Two years ago on this very day
I became bionic
Number two hip was done
It had been hurting something chronic
Bashing in a new bit
Made of titanium I believe
And hopefully after years of pain
Suffering it would relieve
After two years of walking sticks
And some days stuck in a chair
Hopes were high for new hip
I offered up a prayer
First few weeks felt insecure
Was more painful than my first
And of course pushing too hard
Just made matters worse
I would say 5 months was key
In walking, gait and less pain
And taking it more easy
So for my body less of a strain
6 months to a year
Improvement beyond expectation
But still overdoing it
Can lead to some frustration
Even now after 2 years
My hips can tell me no
Enough is enough for today
Take it a bit more slow
For those of you at the beginning
Patience is the key
Avoid the overdid it club
I didn't, unfortunately
Most of your worries and concerns
Are answered on Bonesmart
For your recovery
It's a great place to start
No need to climb Everest
Or sprint or do handstands
Just some walking to begin with
Then start making plans
Even now if I do too much
And really start to ache
Will use ice and walk with a stick
And pain killers I will take
@Layla @Mojo333 @CricketHip
You kept me going
When I was having my doubts
And pessimism was growing.
So that's my two year report
And I'd just like to say
That while most of my poems rhyme
This last verse, doesn't.