junior member
Hey guys...
What 21 year old has both of her hips replaced! I kno that must sound fairly silly but I am flipping out a bit at the moment... Alot of the things I've read on this site has helped me but I'm still worried about whats going to happen after? Alot of my friends live in walk-ups and I wont be able to drive. Will I even be able to go to the bathroom on my own? Is the "not able to break 90 degrees" thing temporary or perminant? Is my pelvis going to be locked like this always because of the hips being the way they are? When i lay down and try and put my legs to the floor my lower back arches so i can... Thinkin about it its prob cos my hips have locked... But i keep tripping and almost falling over and its like.. my hips know its coming close to the operation and so they're crumbling like a cake being rolled down a hill! Even though I'm spending about 12-16 hours sleeping and the rest im resting or dozing. My step father has just being diagnosed with prostate cancer and starts treatment next week, so my Mum has her hands full with him and me and still has two other kids to look after while shes not too well herself... Right now i wish i could get a big hug from my boyfriend... But he lives in England.. and i dont get to see him til June... But at least ill be able to run up and hug him when i see him at the airport... I hope...
I dont know what im looking for and i know i really am ramballing... I just need some reassurance that im not going completely insain and it is going to be ok and its not going to be this bleepin painful and terrible life forever...
Thanks guys... Hope to hear back soon ..
What 21 year old has both of her hips replaced! I kno that must sound fairly silly but I am flipping out a bit at the moment... Alot of the things I've read on this site has helped me but I'm still worried about whats going to happen after? Alot of my friends live in walk-ups and I wont be able to drive. Will I even be able to go to the bathroom on my own? Is the "not able to break 90 degrees" thing temporary or perminant? Is my pelvis going to be locked like this always because of the hips being the way they are? When i lay down and try and put my legs to the floor my lower back arches so i can... Thinkin about it its prob cos my hips have locked... But i keep tripping and almost falling over and its like.. my hips know its coming close to the operation and so they're crumbling like a cake being rolled down a hill! Even though I'm spending about 12-16 hours sleeping and the rest im resting or dozing. My step father has just being diagnosed with prostate cancer and starts treatment next week, so my Mum has her hands full with him and me and still has two other kids to look after while shes not too well herself... Right now i wish i could get a big hug from my boyfriend... But he lives in England.. and i dont get to see him til June... But at least ill be able to run up and hug him when i see him at the airport... I hope...
I dont know what im looking for and i know i really am ramballing... I just need some reassurance that im not going completely insain and it is going to be ok and its not going to be this bleepin painful and terrible life forever...

Thanks guys... Hope to hear back soon ..