Well, I got to see a fizzio on the NHS at the GP's surgery. Who knew they existed. I still have some pain and stiffness in and around incision area and glute which as I said before really makes walking uphill a big problem. After pulling and prodding it was decided that I have a problem with Piriformis and was given exercises to do ( as they are shown on bonesmart). So I am stretching and exercising gently with some walking and will see how it goes and report back to fizzio in 6 weeks. But, as I was doing some of the exercises, the following poem started forming.
I am a double hippy
Second one at 66
And when I walk too quickly
They go clickety click
So I went off to see the GPs
And told them what was wrong
Doc said the noise was my walking sticks
As I was hurrying along...
One week later back to doctors
As the noise had continued
Doc said that is fairly normal
As you are straining every sinew
But Doc, I said, it's been 5 months,
Since they hammered righty in,
Surely it should be pain free now,
My patience is wearing thin.
Doc said, look here DK,
This could take a year or maybe more
Maybe stop trying so hard
It won't be quite as sore
There is a lot of learning
That your body has to do
How to walk correctly,
Everything is new.
When your body's hurting,
Try ice and elevate
And when you go out walking,
Remember your new gait.
It's a long old process
Doc said, poor old DK,
And even though you are wonderful
You can't have an appointment every day.
So may I make a suggestion
You can of course ignore
But if I had a hip replacement
I'd look at joining bonesmart. org
But Doc I again pleaded
Please help me in my strife
After all you're not just my doctor
As you are also my wife!