new member
I have just completed 2 months post op TKR...I thought that recovery would be faster, and I am very impatient. My PT says I have some IT band and VMO issues that are causing my pain, but now my heels hurt almost as much as the knee. Is this possibly due to the realignment after years of knee problems? I had my first of 4 knee surgeries 40 years ago,and now my knee appears to have a giant "4" scar on it. Everyone I talked to before my surgery said it was a breeze...no pain...wonderful from day one! I was so glad to find this site and realize I am not alone! I have kept up with therapy, but after 8 weeks they say I need at least 3 more weeks...I'm really down and about ready to give up...I don't have my energy back yet, but have recently gone back to work. In my job I stand quite a bit and the swelling is effecting my ROM...my last PT session I had lost 5* from 106 to 101...my OS could only get 120* at the time of my surgery and said that should be my goal,but due to long time damage I might not get there...Has anyone else had these problems? Any advice?