your feet/knee.
And oh yes yes yes!!!! keep losing weight if you are overweight. I credit a lot of my good recovery to being thin and in shape. As you get more into the real exercise it will be easier to lose weight because you won't have to starve yourself!! Just remember the mantra - calories in= calories out.
So set your goals, visualize how you want to be, and go for it!!!
Give yourself some time...you will get there! After my TKR, I thought I would never be able to lift my leg by myself again! It was well after two weeks post-surgery before I was able to lift my leg even one or two inches off the bed, and by that time I was thrilled to have even that amount of movement! I would try to get out of bed, and my leg just laid there like a tree stump. Once I started to be able to lift my leg literally just enough to clear the bed when I was getting up, it came back rather quickly where I was able to lift my leg higher and higher each day. Somewhere between 4-6 weeks, I had stopped thinking about it completely, as I could lift my leg however I wanted or needed. Now at 8 weeks, I'd forgotten all about my frustration over not being able to move my own leg for the first 2+ weeks, until I read you post and it brought it all back to me. There is hope...if I could get my tree stump of a leg up in the air, I am sure you will be able to in a little more time. The first 2-3 weeks were the hardest...it does get better!
thanks guys for the advice.... am now back at work as of today was hard going and was glad of the crutch still to be honest. I'm not sure if some of you knew but in the South of the UK we have had the worst snow for nearly 20 years and the UK is poorly prepared, so the hospital was in meltdown so had to just muck in and I survived it just!!
Well, you're a sturdy one and that's for sure! Had I been in your shoes I wouldn't have even opened the front door!
ha ha some hospitals shut their doors!! We soldiered on it was nice to see some comeradarie its not often you see it nowadays!!
sorry for the slow update been back at work full time!!! Am walking without a crutch now, still walking with a limp, which does worsen as the days pounding on the ward goes on!!! Physio reckons theres a vast improvement which cheered me up, have managed the X trainer at the gym as its similar to striding, bend is at 105 now... but frustratingly I still can't cycle, I don't know when it will happen... I tried a pedal and managed once but hit the roof with pain, any tips anyone as I am a keen cyclist and really missing it now
Gayle, so happy to hear you're making good progress in recovery. I think you may just need to be a little patient regarding the cycling....it will come. You probably still have a little swelling inside that is keeping things tight and somewhat painful. Keep at it, though....you'll get there! One thing you might try on the bicycle (I'm assuming you are working on a stationary bike) is to move the seat back or up so that it's not quite as challenging to make the full rotation. Once you get used to that, then you can start moving it closer or down to increase your ROM.
bend is at 105 now... but frustratingly I still can't cycle, I don't know when it will happen... I tried a pedal and managed once but hit the roof with pain, any tips anyone as I am a keen cyclist and really missing it now

Hi Gayle....what kind of bike do you ride? Is it more a question of pumping power vs. ROM? Or is it just a wee bit too early for your knee? I know at about 2 weeks last time, I was just beginning to be able to do a full cycle on the exercise bike without wanting to scream. No way could I do outside riding!

I started back to outside biking at about 10 weeks, BUT had bad balance and very little muscle power without pain because of the cut quads. My solution was to bike on very flat surfaces and keep the pressure non-existent in low gears. Couldn't go very fast, but at least I was outdoors and breathing fresh air. Seems like it took longer for the exhaustion issue to resolve than it did for the muscle/leg/knee issues to resolve. But by the end of July I was up to doing 10 miles in an hour and feeling pretty good (but sleeping REALLY well afterwards!). Still couldn't do much with hills though. That took a while longer.

My other solution was to change bikes. I went to a full recumbent Delta style 3-wheeler, thinking I'd go back to my "regular" bike once my balance and strength were better. However, I fell so in love with that 27-speed racing trike that I kept it and don't intend to ride a two wheeler again!

This time around I'm hoping to be out riding as soon as the weather warms up a bit because my quads weren't cut this time AND I have my trike--no balance necessary! I'm already working on the exercise bike.

Hi Gayle,

Best wishes for your recovery.

I couldn't cycle for at least 4 weeks. I agree with Jamie, a lot of it has to do with swelling preventing that leg from going around. For the first week I could only rock back and forth, with the seat set very high, then eventually I could go backwards, then finally a forward revolution. Even then I still had to rock each time I got on the cycle before I could go around and the seat is now on a level I would use normally. Now at 11.5 weeks I can get on and go straight into cycling, the swelling has gone down to very minimal and has made it so much easier. I also noticed in the beginning it made it easier to have the pedal under my heel rather than the instep, I know have it under my instep or ball of my foot.

Good luck with everything I think you are amazing to be doing fulltime work at your stage.

Chris :)
now at 11 weeks...

well I am 11 weeks post today can't put the saddle any higher as it really is at the max, as you said I guess its the swelling & ROM holding me back, does anyone have any experience of going back to clipless pedals afterwards as I was a real devotee, hate the thought of flat pedals....Maybe my knee is just a bit slow to get going thats all hopefully!!!Weezy - have a road bike and 2 mtb one hardtail and a full suspension too
Thanks for the advice too jamie & chris
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