new member
My wife just had total knee replacement 12 days ago. Prior to surgery, she was in a fair amount of pain with this knee several times a week but had only recently walked 10 blocks without too much consequence when her car had malfunctioned on her way to work. After surgery and continuing without visible improvement until this writing, she has lost the ability to raise her lower leg at all and says it's as if "everything is disconnected". She has two post operative exercises in particular where her present difficulties are most evident -- lying down on back with a support under the knee and trying to raise the lower leg by straightening the leg (in this exercise, she is totally unable to move her heel upward and I have been able to detect no movement/improvement in this motion at all) and also lying on her back and moving the surgery leg out to the side and then back again (She can move the leg outward to the side with tremendous effort but cannot move it back inward again). Day before yesterday, we met a gentleman at physical therapy who'd had the same surgery 3 days after my wife had hers, was older and carrying quite a bit more body weight than my wife, and he was doing remarkably better than my wife is. We're both commencing to get pretty worried. How out-of-the-ordinary is a two week post operative history such as my wife's for this surgery? Do many people wind up losing leg function following total knee replacement??