125 ROM RTKR!!! But moving to the Hip side

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Jun 2, 2008
Palmer, Alaska
Party time here in AK - We hit 125 this am at PT - Pt was able to bend it with a weird angle and we made 125!!!! P-A-R-T-Y. I am down to pt 2x a week for 1 more month and then I will move into a more gym type program that they offer. Saw the OS and we talked about the knee and how the hip and back are. Hip is killing me. He looked at my gait and said he thinks I am favoring the hip - yeah - well the way it feels - probably. Knee is bending the most it can right now - But he thought Ishould consider hip arthroscopy to make the socket the right size for the bone. The calcification has narrowed the opening causing a major pinching thing to take place. Right is worse then left but left is also showing signs of same thing. He said having it done prior to January would be fine since the knee is finally moving now - It should be a decent recovery and I can head back to school right after xmas break. He thinks he will cut /grind off all the calcification, clean up any tears on the cartilage that are present and if necessary use microfracture if necessary. This should buy me a while and hopefully I won.t need that joint replaced. I figured - might as well get a total overhaul this year so I can get my feet back on the ground this spring and get my life ALL the way back.

Hubby will get the needed time off - just for the scope and the following day. Works out well. I am actually happy to be doing this - ever since my knee got done the hip has hurt more and more and more with the increasing ROM. I want to SKI sooooooo bad - I want to play with the monster pups and walk along the river this summer - SO.... Iam not putting it off - I am moving forward!!!

I have been researching as much as possible on this and feel like he is following the rules. I will see my original OS in 3 weeks for a knee followup and a second opinion. But - I feel confident he will support this option - the XRAYS really said it all - even I could see what he was talking about. And I refuse to not get my life back aftetr all this work!!!!

OK - For all you hanging in there with ROM - we can do it!!! I never ever thought I would see 125 - and I made it!!! 130 - watch out - here I come!!!!!!

Sort of partying up here in AK!

Thanks for all the support - Guess I will be a Bi-Board member!
(Will the hippies accept an old knee and a scope for the hip????) I hope so!


(Josephine - any words re: hip arthroscopy to clean up extra calcification, etc?? - I think its called FAI femeral aceta... something impingement) Any help appreciated!
We are twins. I am going to have knee scope with probable microfracture. The problem with microfracture is it is a long recovery while waiting for the fibrocartilage to grow in.

I had arthroscopic surgery on my hip in Feb. My surgeon did clean it up,noticed it was severely arthritic ( neither he nor I were expecting that) he did do microfracture. I had the first 4 weeks with 50% weightbearing, using crutches. Next 4 weeks I slowly weaned off crutches to full weightbearing, but not allowed much activity. I think then I was sent to pt as the muscles were shot from inactivity. I guess I was allowed non impact as I did get permission to go cross country skiing. It was difficult to get up from falling as my muscles really were weak.
Anyway in April, I decided as I was out of a job and facing hip replacement in the next 6 months to a year, I decided to go for it. Lived on vicodin , did lots of hiking and the rest is history.

Now the knees!! We probably need a new catergory on here!!

Congrats on the 125!!!
Just to let you know I have seen your post, Marianne, but I have to shoot off to work now so catch you this evening, ok?

Way to go girl, I knew you could do it, now just a degree each PT and you will be at 130 in three weeks! Sorry about the hip but I agree, get it done now so you will be able to enjoy the spring.

God Bless,
Congrats girl!

Sorry about the hip though....For your sake, I hope what I hear is true...that recovery from hip surgery is far easier than knee....
Marianne and Judy, You guys are both really to be admired. Neither of you knows the word quit and through it all you manage to keep smiling and if not smiling you at least maintain a sense of humor. I truly admire you both. Good luck. There is no doubt in my mind you will both be back doing everything you want in your lives by next summer, you're too determined to do otherwise. Rowdy

Thank-you so much for the compliment and encouragement. It really touched my heart.
I see both my spine and hip/knee surgeon next week. My thoracic area was definately not helped by the injections last week. Fusion may be the next step.
Both docs work in the same office and often together (as in my case) in dealing with hip/lower back pain.
My hope is that if I need fusion, I sure need something, both that and the knee microfracture can happen during the same recovery.

Rowdy I have always looked at the many many others in much worse shape than I. Last week I kept telling myself and other people that there are many who wish they could feel their back at all and would gladly accept this pain. Many others with no legs wanting knee pain.
I took off for a bike ride over the weekend and said Hi to this man in an electronic wheelchair. He slowly turned the chair (not his neck ) to smile at me.

Enough of me, off to pick up my high school son and physical therapy.

Thanks again Rowdy
Yep - It is time for the right side overhaul! Glad to be dealing with this right by your side - I am not even thinking about my back - trying to avoid that totally - the OS can see defiinite arthritis on the lower back - UGHHH we are twins for sure. Fix one thing and another breaks - Hey - but we should be having a ripping good time next summer when all this is over with.

I have been reading on the hip stuff and then the OS was awesome with his description. If he does the microfracture it would mean 6 weeks on crutches - but I can still head back to work. My kids are great help. Talked with the boss (principal) today. He said go for it - no worries if the wardrobe malfunctions hang in till next spring (hahahaha). Into sweats and comfy clothes - kinda look like a PE teacher - the knee is still really swollen byt the end of the day and Jeans would litterally cut off my circulation by lunch. As far as teaching on meds - his only comment was that I need to learn to share!!! Already have the school librarian ready to drive my kid to school if I can't for some reason! What a great crew I work with.

You are all the best support a person could have. You will be stuck with my wordy posts till spring! Thanks for listening. I am so happy to be getting this fixed. I never knew there was a problem and am actually relieved that I have only had to deal with it for a few months. He can't believe the left side doesn't hurt since it is also being pinched - I guess. But we are off to the right and I am not worried - it should be a piece of cake compared to the knee. He said it will hurt - but falling down while skiing next year would hurt it more. I keep finding the more active I am getting with the new and improved and finally bending knee the more my hip is killing me. Today I discovered flat card table chairs suck - Inservice was a pain. We swapped to a different room with much better chairs and it improved greatly. But - now icing knee and hip - oh joy!

Anyway - Gotta think positive thoughts about getting back to my treadmill, the gym, my 9 year old , the dogs and the mountain for hiking and skiing!

Josephine - no worries - I am not going anywhere!

Rowdy, Rick and Gretchen - Thanks for your awesome support - There are so many worse things that others have to deal with - All this stuff can get fixed - thanks to modern technology. I am so thankful for all the good I have experienced in life - I can sure take a year to get an overhaul and get back out there and PLAY again.

Marianne I guess that is what I did was 6 weeks on crutches. I thing it will be the same with the knee. Although I may have no weight bearing. He said I would be in a cast, but that may have been a joke!!
Yes it was at 6 weeks that I asked if I could do something. He thought I wanted to go to an aeobics class.
I came out with cross country skiing in Yosemite. I guess he figured me out then. That was after the microfracture.

Your school sounds exactly like what I had in Georgia. I can see my principle saying the same thing!!! I sure do miss them!! That is great for you.

I know you will let us know when you get a date. I see my doc next Wed. and will probably tell him to go ahead.

I thought of you today as it was a "cold" day for us in socal. Most people were bundled up and as I went to the poles I had on shorts and a Life is Good t-shirt!!

Well I am excited about the election, happy bending
Judy -
12/17 is my preop and 12/18 is the date! Not sure what time yet - but she booked it yesterday while I was there! They don't mess around. It works good with xmas break. I will work Mon and Tues that last week b4 break and take off just 3 days - then we have 2 full weeks off and I should be back at work - even if he does the microfracture- Ill just hobble! Sort of used to it.

We have already talked about the skiing on the lower mountain - I call them the bunny hills but the are the intermediate and easy runs. My little one and I play tag on them. She is so bummed about this year but stoked about next! I usually don,t fall so I think downhill will actually be safer than xcountry.

Bundled up - wow!!!! We went to vote at 7:15am and were in our sweats (yes - moved into sweats - getting a bit chilly to be prancing about in shorts!). I think it was 17 balmy degrees - we hit 7 earlier this weekend.

I guess Ms. Palin is ours to keep - sorry folks - you all don't know what you're missing - We are extremely happy to have her come back up here!

Yes - my boss is a pussycat - and this year I am really glad he is not a stickler about wardrobe!

Judy - I wonder if your date will be close to mine - Not sure how it works in the big cities. I only had a choice of 2 - December was filling up with the roll in insurance - She said he needed a 3 hour slot and it was either the 18th or the 30th. The 18th is much better with the school break. I am hoping for an early am - but will deal with whatever comes my way!

Is it ok to pm you withmore specific questions as the time grows closer??

I hate to hear about the additional surgeries but hopefully, there is an end to this.

I sit here depressed about the federal, state, and local elections, I also have two big dogs who have apparently picked up a intestinal bug. Both have bad bad diarrhea...Guess who woke up to clean up multiple messes...
Your post did give me a reason to smile as suddenly got a mental picture of me...The guy who has only seen a light snow twice in my whole life on a pair of skis going down a hill called a bunny slope and screaming.
The first and one of the 2 only times I down hill skiied were funny stories now!!
First somehow get myself to the tow rope, much explanation before I grab on. Then half way up my poles go down the slope alone. At the top I don't know what to do, some guy is yelling, just ski down the poles are really not necessary. I yell that I have only been on skiis for 5 minutes in my entire life. I don't really remember the rest.
That was with my high school ski club. I joined to go on the trip to New Hampshire!! Somehow came home with a street sign.
Next time I was up on some slope after my first crash,I found in near impossible to get up. Some very little kids skiied by and asked if they could help me. Oh no , I'm fine I say. Their next trip down they stopped again. I still refused. Well, their 3rd trip I had the group of 5 year olds help me up!!

Then I switched to cross country skiing. It went well for many years. Then 20 years off raising a housefull of kids. Went in March after the hip arthroscope, fell a lot, broke 2 ribs, probably caused more damage to the thoracic spine. But, alas I am ready to do it again!!!

Marianne, you can pm me anytime. I was thinking about doing this in Dec also. I don't think I will be able to drive with the right knee imobilized, so the 2 weeks the kids are off would help with the school transportation nightmare!!

Judy, now you've convienced me to never, ever consider getting on those suckers...One of these years, and it will have to be soon, I want to take my family somewhere there is snow. I'd love to nail him with a snowball!!

You and your family are welcome to visit me up here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. The area was named one of the first five of National Geographic Geotourism sites. We have every kind of sport you can think of downhill, cross country, snowmobiles, mountain biking, canoeing, fishing etc. It is a beautiful area and a bit closer than Alaska.

We are having an Indian summer the last few days, 58 degrees. The day before Halloween the pumpkins had white coats on them.


Good luck and hope the back holds up.


For the big dogs try pumpkin - a few heaping tablespoons! Works everytime with my mals! Not the pie stuff - the puree stuff right next to the pie junk.

Skiing up here is a blast - and I can't wait for all this to be over with - in the mean time I will be hanging out by the fire place with a nice glass of wine while my little one skis! ahhhhhh I guess I can find a silver lining!

Vermont is gorgeous - I spent several summers up around Rutland - good memories! Never skied there - my brother and his family are in NH and ski there often! We are making glorious manmade snow on our lower mountain while it snows up on top!

Elections - over finally!!!!! We have our govenor back ready to work on our gasline!!! YES!!! Employment and cheaper gas!!! She just got back here in her high heels and skirt - time to trash them Sarah and get on your jeans, uggs, fleece and NorthFace! And needless to say we are a weid state - still waiting to see if we re-elected a felon..... oh well.... still waiting on early and absentee ballots...

Hey - but no more robocalls or crazy commercials!!!! YES!

Heading to bed - icing the knee and now the hip - Hope all of you are hanging in there!

Now my wife has the intestinal bug...At least she can make it to the bathroom.

SO, Marianne, I had to go to the grocery store so I got some pumpkin puree.
Got home and opened the can...I called Zeke over and tried to give him a spoon. Didn't want anything to do with it. So, good daddy that I am, I ate the spoon of puree. Damn near threw up...
Got one spoon down him...
Wife came down stairs...I tried to give her some. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Where did you hear that", she says...
"From my friend in Alaska. She wears shorts in 15 degree weather, has a pink leg, knows yellow snow. She has three of those, uh snow dogs. Said it worked on them".
Anyway, she is now enroute to the vet with my poop producing dog.
She might just get a pumpking puree burrito for supper!!
Oh Doug - You can sure makle me giggle - your wife must 1) be a saint - to take care of you and 2) think alaskan women are crazy.
Sorry Zeke didn't like the pumpkin - my 3 (husky and malamutes) LOVE it and it really works great. They sit like good pups and wait to take it by the spoonful. Sometimes Ill make puppy cookies that use it or plop some on their food! If zeke is picky he probably wouldn't like the other new tidbit - pineapple chunks! My mals love to playhockey with -ummmm ..... excrement.... then snack on it. Pineapple chunks make it unappetizing for some reason - Way cheaper than the pills and powder. Both the pumpkin and the pineapple have come from DOG FANCY magazine and that Its Me or the Dog show.

I hope bith your wife and the pup feel better soon. My kid had that Sunday night and I have no voice and swollen tonsils tonight. Man it stinks - I haven't had a cold since b4 the tkr. UGHHHH ANyway - Whole body is achy - so what else is new!!!

By the way - I never eat what I feed the pups - I can't stand pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes (yes my pups love them too) or pineapple. YUCK!!!! Give your wife a big hug and when she feels better take her out to dinner ! She deserves it for eating that pumpkin. My husband accused me of cooking and baking more for the pups than for him. Then he ate a pumpkin whole wheat dog cookie and barked. Hmmm I think he had a point!

Hope all are well out there. Tomorrow is Friday and it cant get here to AK fast enough!

I once made dog bone shaped cookies for people who were dog sitting for me. They thought they were dog treats and fed them all to the dogs!!!!
Happy Friday
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