16 Days Post BTKR

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junior member
Jun 25, 2008
Texas - DFW Area
Was happy to find this site and read the various stories and comments about knee replacements. I'm a 55 year old female and finally got tired of walking like a penguin! At 16 days post op, my surgeon and therapist both tell me I'm doing great. I'm walking with a cane, pretty much pain free. I'm at about 110% range of motion on both knees. The right knee needed some tendon repair so I'm required to wear a brace on it while walking. The pain comes during therapy but especially at night when I try to sleep. I too have been trying to cut back on the pain meds, thinking it was time. I've been told that's wrong and that it's too soon for me to expect to be pain free. I'm doing anywhere from 4-6 pills in a 24 hour period and that keeps me mostly pain free. Would love to know if anyone has any tricks for getting a full nights sleep. That is my worst time for pain.
NJW, Welcome to the sight! It sounds like you are doing great at 110 degrees rom. I am at 16 days post op also and this is my second time through this. First knee was last Oct. Sleep is definitely the big issue for anyone having joint replacement and I don't think there is any one answer. I had three nights in a row where I slept 6 hours straight and I thought I had it beat and then last night bang! NO SLEEP! No explanation or change to the routine, it's just the way it goes.

Many think the drugs have something to do with it and I have to admit I slept much better the first time around once I got off the drugs but we are too soon in the game to even consider no drugs. Hang in there. Well all be sleeping again eventually. Karen
I switched from Norco to Darvocet and I am sleeping a bit better. A friend of mine said that Norco effects some people like a caffeine fix. Not sure if it's the timing or the change in meds...

Something to think about!
trick for getting some sleep... Keep trying! and whoever told you to KEEP TAKING the pain meds was RIGHT! 4-6 a day at just over 2 weeks is totally approptiate. Like Marianne said, initially the drugs help you sleep because they keep you out of pain (Are you taking a full dose at bedtime?) but down the road, weeks, they do the opposite. Glad you found us and keep posting NJW. :)
I am also 55-year-young female with BTKR and on day 10 post-op. Welcome to the site, and keep posting. This is great for comparing notes. I have read many posts about lack of sleep, but I slept so fitfully before surgery, I am grateful for a 4- to 6-hour stretch. I am taking 2 mg. Dilaudid about every 4 hours. I am hoping to stretch them out an extra hour by next week. When I am scheduled for PT, I include a couple of Tylenol with it. My ROM right now is only 80 and 82. I am thinking that's because my PT was suspended while being treated for a pulmonary embolism.

You sound like you are doing fantastic. Keep up the good work and keep posting.

Welcome NJW. When I had the sleep problem, Skeet suggested a body pillow. It has been my best friend ever since. Just turn on my side and put my leg over and along it. Don't know about with Bilats though? Sleep MD also helped a lot and as it is natural no addiction involved, I just stopped taking them when I no longer needed them. Also I found getting up and exercising or getting on the stationary bike helped or if not get on the computer and see who else is online or check out all the old posts. Good luck, sleep well soon!! Sue
I am about to switch my pain medicine; nurse just called in a script for Darvocet. She said it is possible the Norco is keeping me awake. I know it has never made me the least bit drowsy so I'm hoping this will do the trick and I can get a decent night's sleep! I've been using a body pillow but not getting much relief with it. We'll see if tonight is any better. Thanks for all the words of encouragement. Nancy
After I switched from Norco to Darvocet, I also added in Tylenol PM at night. If I take two Tylenol PM with the Darvocet, I sleep a nice long stretch, wake up around 4-4:30 take pain meds and get some ice and fall back to sleep until 9am.

Hope it works for you too!
NJW - welcome to the forum!
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