2 weeks post OP!

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junior member
Jun 17, 2009
Canada Canada
Hey guys! I am very delighted to share my recovery with y'all. Pain has almost gone. It does come back with excessive walking/exercising but its very tolerable. Incision looks great as well and I have started to take showers the good ol' way. NO MORE SPONGE BATHS! :evil: At about 1.5 weeks, I was officially off the walker and started using a cane. According to my physiotherapist, I should start walking 100% independently after 2 weeks or so. I have a very slight limp which will go away as well after I develop a proper rhythmic way of "normal walking". Due to the left leg being 4 cms shorter than the right leg (before surgery), I am trying my best to overcome my habit of transforming my entire body weight on the right leg. I guess this is the reason why I still limp, but from what I have been noticing, that shouldn't be a problem in the next 2 weeks or so.

I still feel slight numbness in my left ankle. However, this should go away as well 4 weeks post OP. The reason for numbness is because my surgeon extended my left leg in order to minimize the shortening (from 4 cm to almost 1 cm). Recovery has been pretty speedy and I am surprised at my own progress in just under 2 weeks. This number was estimated at 4 weeks by my surgeon. Just wait till I go and surprise him on my first post OP appointment on Aug 6. I feel that about 70% of recovery has been completed. The remaining 30% should be over hopefully sooner than expected as long as I keep doing my physio regularly.

I walked for about half a mile today and it felt fantastic!!!:wahey: Thank you guys SO MUCH for giving amazing advises and being helpful every step of the way!
WOW!!! Great progress, Tap!!! Keep heel toe-ing and you'll be walking without that limp in no time!!! Keep up the great progress!!! :)
Wow , you are doing fantastic, Just dont over do. remember heel toe heel toe, strange to have to stop and rethink walking dont you think. I had my TLHR may 22 and you are progressing very fast I am walking with a limp still, but hip is getting stronger everyday my dr, said it would take about 6 more weeks to walk correctly for me.

God Bless
Wow Tapan that is really amazing. Im so happy for you...Geez your moving right along..You go girl...lol...Keep us posted but take it easy, continue with your Ice. But I am soooooo happy with you great progress....:)
Wow Tapan that is really amazing. Im so happy for you...Geez your moving right along..You go girl...lol...Keep us posted but take it easy, continue with your Ice. But I am soooooo happy with you great progress....:)

I am not a girl :pzld:
LOL tap.

Congrats on your good recovery.
Ooops! I thought you were a girl too! My bad! So, well done anyway! You've made a great start but don't overdo it. Don't want you coming here saying you've pain in your muscles and stuff!
Well done, thats great news - you sound like you are doing so well now. Isn't it great not to have the awful pain anymore.
Congrats Tapan, so good to hear your progress is going so well. But take it easy, as most of the problems that arise seem to be from us feeling so good that we end up overexerting our new parts.
And this surgery is very major and it takes a good while to really be up to snuff.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
And it couldn't be MORE worth it! Happy Healing!!!:wink:
:thmb:Very reassuring to hear such gd progress as one week post op getting reasonable movement but quite painful still. Not much advice at UK hospital on what to expect re variations in pain so nice to find a forum. I had a partial Oxford Knee after 2 arthroscopies. Bonne courage
Hi, Janey....welcome to BoneSmart! So glad you found us. There is a lot of information about what to expect following hip surgery in the old threads here. Why don't you spend some time reading. And then start a recovery thread of your own so that people can respond to you directly about any questions or concerns you might have. Your own thread will also give you a place to post progress reports and your successes - those little milestones that mean so much! You'll have TONS of support here.

If you have trouble figuring out how to start a thread, there is information here in the INFORMATION CENTER to help you....or just let me know and I'll help you.
Janey, week 1-3 is the very worst period. Hang in there - it gets better!
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