Had my 12 week check last night and don't need to go back now till next June when it will be 1 year post op.
He is very pleased with me, and was most impressed when I said I could cut my toenails on my operated side :D.....anyway, he has now said I can ride a "real" bike, get in and out of a swimming pool, sleep without a pillow between my knees etc, etc
He said my gait is absolutely fine, and that my leg length is spot on - so that is good. I asked about aches that I get in my back after walking for a long time, he feels that is due to wear and tear in my lower spine which I was aware of, and not down to the hip - but that it could also be be my body realigning itself after a long time of leaning to one side.
My incision area is fine as well, I did mention that it still sometimes feels sore inside but was told that was quite normal and could continue for a while yet.
So all in all, a very positive experience! Plus I have had a great week so far, my hubby has been off work this week and we have gone walking a lot - probably about 3-4 miles in one go - and despite feeling tired and having the muscle ache in my back, I felt great - long may it all continue...
Back to work on Tuesday next week, mornings only for the first week then gradually build back up to full time over the next 4 weeks. I am quite looking forward to it despite having got used to being at home, but sadly needs must and if I stay at home much longer my brain will get even more mushy than it normally is, lol.
My little grandson is blossoming and is so lovely, he is keeping his mum up a lot at night though. Trouble is he is a very alert and awake baby - doesn't want to sleep between feeds so needs either lots of cuddles or enetrtaining....but I can step in and do the cuddling bit when required -- except in the middle of the night, lol.
I hope that everyone else is doing really well and has enjoyed the summer. xxx
He is very pleased with me, and was most impressed when I said I could cut my toenails on my operated side :D.....anyway, he has now said I can ride a "real" bike, get in and out of a swimming pool, sleep without a pillow between my knees etc, etc
He said my gait is absolutely fine, and that my leg length is spot on - so that is good. I asked about aches that I get in my back after walking for a long time, he feels that is due to wear and tear in my lower spine which I was aware of, and not down to the hip - but that it could also be be my body realigning itself after a long time of leaning to one side.
My incision area is fine as well, I did mention that it still sometimes feels sore inside but was told that was quite normal and could continue for a while yet.
So all in all, a very positive experience! Plus I have had a great week so far, my hubby has been off work this week and we have gone walking a lot - probably about 3-4 miles in one go - and despite feeling tired and having the muscle ache in my back, I felt great - long may it all continue...
Back to work on Tuesday next week, mornings only for the first week then gradually build back up to full time over the next 4 weeks. I am quite looking forward to it despite having got used to being at home, but sadly needs must and if I stay at home much longer my brain will get even more mushy than it normally is, lol.
My little grandson is blossoming and is so lovely, he is keeping his mum up a lot at night though. Trouble is he is a very alert and awake baby - doesn't want to sleep between feeds so needs either lots of cuddles or enetrtaining....but I can step in and do the cuddling bit when required -- except in the middle of the night, lol.
I hope that everyone else is doing really well and has enjoyed the summer. xxx