16 Weeks and a Clean Bill of Health

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junior member
Jul 9, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
United States United States
Just got home from my 16 week checkup. He said everything looked great. Joint is tight and ROM is better then he expected. It is only a 98 but he said it was only 85 prior to the surgery so 13 degrees is great. He doesn't expect it to get more then 105 in the next 8 months. He said to come back next June for my yearly checkup unless I need something before then. I don't have any pain and sleep well at night on 2 Tylenol PM. I have flown to Tampa for business without any issues and have even started back to fishing tournaments. Went back to work full time after 7 weeks and at this time am glad I had the surgery but not ready to do the right one until I have too, even though the doc said it needed it. It isn't painful but the cartilage is wearing down and it is close to being bone on bone. Maybe next year or the year after. I have enjoyed ready about how others are doing and feel sorry for those that have not had it go as well as it should have. I have seen how much of a difference each surgeon opinions can be. I would have thought there would have been some type of baseline or standard but evidently not. It does all boil down to how good the surgeon is to how well someone does from the surgery in my opinion. I can say I had a good one and am glad for that. I would highly recommend him to anyone in the Memphis area. I also have a good one in the Denver area. Good luck to all

Great news Dale. Don't hesitate to get the other one done as well. My RTKR was Dec 12 / 08 and the LTKR was Apr 14 /09. The right knee felt normal at the 4 month mark and the left one has just started to feel normal at 6 months. On occasion, I take Ibuprophen for the left knee. Otherwise, all is good. Boy what a difference! I can now go up and down hills and stairs without pain.
Great to hear your good news story as well.
Cheers, Ross
Great that you got the clean bill of health. Glad I had both knees done at the same time, I woud definitely be putting it off if I had done one at a time. I agree, would be wonderful if there was a baseline on the surgeons. I had a wonderful surgeon, everyone tries to get hi or his partner and even he says this surgery is just not for everyone. I feel that I was lucky to have picked a good surgeon and to have been one of those who the surgery is a miracel for. Glad to hear you are enjoying your lilfe once again. Good luck. Rowdy
Excellent! Most excellent!
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