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2 weeks Post-op THR

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Aug 18, 2009
United States
I am new on this forum...
I am only 22 years old and just had my right hip fully replaced 2 weeks ago today. I have my first post-op appointment on Thursday. I went into the surgery with a lot of pain but I was very active. I went into the surgery in top physical shape. This has helped my recovery a lot. The physical therapist comes and tries giving me strengthening exercises. She says something like, "do 10 of these" and I can do 200 of them. Right now, my doctor has me on "toe-touch" weight bearing. I decided to use a walker instead of crutches cause I can use my replaced hip more that way. For the last 5 days, I have walked a mile everyday with my walker. I tried driving today but moving my leg to the brake showed a little pain. I stopped taking the pain killers 4 days after the surgery. I am hoping that the doctor lifts my weight restriction on Thursday. I am on the University of Notre Dame rowing team and am the top coxswain heading into my senior year. Needless to say, I am anxious to get back in that boat.
My suggestion: get into seriously good shape before the surgery.
Re: 2 weeks Post-op

Welcome, Wow thats alot for 2 weeks just be careful I have seen people go backwards. You have one shot at this make it a good one. If the Dr says go ahead and do all that, thats terrific........Glad you are doing so well..........Sounds like you will be in better shape then think your restrictions are lifted at 6 weeks Jo knows Im a knee but thats what i though...Good Luck to careful Just dont want to see you hurt...
If you are on toe-touch weight bearing it is not alright for you to be driving. The loading you put on the hip using the pedals in the car is not good. Plus toe-touch wb usually lasts about 6 weeks. You cannot be in a hurry with this. You have to let nature take its course in healing and that takes time. I know at your age it's tough, especially as you have sporting interests, but that uncemented prosthesis needs time to meld with the bone so don't be impatient and risk that bond. You don't want to risk a loose femoral component a year or two down the line.
My Doctor actually said it was fine for me to be trying to drive and see how it goes. My PT also said I am way ahead of recovery and she feels they will lift my weight bearing restriction at two weeks. This is supposedly very common.
Hi, mmooose....welcome to BoneSmart. I'll echo what the others say....just take it a little easy. To me, driving seems risky. If you had to brake suddenly, you'd be hard pressed to slam on the brakes with your right leg. I'm amazed that your doctor would tell you it's okay to try driving after only 2 weeks! You might want to get a clarification on that.

I am glad to hear you are relatively pain free. That, and your excellent physical condition (and young age), will go a long way toward hastening your recovery. I look forward to hearing more from you!
Welcome Moose! You're doing great! But like Jo and Jamie really should ease up on driving for a few weeks yet! Everything may be fine, but if you have to barake sharply, like in the real world.....don't kid WILL have difficulty! Continued success with your recup! ((:0)
:lvros:Hi MMoose,
Welcome. After LHR, I was able to drive with my OS's blessing after my 3-week postop. I drive an automatic. After RHR, it took a few days more as I had more pain from that surgery. But am now driving with no problems, including heavy-duty vehicles. With regard to the brake problem, try using your left foot. If you are not used to doing this, you may need to practice. Use your right foot for the gas pedal, and the left for the brake and clutch.
The biggest problem with this surgery is that we try to do too much too soon.
I don't know how your surgery was performed, but if large muscles and ligaments were cut, they have to heal back. I find my hips let me know in no uncertain manner when I push them too hard. I am considerably older than you (61), but being in shape prior to surgery certainly is a big bonus.
But pay wise attention to our forum advisors; they are on top of all our dilemmas and problems.
Patience is definitely a virtue we need to adhere to:lvros:
LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
I just got back from my 2 week post-op appointment. Got the staples out. Dr. said the x-rays look amazing and everything is where it needs to be. He said I am recovering very fast and he is very happy with how it is going. My weight-bearing restriction has been released and I have been walking around the house unassisted today. Everything feels great. My knee hurts a bit but it just feels tight. This will go away with more exercise and walking. I feel a lot more free and can now shower!!! Now the next step is to get the 90 degree restriction lifted at the 6-week appointment!
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