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2½ weeks after LTKR

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junior member
Aug 1, 2009
United States
Hi all,
I had a LTKR on Aug 3rd and went to 5 days of rehab after 5 days in the hospital. I want to thank the person that told about the pain ball (I had never heard of it) and I asked the anesthesiologist if I could have one after the surgery and he said it would be fine. The medication in it lasted 2 days and then they put me on dilotted and that made me wacko. I will never take that again. Anyway, I started outpatient therapy and had my 2nd session today. My flexion is at 103 and my extention is at 8, the most painful thing is the extention. At therapy I do the bike for 10 mins (first time today) I only could do 1/2 circles without going all the way around for 8 mins and then I was able to go all the way around so they increased it to 2 more mins. I also did extention and flexion exercises. They said I did extremely well for only 2 and 1/2 weeks since surgery. I to have the swelling and do the ice many times a day, especially when my knee feels hot. They also use ice and the tens unit after I am finished with PT.
I am so happy that I did this and am looking forward to the day when all of the pain, hot knee and walking with walker is gone.
good luck to all who have had it recently or going to. It is a wonderful thing they invented.
Re: 2 and 1/2 weeks after LTKR

Hi Georgette! My surgery for LTKR was 8/10---so we are fairly close in our recovery. I too am very happy that I had my joint replacement ALREADY. I have had a quick recovery so far and look forward to long walks and hikes.

So well done with your recovery so far--keep posting about your experience. Take care--keep icing!!!!! Nancy
The world looks good at the other end of the process, doesn't it? You've done well, geo. Most excellent!
I was wondering if anyone has the same post op problems I have. It hurt so bad to put my leg out straight in bed. It is so tight. Also after being in bed for more than 1 hr, getting up and trying to walk is so painfull. Bending is fine, it is straightening that is the worst. Were some of you where I am at 3 weeks. Also should I be outside walking?
Oh yes! I was there at 3 weeks, for sure. Every day was an adventure on waking up in the morning, to gently stretch that leg out. It's the muscles in the back of the knee, the hamstrings, that are the problem. It's so easy to sit or lie all the time with your leg half bent and then when you want to stand up - ouch, ouch! Worse even when you want to test out the full extension. It took me a while to get my extension to 0 degrees never mind -5. I tried that has been suggested on here, put your heel on a coffee table or low stool and let gravity pull on your leg. It worked in the end but was tough going. You got to keep at it but don't expect to do it all in a couple of days. I didn't get my -5 degrees of extension until about 2 months out.
hi Georgette,
I am exactly where you are. It takes a long tme at night to get my leg in a comfortable position and then to wake it up the next day. My PT told me to do lots of foot props for a shorter time period during the day to keep stretching the ham strings. they said frequent and shorter stretching is better. And they said it takes awhile to get loose again. Do you walk around the house inside? I do a lot of inside trips, but have only been outside once.
Hey Geo Im so happy for you sounds like you are really doing well......keep icing and you will be just dine......keep posting. I sure hope you continue down this road....Take it easy though...........)
When icing, make sure you ice behind the knee as well as on top and side.

I had a hard time with both. Didn't get 0 ext until after my MUA at around 3 1/2 months out. My PT did have me lay on my stomach with feet extended off bed and let it straighten out naturally. Then later added a weight on ankle to get it straight while on stomach with feet extended off bed. :shk: Hurt, but was effective!

Try stretching leg with toes pulled back before getting out of bed each morning. This will help with getting it straighter. Also stand still for a few moments before you start to walk. This will help with your balance and gait. Focus on heel, toe while walking and don't limp. Easier said then done, but it will eventually become natural.

Hope continue to do well and have less pain soon.

Hi Georgette,
Like Nancy, I'm not far behind you in recovery and just wanted to say that I'm so glad to hear that your recovery is going so well! And, I agree, it is such a relief to have this surgery behind you, knowing that it's only going to get better! Keep up the good PT work!
Another thing to do before you get out of bed, dangle your legs over the edge for a bit and just kind of shake them to loosen them up. This helps me a lot. Make sure you are steady and have your balance before you start to walk after getting out of bed. I was a lucky one with the extensions. I was at 0 the 2nd week I believe. What I did which Motherofmany mentioned was to lye on my stomach and have my ankles reach out over the edge of the bed...I loved that...felt so good. And Jo mentioned the coffee table...did that too...loved it!
Good Luck with your recovery!!!! You are doing great:thmb:. Soon you will be out hiking, walking and dancing:wahey:.

BTKR 7/20/09
Hi Georgette----I have tried most of these ideas for extension with good success---been reading Bonesmart for a long time! Thanks everyone--all have helped. I do have some stiffness--especially around 2 am-and finding a comfortable position hard---I do like Cindy---and Jo---I take my time getting up--do a few stretches first---sit on the side of the bed to dangle my legs-then stand up slowly. My home PT really works on hamstring muscles.

Good luck---as already said by folks--soon you'll be back in the active lifestyle! Nancy
I am 3 1/2 weeks after knee manipulation (Aug 1, 2009)...had the TKR (July1, 2009) 2 surgeries in 8 weeks...You guys are so helpful with all your great advice & your honesty !!!
I am very very tired all the time & very very stiff in the morning...I do knee bends thru out the day & my daughter has me put my leg on her shoulder & she pushes my knee towards my chest as much as she can...I hold it for about 10 counts & then I gently push her shoulder with my to straighten it again...It feels really good...
I'm having a very hard time thinking about work...I am a realtor & need to drive clients around all day& listen to their needs...It was exhausting before as the market is so bad...but I hope I can get some energy physically & mentally soon !!
3 weeks after LTKR

Thank you all for the replies, I am so glad I found this site before the surgery and now during my recovery. You are all so helpful. I do all of your suggestions and they are working. I went to my 3rd session of PT today and it was my first time in the car (my husband drove) since 5 days ago and getting my left leg in the passengers side went smooth and didn't hurt.
The PT measured my flexion and it went from 103 to 115 and extention from -8 to -5. The therapist was excited. Also I took all of my steri strips off a couple of days ago and my incision is totally healed. Whahoo, now I can go swimming in my pool. I can also pedal the bike for 10 mins now. I do think the therapy is getting to aggressive though. They are putting weights on my ankle when I do my exercises. I was in alot of pain in my inner knee when I got home, it took a 15 mg oxycodone and ice packs for 2 hrs and I slept for 2 hrs after that. They definitely work me out. :hissy:Do you think they are doing to much to soon?
The pain I have is always on the inside of my knee and if I bend my knee to far it feels like my insicion is going to split open.:shk:
I am still using a walker most of the time because I walk better with it and the pain isn't so bad. By the way I live in Phoenix, AZ, anyone from there?
Hugs to you all,
[] 2½ weeks after LTKR

HI Kris,
I had my surg on Aug 3rd and I am also very tired all of the time. I guess it comes with the surg and after 2 you should be. I hope you are not planning on going back to work anytime soon. Make sure you are recovered and the Doc says it is okay.
Hi Georgette,
Today I go for my first post surgery OS checkup ---hope to shower tonight -staples were out on Monday-but he has to give the okay for the shower! (strange I think). Anyway looking forward to the outing--also hubby and I will go to lunch--then to the OS office. Glad to hear that you have done well.

I have had home PT that has really pushed me---saying I was doing well enough to push the exercises. I have loved it though---I was measured at 126 and full extension. However I have felt the leg ache during the night from all the efforts. Also I have used two pound weights with some of the exercises already---boy those leg lifts!. I am going to outpatient therapy (expect the PT orders today from the OS) to start probably this week. Sometimes I have a nap in the afternoon when I feel tired especially after a hard PT--of COURSE I ice too!

My husband can't watch my PT exercises or me riding the exercise bike because he thinks the incision could come open--even though I try to reassure him. He also couldn't watch the staples being removed. Other than that--he's been great and keeps saying I amaze him with my progress.

I don't live in Phoenix--live in Virginia--but I'm sure some of Bonesmart folks must live your way. Keep up the good progress. Regards. Nancy
Good morning! At first I thought it felt like my incisions were going to bust open too, they're not. It's just the pressure from you trying to bend. You said you had ice packs on for 2 hours. Was that a solid 2 hours? I was told not to leave it on for more than 20-25 minutes. My PT and OS could be wrong but that's what they told me to do. As far as PT and your PT being too aggressive, they know what they are doing. I didn't have the weights...still don't, but everything else you mentioned, I've done. Your flexion and extension # are fantastic!!! As far as the pain on the side of the knees, I don't have pain there but I do remember my PT telling me at one point, I was not keeping my knee turned up, I was letting it roll out and when I did this I wasn't using my hamstring or quad muscles. I don't know if that is the problem in this case or not. Hopefully Jo or Jamie will be on soon to answer your questions. Keep up the great job and make sure you are getting plenty of rest. 2 surgeries and even 1 will take a lot out of you!
That's a fallacy, Cindy. I used to sleep with my CryoCuff on. So long as you don't have the first contact unprotected, it's fine. Put the fresh ice pack straight on your skin and you could risk 'freezer burn'! That's all they mean.

Incidentally, the instructions for the Cryo-cuff are to drain and refill the cuff every 10-15 minutes. And the Breg Polar care pumps the stuff around continuously!
4 weeks since LTK

Thank you all so much for the information,
idea's and support. Today is 4 weeks from the day I got my new L knee. I still have alot of swelling, especially around my knee and the outside of my knee is
Totally numb. I am assuming that will get better?? PT is going good except when they stretch my knee by putting my heel on a roll
and then push down on my knee. It hurts so bad and so when they push ankle
In toward my butt. My extentention is at -5 and my flexion is at 115, I think the Dr will be happy with that when I see him on Friday.
In answer to a question someone asked about if I walk outside?? The answer is yes and I use a 4 wheeled walker with a seat and brakes.
My numb area is slowly reducing. These are two pictures of it

.................. at 9 weeks ................................ and at 5 months
[] 2½ weeks after LTKR
[] 2½ weeks after LTKR

Not a huge amount of difference though it has reduced by about 40%, I think.

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