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17 days till op and FREAKING OUT!

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junior member
Aug 24, 2009
Hey guys...


What 21 year old has both of her hips replaced! I kno that must sound fairly silly but I am flipping out a bit at the moment... Alot of the things I've read on this site has helped me but I'm still worried about whats going to happen after? Alot of my friends live in walk-ups and I wont be able to drive. Will I even be able to go to the bathroom on my own? Is the "not able to break 90 degrees" thing temporary or perminant? Is my pelvis going to be locked like this always because of the hips being the way they are? When i lay down and try and put my legs to the floor my lower back arches so i can... Thinkin about it its prob cos my hips have locked... But i keep tripping and almost falling over and its like.. my hips know its coming close to the operation and so they're crumbling like a cake being rolled down a hill! Even though I'm spending about 12-16 hours sleeping and the rest im resting or dozing. My step father has just being diagnosed with prostate cancer and starts treatment next week, so my Mum has her hands full with him and me and still has two other kids to look after while shes not too well herself... Right now i wish i could get a big hug from my boyfriend... But he lives in England.. and i dont get to see him til June... But at least ill be able to run up and hug him when i see him at the airport... I hope...

I dont know what im looking for and i know i really am ramballing... I just need some reassurance that im not going completely insain and it is going to be ok and its not going to be this bleepin painful and terrible life forever...:cry:

Thanks guys... Hope to hear back soon .. :sigh:
Sorry I meant to put that in the general hip replacement discussions, not the recovery.. my bad. I cant figure out how to relocate it... Sorry :(
You can't - but I did it for you! And I changed your age!
You will be able to go to the bathroom on your own...maybe not the first day but you will eventually.

The 90 degree restriction is temporary...usually for the first 6 weeks. The doctor will let you know when you're cleared to move past it.

And who cares your age? I'm 26 and was a professional dancer. I felt very weird about it at the time of the surgery but this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. You will get your life back...

I know exactly what you're going through...I lost complete range and mobility in my leg. I experienced the tripping too-I think our muscles just get tired of working so hard and your hip no longer knows how to function to walk properly. I also slept a majority of the time leading up to my surgery.

You will be fine!! We're all here cheering you on...if you have anymore questions please post them. Its not going to be terrible forever. It just feels that way right now because the pain and stress is exhausting. Once the surgery is over that pain is gone. The only pain you have to deal with is recovery pain and that is temporary. Take a deep breathe...You're almost there!!!
I'm 26 and was a professional dancer.

AM a professional dancer, surely! :thmb:

Well, Bindarella, you heard that from someone whose already been there and it doesn't get any better than that!

Only thing I can add is that you read around the old threads. You'll find lots of other 20 year olds in the same boat. You could also check out the Information Centre link at top of page) and Recurring Hip Information for lots of useful info.

Oh yes, and a great big welcome to the BoneSmart family. Once you're in, you're in and everyone will be rooting for you.
Oh - I almost forgot - have you looked into hip resurfacing? It's a good alternative to total hip replacement. It removes less bone so when you have a revision, it's easier. And, I'm told, the range of movement is better with the HR.

Go to this site and read about it. They talk about nothing but hip resurfacing.
Hey Binderella,
I just joined, so I don't have any experience to offer since my surgery isn't until January. And I think at one time I was in my 20s, but I don't remember since it was such a long time ago.

Here goes...and just my views only...
The pain I (and you) have now is bad pain. However, I try to look forward to the pain I will have in recovery because I know it is good is healing pain. It means I am getting better. I took this view with my knee surgeries years ago and it helped me.

Now, just promise me you will remind me of this when I freak out right before my surgery!:D

Welcome to both of you, Joe and Binderella! We're glad you're part of BoneSmart and hope you have plenty of opportunities to chat with others on the forum. The communication with these folks from around the world really helps you know you are not alone with any of the feelings, fears, or joys (that comes AFTER surgery) that come along. We're here for you. There is almost always someone online since the family literally is worldwide.
Welcome Jo and Binderella! Lucky people...REALLY!!! You'll BOTH get your lives back! It is SO cool being BIONIC!!!! -ts definitely a journey! But SO worth it! Best of luck to BOTH of you!!! Great group here!! Support is evident in every post!!! ((:0)
The "freaking out" part is absolutely natural. If it is any help, just about all of us felt the same thing. It is a natual part of the process. the only thing that got me through the "jitters" was the hope of leaving the pain, and the pill bottle, behind.

95% of the folks I've met on this forum, and off. who had a hip replacment will tell you it was the best decision they ever made in their life. By the time we get to this point we are usally in a whole lot of pain and limited in what we can do. I am 6 weeks shy of my one year anniversary and I can do anything I "want" to do, anything. And do it with absolutely no pain - now doesn't that prospect sound exciting?
Hi Binderella,

I'm new too. But I'm happy to say that I had double hip replacements 4 months ago today and am doing great! I rock climbed for the first time 3 weeks ago. Quite awesome I must say! Don't freak out, it's well worth it. I found that the potty risers rather than the stand alone pottys were much more sturdy. My restrictions were lifted after 4 weeks and believe me, you won't want to go down lower than 90 degrees for the first couple of weeks anyway. With one hip it's easy to cheat when sitting down and getting up; with two hips it's a bit trickier. You just need someone to help you until your muscles strengthen and stop hurting. 4 weeks po was a turning point for me. Be sure to get duplicates of everything, like the pottys, reachers, walkers and crutches. I left reachers in virtually every room! Also be sure to have someone there to help you for the first two weeks. I am an active, independent individual and I made the mistake of thinking I was okay while my kids were at their summer jobs and my husband was at work. Big mistake; several melt downs. You need people to get & put away your ice. Carry the meals to the table & simple stuff like that b/c you can't favor your good leg b/c you won't have a good leg right from the start. Good luck! You're young so you'll do great!!
Hi there well i am going for a redo of my knee replacement so we can keep each other co Im sure you will be fine...i wish your the best wow both hips just think you will be all new again...........) good luck
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for your encouragements... Im a little embarassed to post my meltdown on site but I think its good to hear from people who have been through the same thing. i'm staying at my mums at the moment and will be until i can function on my own.. I was staying at my own place and sleeping alot and not eating to mum came and got me... SuperMum to the rescue! I have two teen siblings and one Pre-teen who are at home as well, but we are get on so well and theyre all fantastic at lookin after their big sister... I've had it where i can't carry the food to the table and all that, lol heck i even have it now! lol

As for Hip Resurfacing, they looked into it but said that it was too far gone... you can't even see a vague outline of the ball of the hip on one of them.. my doctor said it would end up bringing me back in three years or so.. so not a good thing.. and they explored Partial Replacements too.. but as i say if your gonna do something, do it well and my hip has destroyed itself very very well. Tee Hee Hee.

The thing I'm finding most frustrating is the frustration itself. I know there is nothing i can do about it at the moment and that i am so close and almost there to turn the corner to getting better, but because im frustrated i get more frustrated and i cant do what i normally do to relieve it which is walk, bike ride or just stop being in pain! and that in turn frustrates me more. And i also cant seem to get to sleep at night, only during the day.. or early hours of the morn.
I've pretty much been "sick" since birth, and was diagnosed with A.L.L Leukaemia in 2005... April fools day to be exact. and i have had a "Rough Trot" since then... The steroids with the Chemo caused the AVN and here I am.. So even though ive only had AVN for close to three years, ive been restricted quite alot since 2005, and even after this I still have to go to the hospital every 4 weeks for the rest of my life for Blood Transfusions for another Blood Disorder I have... This usually doesnt bother me that much but I think that maybe i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed? That's understandable, Right?

Oh a positive thing though, my sisters waters broke this morning. IM ABOUT TO BECOME AN AUNTY! Praise God for the blessed Miricales He brings :D

Thankyou my friends for listening to my hideous ramballings of a Madwoman. I couldnt tell you all how much you have all helped, just to listen to me and comfort me anyway...

oh and I'm looking forward to that good ol healing pain :D THAT I can deal with...

THANKS GUYS *hugs all round*
Binderella Sounds like you have an awesome family to help you. You are a great writer. I've enjoyed reading your posts. Keep them comming.
you made me feel like a big babby for all you have had to go through . This will be a piece of cake, at least after you have a few weeks of recovery under you.

Well we haven't figured out any way to avoid the freaking out before . It happens to everyone. it is truly the worst part.
But we are all here for you
Wow...I just re-read that...

What a huge rant. lol
And thanks Judy... Hopefully someone will figure out the key to the "freak out" stage and they will have something to cure it and will become a millionaire and everyone will be happy and the world will become a musical!!

.... YEAH... probably not.. Sorry its.. wow 3 33 am in good ol Down Undah! lol
Can't sleep... Seems a regular occurance since my "good leg" is now in the running for the winning medal of Bad Leg... Theyre both winning at the moment. LOL

I was so upset today.. I rested all day because my friend her boyfriend and I were going to go to the movies tonight to see Astroboy :D I get there walk around for 20 minutes looking for her, text her and she writes back "oh yeah sorry im held up cant come. will do it later. bye." It wouldnt have upset me so much for the fact that she bailed the night before too... and id wasted all my days energy looking for her. :(

But yes...14 DAYS TO GOOOOO!!! two days after that is my boyfriend's 21st birthday and then the day after that is our 1 year anniversary... Although even if I wasnt in hospital we wouldnt be able to spend it together anyway... He lives in the UK. And he does an absolutely spectacular job at supporting me from over there... better than anyone else not related to me has from here lol.

anyways im gonna stop ramballing and try and sleep. God bless all! nite :D
Ihave rambled and complained so much on this site i am truly embarrased. You deserve to speak freely anytime. I do really enjoy reading everything. when you wake up from hopefully a long restful sleep, tell my how you met your boyfriend.
I have a 24 year old son who is engaged to a sweet, beautiful young lady in Germany. He is in the army in North Carolina. They met when he was stationed in Alaska.
I would love to hear your story
Binderella - you've got a wonderful attitude. Something tells me you're just going to fly through your surgery!
Binderella, this is THE place for rants and whines.....we all do it and the support from those who know and understand how you feel will always be there. Just know that good days follow the tough ones and then it will be your turn to tell a "newbie" that it's okay to feel this way. (((HUGS)))) to you, hon!!!
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