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12 weeks review

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junior member
Apr 27, 2009
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I saw my OS today and he is pleased with my progress. My range of movement is good for this stage post op, and he is impressed at how I am mobilising. He reminded me that younger patients often take a little longer to recover overall and that I should not expect too much too soon!! He has lifted my restrictions and advised me to go swimming, use a stationary bike, and cross trainer. He said to not `test` my new hip, not that I would!! It is too precious now to risk.
I am still having back pain and some groin and outer hip pain. He said this was normal for this stage post op and with my anatomy(dysplasia). I am seeing him again in 3 months to review things and discuss further about my PAO for my other hip.
I can arrange my return to work now too.
Well congradulations sounds like you are on track..........Dont over work yourself, you have come to far. Sounds like you are getting the other hip down ? I am a knee person so I dont know what PAO is. Bit still sounds like you are doing great. Thanks for sharing......keep up the good work.....keep us posted........Kim
Hi Kim
Sorry to use abbreviations!!
A PAO is periacetabular osteotomy (phew thats a mouth full!!) It is surgery to realign dysplastic (underdeveloped) hips by cutting the pelvis/hip socket part and re attaching it in correct position. For me it could prevent another THR ?osteoarthritis in unoperated hip.
Oh no thats fine...Oh wow I hate for you to have to go thru that. I guess if it stops a THR then yeah seems like the thing to do. Sorry you have to go thru all of that. You have been thru alot already, just be careful at work. Alot of people dont understand. Keep on doing what are you doing it is working...Please let us know how work turns out !!!!!!! Take it easy. You sound like a strong person.........Kim
Well, another milestone and well done you! It's nice to hear thing like this.
Nikki, so happy to hear the good news! Way to go!! It feels so good when the doc actually SAYS things are going well and lifts restrictions.
Milestone accomplished! :yrk:
nikki i'm so proud of you. that is fantastic. i cant wait to be there. why do younger people take longer?:thmb::flwr:
:wahey:hi everyone
Thanks for yor messages. You are all fantastic. It is really good to receive all this lovely positive support!!
I am feeling really positive about the future, despite needing surgery for other hip. Hey, if it goes as well as this , there`ll be no stopping me!!
I think younger people take longer as, for me muscle tone had wasted a lot over past years, and need to repair to higher level of activity. Also uncemented hips take a bit longer to `bed in`. Not really sure if any other reasons, maybe Josephine could elaborate further??:sct:
I think its important to hear good outcomes and I have found this site great for hearing a balanced view of this procedure.
Hi Nikki,

Congratulations on your successful recovery so far. I'm two months behind you so it's good to hear the positive outcome. Good luck on your return to work.
:wahey:hi everyone
Thanks for yor messages. You are all fantastic. It is really good to receive all this lovely positive support!!
I am feeling really positive about the future, despite needing surgery for other hip. Hey, if it goes as well as this , there`ll be no stopping me!!
I think younger people take longer as, for me muscle tone had wasted a lot over past years, and need to repair to higher level of activity. Also uncemented hips take a bit longer to `bed in`. Not really sure if any other reasons, maybe Josephine could elaborate further??:sct:
I think its important to hear good outcomes and I have found this site great for hearing a balanced view of this procedure.
you are so right. there is a balanced view. alot of positive reassurance and i'm so glad you can be here for the pre's like me
Great news, Nikki! Had to smile when reading that your OS told you not to 'test' your new hip . . . mine told me (at 5 weeks) to go "use & abuse it." Proves once again that not only are we all different, our surgeons are too!

One would expect youth would be boon to recovery, not a bane, but once again, I think so many factors affect our healing rate, you can't make generalizations. At the very least, the longer you've had problems before THR (congenital conditions vs osteoarthritis, e.g.). would have a major impact.

At any rate, really pleased for you and WITH you! :thmb:
Such good news Nikki! :wow: Doesn't it seem that 12 weeks was so far away 12 weeks ago? Now it seems like it flew by. I'm right behind you by a week and even though we still have the aches and pains of recovery it is such a vast improvement over what we once had.
I have had my physio appointment today and he found a leg length discrepancy of just over 1 cm. He said it could be a contributory factor to my back pain, and will think about a raiser in my shoe if the treatment he has planned does not resolve my pains. He seemed very knowledgable and did a thorough assessment.
I have spoken to my boss and discussed returning to work, the week commencing 1st June. Wow, all this waiting for past 12 weeks and now my life is getting going again!!
Im so happy for you Nikki. Just dont over due it when you go back. Still take care of yourself....Let us know how it is after returning......Take care.......Kim
Nikki, sounds like you have a great therapist there!!! Good luck, hon!
I think younger people take longer as, for me muscle tone had wasted a lot over past years, and need to repair to higher level of activity. Also uncemented hips take a bit longer to `bed in`. Not really sure if any other reasons, maybe Josephine could elaborate further??

Of course, there is a 'bedding in' period for uncemented hips where the cemented one are solid from day one. And it has been reported that younger patients have a slightly longer, little harder recovery for this very reason. Don't know of any other reasons, Nikki.

Sound like you're doing well - good for you! :thmb:

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