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1½ year Anniversary!

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junior member
Mar 11, 2008
United States United States
It's been a long while since I've logged in, but I wanted to report back on the success of the knee replacement surgery. I've been a NEW PERSON since my recovery! The first 6-7 weeks post-op were, of course, the toughest but I knew that I had to push hard to regain as much range of motion as possible or I would "freeze" at a point that would limit my movements. I remember shedding many tears during those painful therapy sessions. Weeks 8-10 were rough because of the withdrawal to painkillers (Norco and Vicoden), but after that my life changed forever. No more pain and no more limping. Also, goodbye to the cane! It was getting embarrassing having the 90-yr olds passing me by in the church foyer! With all my heart, I want to thank the BONESMART site for this incredible service (which I only discovered around week 3 after surgery) and the information and encouragement I received thru the site administrators and fellow members - everyone was superb! I learned so much from everyone and it was good to know some were experiencing the same issues I was....we were recovering TOGETHER. I have since recommended the site to several others who have had knee and hip replacement surgery! I encourage everyone to do the same. Again, thank you all for your input and support during a most difficult (and sometimes desperate) time in my life! Hey, I still have a second knee that may need attention some day! God bless you all and NEVER GIVE UP!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Ya know thank you for that post..When people post that are that far out its helps us sooo much. I am still kind get frustrated. And yes still rough times, but when I here your stories they really make me feel better. So you def. put a smile on my face today.... I am glad your having so much success in your recovery. I really hope mine does the same. Thank you again it really helps.....Congradulations...All the best to you....
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Thanks for the encouragement! As Kim said, it really helps to hear from someone who has gotten through the recovery and is enjoying life again. Hope "old knee" behaves for a while longer for you, but you know where to come if you do have to have TKR again.
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Like Kim, this was a post I needed to see. Some days are worse than others. Some nights, like last night, see me doing my best imitation of a ghost (i.e., walking around while everyone else in the house, including the dog, is asleep). It's always good to hear that there's still more improvement in my future in spite of the tears I shed trying to gain more range of motion. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary! is so good to hear from you!! I'm happy to know your life is going just as it should with a brand new knee. My surgery was just a couple of months after yours and I remember your posts from those recovery days.

Thanks for taking time to come back and say hello. We always love to hear from the old gang. I know it's difficult to find time, cuz you're SO BUSY!!! We also appreciate the recommendations. Word of mouth is the best way to tell people about the help and support found at BoneSmart. Check back now and then when you can!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

TKR!!!! How wonderful to hear from you! And we're so glad to hear how well you are doing. You come back when you get that other knee done, y'hear!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Your post is very encouraging. Thank you dearly. I can see there will be milestones along the way to celebrate. Enjoy life. Old Goat:wink:
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

So thrilled for you, TKR!!!! You've worked so hard to get to this point! Now enjoy the fruits of your labor!!! Keep up your fabulous progress!!! :)
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Like Kim, this was a post I needed to see. Some days are worse than others. Some nights, like last night, see me doing my best imitation of a ghost (i.e., walking around while everyone else in the house, including the dog, is asleep). It's always good to hear that there's still more improvement in my future in spite of the tears I shed trying to gain more range of motion. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

I remember those nights SS, I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't been for BS. :pzld: I made a lot of good friends here and had so much advice. Have you tried using a body pillow to get more comfy? I would lay it along my body (I sleep on my side) and draped my leg over and along it.

I also used a herbal sleep aid, Sleep MD for a while. This helped me. I also used to do some exercises or get on my exerise bike if I was up, that sometimes helped my leg feel better, after icing. I also spent many hours chatting with someone on here too having similar problems.

Hope you are sleeping tonight zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :zzz:(((HUGS))) Sue
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Great to hear from you TKR. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Let us know if you have to get your other one done. I am considering getting my 2nd done in Feb 2010. We may be there together!!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Thanks, Sue. It occurred to me today that the discomfort I was feeling last night, which was in my knee and my hips, was the result of overdoing it in the swimming pool yesterday. People keep saying your body will let you know when you've pushed too far or too fast. Obviously, that's what I did. I am going to take something tonight to help me get a good night's sleep. I won't be overdoing it in the pool any time soon either.
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary! is so good to hear from you!! I'm happy to know your life is going just as it should with a brand new knee. My surgery was just a couple of months after yours and I remember your posts from those recovery days.

Thanks for taking time to come back and say hello. We always love to hear from the old gang. I know it's difficult to find time, cuz you're SO BUSY!!! We also appreciate the recommendations. Word of mouth is the best way to tell people about the help and support found at BoneSmart. Check back now and then when you can!

Hi, Jamie! I remember you, too! You were so sweet encouraging...thanks for remembering me and writing! Take care and ttys!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

TKR!!!! How wonderful to hear from you! And we're so glad to hear how well you are doing. You come back when you get that other knee done, y'hear!

Josephine! Great to hear from you, too! Appreciate your expertise, compassion and encouragement as I limped and cried my way through recovery! Your feedback was valuable to all of us TKRs. Thanks for being there (er, here)! :)
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Ya know thank you for that post..When people post that are that far out its helps us sooo much. I am still kind get frustrated. And yes still rough times, but when I here your stories they really make me feel better. So you def. put a smile on my face today.... I am glad your having so much success in your recovery. I really hope mine does the same. Thank you again it really helps.....Congradulations...All the best to you....

Hello, Texas....glad I was able to put a smile on your face...we really need that throughout our recovery....I remember having a hard time smiling at time, but knew I had to trust the Lord to help me stay determinated to keep up my exercises. As my doctor said, "your only focus should be your recovery" and that's what I did....all day, every day. All the best to you...I'm sure you'll be looking back on this some day and feeling mighty proud of yourself! Take care.
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Thanks for the encouragement! As Kim said, it really helps to hear from someone who has gotten through the recovery and is enjoying life again. Hope "old knee" behaves for a while longer for you, but you know where to come if you do have to have TKR again.

Hi, glad you wrote and I'm just now catching up with all the posts! Hope you are doing much better today and going forward...yes, there is a bright light at the end of that recovery tunnel...with the Lord's help you'll make it!
Blessings to you, too.
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Like Kim, this was a post I needed to see. Some days are worse than others. Some nights, like last night, see me doing my best imitation of a ghost (i.e., walking around while everyone else in the house, including the dog, is asleep). It's always good to hear that there's still more improvement in my future in spite of the tears I shed trying to gain more range of motion. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Hello, Surfsister! Wow...this brought back memories. When everyone else was doing "their thing" I was using every bit of furniture to work on range of motion, walked up and down the steps 50 times, bounced my knee on an exercise ball, and actually got quite creative. Sure is was lonely, because I was the only one doing it...but I HAD to do it. A few things that I think really helped me a lot was when I purchased a small motorized/manual foot pedal machine on eBay for about $100 so that when I was watching TV, my legs kept moving even while watching TV; when in the car, I put my leg on the dashboard and exercised it (of course, my husband was doing the driving!); I also walked around the house with 2 lb ankle weights (and even wore them walking up and down the steps). I tried to do all the exercises from therapy class as instructed. The key was to keep the knee in motion - but always to the bearable limit. Lots of ice packs, especially at night. I remember being so discouraged at times, but then I'd come across stories like Nick Vujicic of Life Without (check out YouTube- "No arms, No legs, No worries!" -- Nick Vujicic and put things in perspective for me! So, my friend....all the best to you in your recovery!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Your post is very encouraging. Thank you dearly. I can see there will be milestones along the way to celebrate. Enjoy life. Old Goat:wink:

Hi, Old Goat - gee, that's a hard one to type out....never called anyone that before (he he, to their face!) least you have a sense of humor...don't lose it! And, Hope you check out some of my other responses...may you recovery quickly and live life to the fullest again, too! God bless.
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

So thrilled for you, TKR!!!! You've worked so hard to get to this point! Now enjoy the fruits of your labor!!! Keep up your fabulous progress!!! :)

Hi, Judles...thanks for writing. All the best to you, too....hope you are doing well in your recovery! God bless and be sure to check out some of my other responses...bye for now!
Re: 1-1/2 year Anniversary!

Great to hear from you TKR. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Let us know if you have to get your other one done. I am considering getting my 2nd done in Feb 2010. We may be there together!!

Hi, Nursepair - I remember you, too! Nice hearing from in the world are you doing? Hope all is well...and wow, so you're going for #2 knee in a few months! I'm not quite ready yet...will probably tough it out until it becomes unbearable physically (and mentally - that is, when the 90 year olds pass me by in church again!). Then I'll break down and say "ok, let's do it"! Take care in the meantime and all the best to you!
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