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2½ week post op question

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junior member
May 11, 2009
United States
United States United States
I am on a cane now and things are going well. I want to get out and cut grass on my riding mower. Is there anything concernes about riding a lawnmower and the vibration? 2 1/2 weeks post op
Great question mark I will wait around as well for the answer....You guys have good questions that something we dont think about , but should know.....Sounds like your doing well..Thats great be careful though in whatever you do......Thats true I just realized duh on my part. Only two and a half weeks. maybe wait a lil longer... Hummm
I am not sure about the vibrations, but I think it is too soon to think about cutting grass. REst, ice, don't overdo it, you had some major surgery a few short weeks ago. Just my 2 cents worth.
Mark, I wouldn't think mowing the lawn on a riding mower would not be a problem. But just listen to what your body says.....if it hurts stop and try again another time. I would think part of whether you should do it or not would depend on how big an area you have to mow (time on the mower). If you have a small suburban lot, probably no big deal....but acreage....that may be another matter just from the length of time you would be on the mower. Remember that you are only 2 1/2 weeks out!!!
I agree with Jamie. You may find that turning corners that put pressure on the operated side may cause some discomfort. I know that it did for me just driving my car very short distances at 3 weeks. If you do decide to go ahead be careful of your precautions when mounting and dismounting....
Yes, the vibration won't damage your hip but it will HURT and may hurt for some hours after. My advice - wait another 2-3 weeks!
Thanks for the advice. I think I will take the advice and wait a while longer
You are very wise, choice! Grass is not worth pain.
Mark I am very glad you are waiting too. I overdid at 4 weeks and felt the pain. It was worse than right after surgery!!!! so not worth it.
Mark! Good common sense! Glad you are letting that grass grow higher! And have the perfect "excuse!"!!!! Be kind to yourself!!! :)
I just made a slight adjustment to the title of the thread as it didn't say 2½ what! And then I had to edit the title in every post as well or it wouldn't show up in the searched very well.

And I am also glad you decided to wait, Mark. In 2½ months, this 2½ weeks will seems like nothing! IOW not worth the risk.
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