As long as you have swelling, and feel you benefit from using the ice machine, it’s fine to use it, no matter how many weeks post op you are. Always have a cloth between your skin and the cold source.
By the way, I merged your newest thread with your original recovery thread, as we prefer that members in recovery have only one thread.
This benefits you because all your information is in one place, easy to find, and maintains a nice journal for you.
This also benefits our staff, as your information is all in one place, and we often go back through your thread for previous details, so we know what you‘ve been through which helps us advise you better.
So, please keep all your posts in this thread. If you’d like a new title, let us know what you want, and we’ll change it for you.
Many members bookmark their thread in their computer browser, so they can find it when they log on.
How can I find my threads and posts?
Best wishes on your continuing recovery!