12 weeks post op (struggling)

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junior member
Apr 17, 2007
Hi I'm 12 weeks post op now and at 8 weeks was doing really great , I'm now beginning to struggle - BUT not with my hip!

Since OS said I could weight bear at 8 weeks, still using both crutches for stability, I have started having neck/shoulder pain & lower back pain. GP said neck/shoulder would be coming from use of crutches (I was using them for about 6 months before op too) and as soon as I allowed to walk without them it should settle.

GP referred me for physio because she was finding it difficukt to control the pain with drugs. Physio said neck/shoulder/lower back joints were very inflamed and has done some manipulation along with ultra sound to try and help the pain; it helps a bit but isn't long lasting. The lower back suggests that I am not using the leg/hip muscles for walking properly; physio believes that I could do with some re-hab to train these leg/hip muscles and thought hydro would be a good start but needs my OS consent. He can still treat the back/neck etc but feels he could be waisting his time.

Catch 22 - I need to walk to improve the muscle strength in the leg but the shoulders & back suffer and the physio tells me to take it slowly. As far as OS was concerned at last visit his op has been succesful - so how do I convince him unless I can get the leg/hip muscles working I will not get the benefit from his op?

Has anyone else had any similar experiences, or wonder Josephine if you have any ideas?

Thanks Karen
You have my sympathies, Karen. You have the classic scenario of crutch usage! My recommendation is that you try a chiropractor. A good one can help dispel the muscle spasms you are suffering from. All the meds and exercise in the world won't do much while they are still all cramped up. Also a TENS machine would be a good non-drug method of pain control. Let me know if you need any info on those.
Thanks Josephine - I had my 12 weeks check on . OS was very pleased with the op and the bone graft looks to be healing fine. He's now happy for me to fully weight bear and to flex the hip more, so I no longer need to sit in raised chairs & use a raise for the toilet Yipeeee!!!

My OS listened (I was quite surprised) and has agreed for a course of physio (not the norm in the UK after hip surgery he added) - hopefully it'll kick start the hip/leg muscles into living & the other will settle. However he did say he thought that there might be an underlying problem in my neck and decided to organise a MRI scan for me; If this was to show a problem he would be happy to refer me to one of his colleagues (just hope it's the crutches!)

My physio had told suggested trying alternative therapies & massage, he gave me a TENS m/c too but not having any luck with it so far; I'll give anything a go that might help the pain - I have had Reiki in the past so thought I'd try that again, I'll let you know how I get on. I've often wondered how safe Chiropractice is, particularily if you are unsure of any underlying problems?

Just goes to show the ups and down of us post op patients - one minute sailing through and the next someone closes a door right in front of you! Got to be patient I know, but when the OS said 3-5 months off work I took it at 3! (should have known better)

Thanks again Karen
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