12 weeks and kicking

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May 4, 2009
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Had my 12 week check last night and don't need to go back now till next June when it will be 1 year post op.

He is very pleased with me, and was most impressed when I said I could cut my toenails on my operated side :D.....anyway, he has now said I can ride a "real" bike, get in and out of a swimming pool, sleep without a pillow between my knees etc, etc

He said my gait is absolutely fine, and that my leg length is spot on - so that is good. I asked about aches that I get in my back after walking for a long time, he feels that is due to wear and tear in my lower spine which I was aware of, and not down to the hip - but that it could also be be my body realigning itself after a long time of leaning to one side.

My incision area is fine as well, I did mention that it still sometimes feels sore inside but was told that was quite normal and could continue for a while yet.

So all in all, a very positive experience! Plus I have had a great week so far, my hubby has been off work this week and we have gone walking a lot - probably about 3-4 miles in one go - and despite feeling tired and having the muscle ache in my back, I felt great - long may it all continue...

Back to work on Tuesday next week, mornings only for the first week then gradually build back up to full time over the next 4 weeks. I am quite looking forward to it despite having got used to being at home, but sadly needs must and if I stay at home much longer my brain will get even more mushy than it normally is, lol.

My little grandson is blossoming and is so lovely, he is keeping his mum up a lot at night though. Trouble is he is a very alert and awake baby - doesn't want to sleep between feeds so needs either lots of cuddles or enetrtaining....but I can step in and do the cuddling bit when required -- except in the middle of the night, lol.

I hope that everyone else is doing really well and has enjoyed the summer. xxx
Hey Steph we missed ya. Glad you posted.....Im am so happy you got a good report from your Dr.......Take it easy when Its different them walking around at home. Dont so to much and no ladders........AAww the baby one of mine was a sleeper the other no way.....lol.......I hope she gets some sleep soon.......Take care and post whn you can........xo....)
That's great, Steph! So good to hear people getting along so well.
Great going Steph:thmb:
I really appreciate when you "further alongs" post your achievments as it lets us "coming alongs" know where we stand on the recupe curve. I felt great when I could finally shave my legs; now I have the toenail clipping in my sights, along with the shoe tying:D, although still a little ways off.
Isn't it amazing what a change this surgery makes to our lives? Definitely worth every penny.

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Hey Stephie how are you and momma and baby we miss the updates. Hope your not working to hard......) talk soon...)
So great to hear from you, Steph! You sound like you are doing just great! Keep up the great recup and enjoy every moment with the little one! They grow oh so quickly!!! :thmb::thmb::thmb::thmb:
Hi everyone - well I have finally got time to sit down and catch up with some of the posts. It has been a very busy week. Went back to work on Tuesday and have only done mornings this week as I am on a phased in return to work. The hip has been fine, but a bit achey - I came to the conclusion that it was because I am sitting on my computer chair at work, so it is a different seating position. It is also giving me a bit of lower back ache, so when I mentioned it to my manager she said that I need to be risk assessed (joys!) and that they will buy me a special chair with the correct support. Very kind of them.

I had a really busy week last week with hubby walking me all over the place, then at the weekend we visited 2 steam rallies and a preserved railway centre. I was walking around at the shows for about 4 - 5 hours each day - so was thrilled that I could do this again after such a long time when I couldn't. Next step is to see if I can climb up into my hubby's artic unit so that we can take it to the shows again - that will be a challenge though cos it is pretty high.

William is doing well and at 4 weeks old can roll over and is smiling a lot - he is a very alert little boy. Did my first spot of babysitting on Wednesday while they went out for a meal to celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary. I had a lovely time, so nice to do the granny cuddling bit.

Well I am going to sit and read through all the posts - take care everyone
Hi, Steph! So glad to hear your life is getting back to normal and that you're enjoying that beautiful new grandson. What a thrill!
Just thought I'd attach a pic of the last X Ray I had just before my hip replacement plus one that was taken 2 months before while they gave me a steroid injection, so glad that the bad bits are all gone now :D pretty ain't they?


  • [Bonesmart.org] 12 weeks and kicking
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  • [Bonesmart.org] 12 weeks and kicking
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Hi, Squash. Welcome to BoneSmart.

We'd be interested to know your knee or hip story. If you feel like posting a bit of history or any questions or concerns you might have, feel free to start a new thread and you'll have lots of support from our members.

Glad you joined us!!
Thrilled that all is going so well for you. What is an artic unit? You have aroused my curiosity. I am presuming articulated? Is it also a vintage like the steam trains?
Ain't it grand to be able to enjoy things with hubby again? I really got to appreciate mine while I was recuping and he was tending to me; didn't think he would be capable but he sure fooled me. Took care of the upchucking without upchucking himself and never backtalked when I would have the proverbial hissy fit. "Through sickness and in health...."took on real meaning.
Being able to cuddle the grandbaby is a definite positive of this surgery. It really makes us appreciate all the good things of life that we have been denying ourselves for so long.
Keep up the fine living and do keep us posted.
Best wishes

LHR 5/28/09
RHR 7/23/09
Good going, Steph!! Welcome Squash!! Where in South Africa do you live? My husband and I visited your beautiful country and loved it!!! (:)0)
Steph, you are going like the troupers!! Keep up the good work! Little babes are gorgeous. I almost feel clucky just hearing about your little one....actually I lie, I do feel clucky!....but I've already 6 babies (thats 5 and a hip!) You realise that I had my hip done at just on 2 years from Nic's birth....all my children (except nic) were 2 years apart!

Anyway I'm diverging. You are doing just great. Im tempted to get my joggers on and go for a walk myself!

Oh and steph what is it that you take to shows....."artic unit" ?????

I fear Ive just made myself look like a total goose!
Thanks everyone. Life is just so good now :thmb:

An artic unit is what you would call a semi tractor unit I think. An articulated lorry, hubby's isn't vintage but is old by comparison to working trucks at 32 years. He bought it off a company he worked for, and they owned lots of vintage cars and trucks including a 1936 tipper that we used to do the London to Brighton classic truck run with.

Ours used to pull a 38 tonne trailer and they used to be subcontracted to Coca Cola. We now just take it to shows, it is still in the livery of the company hubby worked for. I haven't been able to climb up in it for a while as the first step is just about waist height, so this is something to aim for :D

The first of the two pics below shows it at a show a few years ago parked next to my brother in laws working unit - ours is the grey one. The second pic is of hubby's lorry that he drove for about 8 years for the same company, this is now owned by a fairground and carries some of the big rides round the country.

Sorry, having problems with loading pics, will come back later ladies.
Sorry had probs with PC, I have only managed to upload one pic - this was taken by someone else a a show we went to. This was in the days when I could ride passenger.....


  • [Bonesmart.org] 12 weeks and kicking
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Here's one of the road going vehicle hubby used to drive


  • [Bonesmart.org] 12 weeks and kicking
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Steph, you are going like the troupers!! Keep up the good work! Little babes are gorgeous. I almost feel clucky just hearing about your little one....actually I lie, I do feel clucky!....but I've already 6 babies (thats 5 and a hip!) You realise that I had my hip done at just on 2 years from Nic's birth....all my children (except nic) were 2 years apart!

Anyway I'm diverging. You are doing just great. Im tempted to get my joggers on and go for a walk myself!

Oh and steph what is it that you take to shows....."artic unit" ?????

I fear Ive just made myself look like a total goose!

Goodness Rachel, you have done very well. I just love babies too, and it is so special when it is your daughters child. Did you have hip problems for a long time?
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