2 weeks post PKR

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This is such a useful post Gayle - and thanks to Doug as well for the advice re having the seat high etc! I asked the physio yesterday if I could try using my exercise bike and he said I could try but wouldn't likely be able to do a lot yet but yes, to try and build up to one revolution and then more. But all very carefully.

(Gayle you were asking me yesterday about the amount of PT I had to get a good knee bend. As Im sitting now at my computer I have my knee bent and am forcing more bend and when thats OK I force more bend. Dont worry about the amount you have - youre only 2 weeks on and that extra week I have on you made a lot of difference!)

Happy cycling
I must say that I am not a pro or anything but I felt great riding a bicycle for almost 10 miles (on a bike path) only 8 weeks after my LTKR(which was my second). I have heard about how good cycling was for New Knees and i must admit it did feel great to ride a bike for the first time in almost 10 years, and to see the look on my daughters face while riding with her for the first time in her 9 years. I believe that it helped with ROM as well as flexion. I used my right knee to help push my left knee around the pedals and even my Surgeon was extremely impressed with my recovery (until I danced all nite, but thats another store). So in my BTKR opinion I would say it is good for your knees. Aslong as there isnt to much impact(like on a mountain).
I adapted my two-wheel bike to a staionary bike with a conversion kit I bought online from Walgreens. It cost about $100. It's set up downstairs in front of the TV. I was so excited the day that I could make a complete forward pedaling revolution. It sure has helped with the quad muscles strengthening.
I have my turbo trainer sitting taunting me at home, now up to 65 degrees and walking with one crutch but still slow at rehab I guess, although going to the gym where they have newly installed a hand driven bicycle and doing a bit of arm weights to keep me busy, my PT is booking me for hydrotherapy to start in two weeks, but the CPM is frustrating only got two sessions all week as they are too busy. Due to see the consultant next week.. also have a suture that has popped out but is so stuck in he will have to try to remove it... Just frustrated still really...
Due to see the consultant next week.. also have a suture that has popped out but is so stuck in he will have to try to remove it... Just frustrated still really...

Gayle, a belated welcome, hadn't seen your post before today. You still have stitches in? Aren't you about 5 weeks out now? I had mine removed at 10 days. That seems a long time, what do you think Jo?

Recovery can be a very long process, try not to get too frustrated. I am still only at 110 ROM after almost a year. We all heal at different rates. The bike is the best thing, took me weeks to go all the way round though. Even now whenever I get on it I am still amazed how well my knee has improved since the early days. Later on you will know how fantastic it feels not to have any more pain when doing normal things, such as walking!!

Good luck in your recovery. Sue
well the wound was stapled with clips hich were removed, all the sutures underneath were supposed to be dissolvable, but a scab fell of and underneath is definately a suture... Its so embeded so will see what he says, got up to 70 yesteday on CPM, its so hard to be motivated sometimes, have an essay due on Mon am supposed to be doing it today...
Uh-oh - somebody cut his sutures too long! Would probably be fine if the surgeon just trims it! I had a suture like that when a lump was removed from my forearm but luckily I was in a position to deal with it using sterile scissors!
yep, i also tried too with sterile tweezers as i'm a nurse too but its stuck!!! D Day tomorrow off too see the consultant, up to 80 degrees but have to wait about 4 weeks for hydrotherapy disgracefuls. Also now being pressured to come back to work on light duties.... not sure how, will have to take over all the teaching or something as still wlaking with a crutch...
Oh, I didn't pull it out - you can't as it's on the end of a knot. I just cut it shorter!

And eeeh! You're not going to let them bully you back to work already! Do be careful. If/when they do, make sure it's a phased something return like

week 1: Tues, Thurs 10-3
week 2: Mon, Wed, Fri 10-3
week 3: Tues, Thurs full day
week 4: Mon, Wed, Fri full day
week 5: normal duties
well the stitch fell out as he promised when he saw me last week, now up to about 85 degrees, saw the consultant. He said my leg was just a bit slower than others to rehab but not worried phew, apparently this can be common if you are younger as the muscles are different from the older patient. Start hydro finally this week but disappointingly CPM is only avaliable once a week at the moment. As for work I do have a sick note, but I know they are pretty desperate so I am planning to go and see occupational health to have a chat, sadly I would love to be part time, but with the current economy in the UK I can't afford to ( my sick was paid full time).... will keep you all posted, everyone has been a great help.
What kind of work do you do, Gayle?

I have suggested before something like this

week 1: Tues, Thurs 10-3
week 2: Mon, Wed, Fri 10-3
week 3: Tues, Thurs full day
week 4: Mon, Wed, Fri full day
week 5: normal duties
well i am a nurse, but as a clinical teacher so to speak expected to do 85 % clinical... but they want me back for teaching and admin...
Oh yeh update - still can't get above 85, am getting very frustrated as my OA in my back is awful due to using the crutch to walk, have to see my GP tomorrow and I think will need to keep on the MST for work if thats coming too. I have decided to go to my local arthiritis group this week to see what its like, may not have much age wise in common with most, but having chronic pain for the last 4 years takes its toll and all my friends tend to be health professionals and iIdon't like to bang on at them, they get enough at work!!! I just feel a bit low with the pain at the moment, and i think going back to work etc (normality) may help me....
Thought you might be a nurse! Can I ask where you work (just nosey!)?

Well, just don't be a hero and rush back to work. There are some on here who did and regretted it big time! I used to work in Occy Health (still do!) and we would never let an employee straight back to normal duties after a major op or illness.

As for your back, it's very common to get a bad back when using crutches and if, like most nurses
[Bonesmart.org] 2 weeks post PKR
, yours is occupational, it can still be sorted. Mine was when I went to see a chiropractor and I'd had it for years! He's my hero!

BTW are you keeping up with your pain meds? You're not trying to cut back on them already, are you?
I think walkers are better than crutches for walking straight and tall. Those of us with cemented knees (most of us) are allowed to put weight on the operated leg right away. I remember having to think about walking heel to toe, evenly.
work at frimley... have had a disasterous few days though... Had accupuncture at gp on wed for my back, then by friday felt awful from a cold I probably picked up at the surgery during my visit (he kept me on the MST by the way).
By sat I was wheezing so much with my asthma went to the GP as definately had a mucky chest.....
By the early hours sunday I ended up in hospital for a day and a half having had my first asthma attack for 12 years..... Have had the usual treatment - nebulisers, steroids etc and had to coerce them to let me go home to have some peace!!!
But they think I also have burstitis in my knee as it is quite swollen, the docs asked if I had been kneeling a lot and I laughed how can I??!!!
So now have to go and see a chest specialist which seems odd as the asthma problem is just because of the cold I caught...
Does anyone know much about burstitis as I don't could me being really run down have caused it.... am soooo fed up as was looking forward to getting back to work towards the end of the week and had tickets to the football tonight which I can't go to... everytime I plan a trip something goes wrong!!!
Gayle, I'm so sorry to hear you are having so many problems! Maybe you need to give yourself a little rest and your body time to recover from all you are going through. It is disappointing when you start feeling better and then things happen to give you a step or two backwards. But our bodies have a magical way of telling us when we overdo it. Please take good care of yourself. I think it's good to have a chest specialist checking things out just to make sure you are on top of any potential problems. Let us know how things go, okay?
My heart goes out to you. It is so hard when it seems like it is one step forward then 2 steps backwards. I will pray that things start to even out for you. Hang in there.
Maybe this will help you. When things get real bad for me I always say to myself
"self remember if God brings you to it, he will help you throught it"
Bursitis is really painful. It is inflammation in the small fluid-filled sacks that cushion joints. One takes anti-inflammatories, gets a cortisone injection, or just rests the joint and waits. Many of us OA folks get bursitis as well.
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